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Messages - Toolwut

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Server Discussion / Re: Docker image
« on: December 18, 2022, 07:01:00 PM »
Cool contribution! Sounds like a good use case for docker and so I hope to use it any time soon to get some first experience with it myself.

General Development / Re: WIP Blender 2.8x MD2 Importer
« on: December 18, 2022, 06:57:43 PM »
Gave it a quick go in blender 3.4. The 'Blender 2.79 Plugins'   doesn't install there anymore but the 'Blender 2.80 Plugins' installs and import / export works smoothly. Only thing I missed was an option for skin import, but maybe that feature got lost in higher blender versions due to API changes.

General Development / Re: WIP Blender 2.8x MD2 / BSP Importer
« on: July 07, 2022, 08:24:03 AM »
Added a first, very restricted BSP loader for Blender 2.8x. Other versions are probably not supported because Blender keeps changing it's python API again and again. This probably requires changing add-ons every few months since there seems to be no compatibility between versions by design.

So this add-on can simply be installed via Edit -> Preferences, then Install... on the still zipped file attached. Afterwards activate the script in the same window. Once a map is opened, you will probably need to scale it down by a factor of 0.01 or something.

For 3D printing, you will need to solidify the outer walls as qbsp only keeps faces touching the worldspawn (not sure if this is the right terminology). So in contrast to .map files, a .bsp only contains polygon surfaces and not closed, convex brushes. For solidifying, I added a primitive shape and subtracted the map object from it. Obviously works best if the sky / walls touching the sky are all on the same xy plane. Then I used the 3D printing toolbox add-on I mentioned in a previous post here, I think it fixes some flipped normals or something. Then export as .stl and import that in the slicing program of your choice.

Let me know if you find a better approach for solidifying or if there are any bugs in the (quick and dirty) add-on! :)

General Development / Re: WIP Blender 2.8x MD2 Importer
« on: July 07, 2022, 08:12:22 AM »
Did some refactoring on the MD2 importer. Now it is a folder containing multiple python modules as compared to a single file addon as before. This separates blender-related and parser logic and allows to re-use parsers from other projects.

Also fixed loading of a custom skin path (in most cases for dp, .md2 files don't contain the name of the associated skin) which didn't work (well) on windows systems.

General Development / Re: WIP Blender 2.8x MD2 Importer
« on: March 10, 2022, 03:51:57 PM »
To extend the list of possible applications - with the 3D-Print Toolbox Add-On you can relatively easily turn imported BSP maps into a sliceable STL file :)

Edit: oops I never made a thread (nor a proper Add-on) for my BSP importer. Same still applies for MD2 models, as long as you properly solidify them if needed.

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New Map : acastiron
« on: March 10, 2022, 03:25:50 PM »
Visually, I like it a lot! Those 3D skyboxish structures look super cool and I love the yellow base. Maybe you can give the red textures a bit of glow to look similarly.

Wpoly is very high in some places, sometimes unnecessarily. Maybe someone with hint brush skills can give you more constructive advice. Since the lighting is very uniform in many places, you can reduce geometry without anyone really noticing (e.g. the part with the window-like structure). Also, while the bases and the mid area looks very cool, the darker areas like that lower part seem very grey / homogenous.

For parts like the stairs, maybe consider adding a clip brush to make it a ramp, otherwise unpredictable jumps might happen with double jump script.

Also, mechanically less skilled players might find this a very linear experience, as changing pathes most often requires speed jumps or double jumps (at least from my perspective). So depending on your desired target group, maybe add some ladders, ramps with less slope or something similar.

Also, @jitspoe, I got those lines in the console when loading the map (locally). I don't have that clip texture, yet in the past I never saw this when missing a texture.

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: New Map : 1abriko
« on: March 10, 2022, 02:45:15 PM »
Just tested this locally. I really like the flow of running around, various speedjumps one can use and how organic the brushes are made!

For the second flag I feel like it's barely visible how you are supposed to get up there. Given how uniformly the area is lit, you can't really see the slope on the left or the small ramp further away. Once you know the trick, it's not too hard. But I think this could be made more visible, by improving the lighting, changing the texture of that face or something else.

