Author Topic: target_spawners COULD be overpowered  (Read 1041 times)


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 60
target_spawners COULD be overpowered
« on: October 26, 2020, 01:55:26 PM »
Let me start with a new error:

PB_droptofloor: item_pballhopper startsolid at (-... ... ...) - what does this mean?

As of right now, target_spawners can only spawn entities with "default settings". That means, only item_ entities and flags. Items throw that error above, but could be used as a sort of reward: Player gets behind enemy lines / reaches a certain position and team gets more ammo / some gun spawns disappear for the enemy team. Flags could be used to simply give more points per cap the longer you wait. This is pretty limited.

It would be far better, if you could give a target_spawner keyflags of the entity to spawn. You could e.g. "toggle" trigger_pushes, reset non-resettable entities, relocate spawns. Change spawns depending on team progress (build a counter for how many players spawn and give better or worse items when the number increases). Spawn more pong balls the further you are into a match. Trigger_spawns would then suddenly be super useful and some entity features wouldn't have to be implemented directly (-> resettable entities).

Also, while typing this I got
SZ_GetSpace: overflow
WARNING: msg overflowed for ___.
Netchan_Transmit: dumped unreliable
-> target_spawners are fun :)


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Re: target_spawners COULD be overpowered
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2020, 04:05:08 AM »
target_spawners don't exactly play nice with the paintball2 entities.  The problem is that the entities, like hoppers, don't actually go away, so if you spawn another one, it effectively creates a whole new hopper spawner at that location.  That's also why you're getting the overflows.  Too many entities.

The startsolid message is going away.  That was a thing that removed things that were spawned inside of geometry, but it's a little too aggressive and buggy.  I've cleaned up some spawning logic recently to address some other bugs.