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Something I stumbled across while procrastinating, it made my ears prick up in a funny way

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / sPec playing dp early january
« on: December 28, 2019, 05:52:36 PM »
Will be around, on either on 3rd or the 4th day of the roaring 20s (january), hopefully with omni, fluke, JMR and stomper(?) if they can make it . would anyone like to schedule a match? xoxoooxxxoxox

Paintball 2 Discussion / documentary style videos of DP2
« on: December 10, 2017, 04:09:08 PM »
Hey, I had this idea of making short factual story videos of interesting stories from digital paint history. I'm sure there have been some fantastic rivalries and stories and I don't want them to be forgotten.

The videos would be in the style of Jon Bois' 'Pretty Good' series on Youtube (I would highly recommend watching his stuff).

Can anyone think of cool stories? Please suggest some.

I'm sure with all the demos and forums out there, there is plenty of content to cover

Thanks, just an idea,

P.S. first episode: origins of digital paintball? wasn't there some drama there with Jitspoe and Calrathan and the other original devs who split into two development teams? I think I read that somewhere...

Today I played a 2v2, on one map I played particularly well:
I controlled the map well
Got picks on mid before rushing with my team mate to grab
Let my team mate grab before I killed the last player
Went back quickly to defend when 2v1 to stop the other team grabbing

But one player in particular on the other team started accusing me of camping. In the past he even said he wouldn't play me anymore.

What on earth is wrong with my playstyle on this map? I want you (zenit and other players on this forum) to honestly look at this demo and tell me what I did wrong. You will probably say I camp worse on other maps and matches, then why did you get triggered so much on this match. I play the same way every match.

Please tell me what I did wrong zenit and stop telling people to play the way you want them to.


It's the most infuriating thing in the world imo.
P.S. server should be called "crack on crack".

This (terrible) server, named "shazam33 @Bazis" is a shazam33 24/7 server with a elim time 1 second.

Before I moan more about the server, here is a spawning bug I discovered:

As you can see, the player spawns in the same place 22/23 times, allowing me to line that spot and kill him over and over.
The number of spawns on this map is 20 in total, 10 per side.
It is clear that the probability of spawning in that spawn point was not 1/20=0.05. I want to know what is going on here? Why did the game decide to spawn him there so many times in a row and if it was on a loop, why did he suddenly stop spawning there after 22 times, was it because he said something in the game chat?

From this thread:
I believe thats actually more complicated, with server choosing spawn without enemies nearby. But i'm not a expert in this matter.
So you can at least theoretically determine where you will spawn. Also as paintball cannot be fully random (actually C++ has pretty bad pseudo-random generator) it is therefore possible to predict what server will choose next. But it's all beyond simple choose.
Payl might be on to something. Since discovering the first loop spawn, I discovered another one, and it seems that the player will almost always spawn in the furthest away spawn provided that no other enemy players influence the system.

If correct, this can have big influences on the way respawn caps are played. i.e. to make the enemy respawn as far away from your base as possible so you have some speed advantage in capping.

Spawns are random, controlled on the server side.
This is incorrect.

Also, apart from the fact that this server is an ultra speed server which I don't agree with- it gives the game no flow, the time limit is 999 mins and the fraglimit is also high. Therefore there is no objective play and just spawnkilling. If the spawn system is broken at a respawn time of 1s, this server shouldn't exist.

Furthermore, the balls have a weird characteristic of curving upwards. At long distances if you shoot a ball it will land way above your crosshair instead of below your crosshair. It's like the gravity of the balls have changed but not for the players.

Please delete this server or change it's settings Bazis.

Paintball 2 Discussion / el33t trickshot by your boy MisSioN
« on: April 13, 2015, 11:28:33 AM »
Hey goats,
today i made this epic shot and FaZe and OpTic want me to join their clans now. If anyone wants to make this into a sick MLG montage i will that would be great.
My sponsers Hyper X and benq want me to say to you to subcribe to their channel.

Cheater Reports and Bans / My demo before you ask.
« on: February 14, 2015, 06:31:51 PM »
The last shot is pretty sick i guess.

Other Stuff / Any advice on CPU/ GPU?
« on: October 29, 2014, 06:39:43 PM »
I've been asking around for amd vs intel and amd vs nvidia and i just wondered what other people think.
Budget for the CPU and GPU get both for ~£200
Thinking of AMD FX 6350 and GTX 750 TI FTW.
Can this render a video, play a game on high 50-60 fps (e.g. smite), run ts3 and chrome at the same time?
Should i go intel/ amd if i want good price per performance, good multitasking and a quiet machine.
Also thinking of:
R9 270x
my friend has a watercooled R9 280x for £125
gtx 660
gtx 550 ti
do i need a better CPU if i want to use this pc for 3-4 years?