In the lower part, I think that red arc should be clipped off or you easily get stuck there, especially on the right side.

Also, that one part out there looks like a ladder, except that it's missing the required surface flag. That's counter-intuitive compared to most other maps.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / New game modes
« on: September 29, 2021, 03:14:57 PM »
It might allow for some cool custom game modes, if there would be more in-game events logged and admin commands had more influence on what happens in-game.

For example, trigger_multiple or func_buttons could automatically (or as an option) log Player, Team and targetname. Then on the other side, commands e.g. for killing a player with a certain ID or giving score to a team could be added. Maybe even a command to trigger entities from outside of the game by their targetname.

Overall, those features would empower rcon tools like DPLib and would allow for more complex logic and custom game modes that are not possible with the current entities (and don't require  being explicitly added to the game dll).

General Development / Re: WIP Blender 2.8x MD2 Importer
« on: September 29, 2021, 02:51:09 PM »
Glad it works for you now :)

Mapping / Re: Need help: Toggleable way to (de-)accelerate pong balls?
« on: September 29, 2021, 02:47:47 PM »
Yeah those round start and end triggers are already useful, so they allow for workarounds like resetting the counters in my tictactoe map. However, not needing those would mean that I don't reach the entity limit so fast and could do more fun things.

Wouldn't it be the safest then if all the lip values are increased by 2 internally? If I got it right, lip values are always relative to the position of the bmodel if it is translated once by its own length in the direction of "angle". Such a change would probably do nothing to existing maps as apparently no one ever did such high precision things, or otherwise someone would have already reported this behavior.

Also, wonder why it's called pixel instead of unit in that comment.

Mapping / Re: Flags falling through entities on round start
« on: September 06, 2021, 03:26:37 PM »
Would be another cool minor feature for the next build :)

Mapping / Re: Need help: Toggleable way to (de-)accelerate pong balls?
« on: September 06, 2021, 03:24:00 PM »
If there are any plans for another build, this would be a good update to the entities IMO. Toggling stuff like trigger_push or trigger_multiple (can only be activated once but never again as far as I saw), resetting things like target_counter, "health" "-1" or "killtarget" by the end of each round, allowing pong balls to trigger buttons and/or trigger_multiple. Would allow for some cool maps.

I'm not sure about the first two questions or how to test them. For the third, yeah it's the same for "health" "1".

Probably not worth fixing though as it could "break" other maps.

General Development / Re: WIP Blender 2.8x MD2 Importer
« on: September 06, 2021, 03:04:42 PM »
I tried both Blender 2.93 and 2.83 on windows, both should work.

After doing step 1 (installing the script) you must also install pillow (python library for image processing, required for loading pcx skins). Otherwise you get this error message, where the next lines would have said "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PIL'"

For that, please follow this reply ( You must open the blender python console as shown on the screenshot (nowadays accessible via the Scripting menu on top). For the second part of that answer, make sure to run the command prompt or windows power shell as administrator if you're on windows. In windows command prompt you might need to replace "./python" with "python.exe". Also, don't install scipy as in that reply, but install "pillow".

I hope this works for you, otherwise please ask again :)

Also ... the code has some parts of reading paths in a non-cross platform way. Might need to update this at some point.

Let me start with a new error:

PB_droptofloor: item_pballhopper startsolid at (-... ... ...) - what does this mean?

As of right now, target_spawners can only spawn entities with "default settings". That means, only item_ entities and flags. Items throw that error above, but could be used as a sort of reward: Player gets behind enemy lines / reaches a certain position and team gets more ammo / some gun spawns disappear for the enemy team. Flags could be used to simply give more points per cap the longer you wait. This is pretty limited.

It would be far better, if you could give a target_spawner keyflags of the entity to spawn. You could e.g. "toggle" trigger_pushes, reset non-resettable entities, relocate spawns. Change spawns depending on team progress (build a counter for how many players spawn and give better or worse items when the number increases). Spawn more pong balls the further you are into a match. Trigger_spawns would then suddenly be super useful and some entity features wouldn't have to be implemented directly (-> resettable entities).

Also, while typing this I got
SZ_GetSpace: overflow
WARNING: msg overflowed for ___.
Netchan_Transmit: dumped unreliable
-> target_spawners are fun :)

Mapping / Re: Flags falling through entities on round start
« on: October 23, 2020, 12:42:43 PM »
Same for slopes. When a flag or pong ball spawns on a steep ramp, it just stays there and won't slide down. But when I grab and drop it, it does.

Mapping / Flags falling through entities on round start
« on: October 23, 2020, 12:35:03 PM »
I'm conceptualizing a payload map where you would have a func_train shaped like a car or something having a flag on top. Defenders keep the attackers from grabbing the flag.

When I try to make the flag spawn on a func_train or func_wall it actually spawns on the floor. When I grab and drop it, it collides with entities as expected. When I reset it with a trigger_hurt it spawns on the floor again.

Is this a bug, or do I have to toggle some spawnflag?

« on: October 13, 2020, 03:50:45 PM »
I received much positive feedback for this map so I decided to implement tictactoe as a console game (obviously offline because there's no way to make this online):

Paste the lines below into your config.cfg (at your own risk, though any likely risk should be that it overwrites some of your cvars or aliases).

Type "tttstatus"

Start playing.

It even resets and detects if a field is already set :)

(@jitspoe apparently I can't edit the attachments of a post anymore?) Edit: Code below now prints the final field when someone won. Couldn't update the faulty screenshot.

Code won't handle ties but I'm too lazy to edit thousands of aliases (again). In case some madman actually plays it he would simply have to add another cvar that gets increased whenever a player makes his move and triggers some tie event when it's on 9 and nobody won :)


seta ul "-"
seta um "-"
seta ur "-"
seta ml "-"
seta mm "-"
seta mr "-"
seta ol "-"
seta om "-"
seta or "-"
alias tttstatus "echo _ | l m r; echo u | $ol $om $or; echo m | $ml $mm $mr; echo l | $ul $um $ur; echo; echo Player $tttturn turn. 0 places x, 1 places o.; echo Type set<coordinate of the field you want to set>, e.g. setul for upper left."
alias tttreset "seta ol -; seta om -; seta or -; seta ml -; seta mm -; seta mr -; seta ul -; seta um -; seta ur -"
seta tttturn 0
alias setul "setulx"
alias setulx "setul$tttturn; cvar_toggle tttturn; tttstatus; alias setul tttalreadyset "
alias setul0 "seta ol x; cvar_inc sw1 1; cvar_inc ss1 1;cvar_inc sndia 1;tttcheck"
alias setul1 "seta ol o; cvar_inc cw1 1; cvar_inc cs1 1;cvar_inc cndia 1;tttcheck"

alias setml "setmlx"
alias setmlx "setml$tttturn; cvar_toggle tttturn; tttstatus; alias setml tttalreadyset "
alias setml0 "seta ml x; cvar_inc sw2 1;cvar_inc ss1 1;tttcheck"
alias setml1 "seta ml o; cvar_inc cw2 1;cvar_inc cs1 1;tttcheck"

alias setll "setllx"
alias setllx "setll$tttturn; cvar_toggle tttturn; tttstatus; alias setll tttalreadyset "
alias setll0 "seta ul x; cvar_inc sw3 1;cvar_inc ss1 1;cvar_inc spdia 1;tttcheck"
alias setll1 "seta ul o; cvar_inc cw3 1;cvar_inc cs1 1;cvar_inc cpdia 1;tttcheck"

alias setum "setumx"
alias setumx "setum$tttturn; cvar_toggle tttturn; tttstatus; alias setum tttalreadyset"
alias setum0 "seta om x; cvar_inc sw1 1; cvar_inc ss2 1;tttcheck"
alias setum1 "seta om o; cvar_inc cw1 1; cvar_inc cs2 1;tttcheck"