"failed to resolve login server domain. make sure nothing is blocking paintballs 2's access..." Is popping up more and more when I log in on the game. What is up with that?
I can't connect to or play paintball when this happens and it happens atleast 2 times a week and has been happening to JMR, omni, stomper and maybe other people. I usually have to wait for 30 minutes before I can log in again.
Please do something to fix your servers. I want to play this game :)

Other Stuff / Song
« on: April 13, 2014, 08:17:41 AM »
An electronic synth track I made for music coursework that I thought I would share. Feedback welcome.
p.s. those weird loud distorted bass sounds are a result of the exporter failing D:

Map Graveyard / construction
« on: January 01, 2014, 08:52:59 AM »
Happy New Year everyone! And with the new year I bring a new map, construction_b1.

Unfortunately, this map didn’t turn out how I expected, I over estimated the power of the engine and made this map too open, the r_speeds too high and subsequently the compile has failed, giving the expansion overflow error. After getting the numportals down to 9500 with detail brushes (knowing I was further increasing the lag) and experimenting with hint brushes, the compile took longer and had another expansion overflow crash.

This map was not made in the mind of how a map should be made, however it was my first map, so it has proved as a great learning tool. I thought I would release an unlit version as b1 anyway so I can redesign the structure of the map for b2 and decrease the amount of brushes used in one line of sight. This map is my entry for the sPec Mapping Contest:

An industrial themed construction site with moving cranes and skyscrapers!
Designed for 3v3 gameplay
Many jumps and speeds, the main speed being hard to pull off
Detailed aesthetics in an original theme

Variation of the CTF gamemode:
The objective of the gamemode is to score by running to the enemies base and jumping in their ‘hole’. By jumping in the enemies hole you gain 5 points for your team and get teleported back to your own base to try again. In essence you run to the enemy and sacrifice yourself for 5 points.

Current version:
Beta 1
Next beta I plan to:
Completely redesign this map to make it less open and less laggy.
Make a new name as construction is already taken.

Players are rewarded for attacking as they will find barrels in mid. There are multiple speeds using ramps. Players spawn with a low quality guns but can pick up carbines and even an automag. Players spawn with unloaded CO2 to make it harder to spawn and kill the attacker trying to score.


IMPORTANT: If textures don’t automatically download and show the unknown texture you will need to download the CTP texture pack or put it on your server:

Mapping / Gamemode help
« on: December 03, 2013, 12:56:24 PM »
Is there any way of making a normal CTF mode except the round does not end when the flag is captured OR when everybody on the team is eliminated? A CTF mode without a round end. Do not ask why I want to know this but it is quite important. I don't think setting the elim time to 0 will work. Obviously flagcapendsround will be set to false.

Mapping / PLEASE HELP me to collect research for a project!
« on: November 10, 2013, 08:59:12 AM »
Hello everyone,

This year I have been given the opportunity to gain a qualification through doing a project. I can do this project on whatever I want so, naturally, I chose Digital Paint. My project title is “To design and develop a map (level) in the first person shooter game and paintball simulator; Digital Paint Paintball 2.” I have gained permission from Jitspoe but now I need YOUR help!

To complete my research I need to gather some primary data so I would be grateful if you could spend some of your time completing a questionnaire. Ideally I need 10-20 replies. Please leave questions out of the thread but rather pm me them. Please do not troll or go off topic. This questionnaire will be done completely anonymously so none of your usernames will be recorded. Please answer the questions below in the format of the example post:

Question 1a:
What theme would interest you in a map?
A metro station/track,
A sapphire mine,
A tundra.

Please state any other themes that you think would look good and have the potential to play well in a map.

Question 1b:
Based on the theme you mentioned on question 1a,  can you name any interesting aesthetics or terrain that could be implemented on the map?
A train for the metro theme,
Blue lighting coming from the mystical sapphires in caves and waterfalls,
Jagged rocks and a rift that you can fall into and die.

Question 2a:
What game type would you like to see in a new map?

Question 2b:
Do you think ‘king of the hill’ mode and/or ‘siege’ mode are underplayed?

Question 2c:
If so would you like to see anything other than the standard ‘Capture the flag’ 1, 2, 3 or 4 flag modes in matching?

Question 3a:
Do you prefer…?
Maps with a ‘low’ route and a ‘high’ route like daylight, propaint 1and Protection ;
Maps with one unified ‘mid’ like Wobluda_fix;
Maps with one ‘mid’ but with multiple levels to it like Renoir, Shazam22 and overhang;
Maps with a ‘left’ route and a ‘right’ route and a ‘switch’ like pbcup_pforest and sabotage.


Question 3b:
What is the value of having… in a map? Do you think it is necessary?
A ‘speed jump’,
A ‘Back Door’,

Question 4:
Who is your favorite mapper?

Question 5:
What is your favorite map?

Paintball 2 Discussion / How to choose your own spawn? (if possible)
« on: September 13, 2013, 04:41:56 PM »
I'm positive I heard from an experienced player once that you could pick your own spawn. I was wondering if this was a troll of can you actually do it? The only way I can think is if you click through the spawns (when eliminated) with your trigger, however I can't see any correlation between  through spawns when in elim and the place you spawn at. Is it random or no?

Other Stuff / Quake Family Tree
« on: July 28, 2013, 05:42:31 PM »
I was just searching on the quake wiki, and found a cool quake family tree, and hey, look, paintball 2 !

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