alias setmm "setmmx"
alias setmmx "setmm$tttturn; cvar_toggle tttturn; tttstatus; alias setmm tttalreadyset "
alias setmm0 "seta mm x; cvar_inc sw2 1; cvar_inc ss2 1; cvar_inc spdia 1; cvar_inc sndia 1;tttcheck"
alias setmm1 "seta mm o; cvar_inc cw2 1; cvar_inc cs2 1; cvar_inc cpdia 1; cvar_inc cndia 1;tttcheck"

alias setlm "setlmx"
alias setlmx "setlm$tttturn; cvar_toggle tttturn; tttstatus; alias setlm tttalreadyset "
alias setlm0 "seta um x; cvar_inc sw3 1; cvar_inc ss2 1;tttcheck"
alias setlm1 "seta um o; cvar_inc cw3 1; cvar_inc cs2 1;tttcheck"

alias setur "seturx"
alias seturx "setur$tttturn; cvar_toggle tttturn; tttstatus; alias setur tttalreadyset "
alias setur0 "seta or x; cvar_inc sw1 1; cvar_inc ss3 1; cvar_inc sndia 1;tttcheck"
alias setur1 "seta or o; cvar_inc cw1 1; cvar_inc cs3 1; cvar_inc cndia 1;tttcheck"

alias setmr "setmrx"
alias setmrx "setmr$tttturn; cvar_toggle tttturn; tttstatus; alias setmr tttalreadyset "
alias setmr0 "seta mr x; cvar_inc sw2 1; cvar_inc ss3 1;tttcheck"
alias setmr1 "seta mr o; cvar_inc cw2 1; cvar_inc cs3 1;tttcheck"

alias setlr "setlrx"
alias setlrx "setlr$tttturn; cvar_toggle tttturn; tttstatus; alias setlr tttalreadyset "
alias setlr0 "seta ur x; cvar_inc sw3 1; cvar_inc ss3 1; cvar_inc sndia 1;tttcheck"
alias setlr1 "seta ur o; cvar_inc cw3 1; cvar_inc cs3 1; cvar_inc cndia 1;tttcheck"

alias tttalreadyset echo This field is already set!;
alias tttaliasreset "alias setul setulx; alias setml setmlx; alias setll setllx; alias setum setumx; alias setmm setmmx; alias setlm setlmx; alias setur seturx; alias setmr setmrx; alias setlr setlrx"
seta cw1 0
seta cw2 0
seta cw3 0
seta cs1 0
seta cs2 0
seta cs3 0
seta cpdia 0
seta cndia 0
seta sw1 0
seta sw2 0
seta sw3 0
seta ss1 0
seta ss2 0
seta ss3 0
seta spdia 0
seta sndia 0
alias tttcheck "tttwin$cw1;wait;tttwin$cw2;wait;tttwin$cw3;wait;tttwin$cs1;wait;tttwin$cs2;wait;tttwin$cs3;wait;tttwin$cpdia;wait;tttwin$cndia;wait;tttwin$sw1;wait;tttwin$sw2;wait;tttwin$sw3;wait;tttwin$ss1;wait;tttwin$ss2;wait;tttwin$ss3;wait;tttwin$spdia;wait;tttwin$sndia"
alias tttwin0 ""
alias tttwin1 ""
alias tttwin2 ""
alias tttwin3 "tttstatus;echo -----------------;echo;echo Player $tttturn wins!;echo;tttreset;tttcountreset;tttaliasreset;echo -----------------"
alias tttcountreset "seta cw1 0; seta cw2 0; seta cw3 0; seta cs1 0; seta cs2 0; seta cs3 0; seta cpdia 0; seta cndia 0; seta sw1 0; seta sw2 0; seta sw3 0; seta ss1 0; seta ss2 0; seta ss3 0; seta spdia 0; seta sndia 0"

Beta / In-Progress Maps / Re: Inprogress: tictactoe_a1
« on: October 13, 2020, 11:26:01 AM »
Glad you like it. 4D chess coming soon.

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