Digital Paint Discussion Board
Fairness Enforcement => Cheater Reports and Bans => Topic started by: Edgecrusher on April 14, 2008, 12:53:52 PM
Today we matched aT, during the match we saw weird twitches on soldiers and paras aim. they reticle went from person to person really fast, both on their teammates and to us.
If they are hacking fine, deserved ban,
If they aren't also great.
You decide:
PBcup: 18:52, 18:40, 16:38, 16:18 ->>> blaas time
We noticed it at 9:00 min. We demoed em further there.
Blaas demo -
my demo -
Pb_cup Renoir: 14:47 soldier , 13:40 soldier ==> 12:34, 11:07 soldier and so on >>> provided by sphinx.
mines are: 11:30, 10:45 Para,
19:41, 19:20, 14:05 soldier
Blaas -
Sphinx -
mine -
mhhm i saw a demo but i don`t think it`s an aimbot...the mouse sucks but not really like an aimbot
it goes left and right...but not an aimbot
2 guys with mouse problems.
I'd like that someone who's not either in q or at would post.
Picture will be much clearer than.
Edge - request their demos and see what happens.
Or, request thatthey send their demos to Jits for review if they are afraid to give away l33t gameplay skillz
They all stop recording as soon as match kick off.
That's an aimbot.
Clearly an aimbot. Looks exactly like homingbullet and wanted.
they should send demo...its better
Pretty obvious, oh well.
Lol, clearly you're just upset you lost. And that blaa dude always acusing honest people like soldier of hacking...sad.
clearly crying over that loss. you tell them mageleahsatse
GG, enjoy the bans
64 days?
Yeah, clearly an aimbot. If teh dp godZ laik olPaiD and EdgeCrush3Rz and all teh otha n44bZ say ThaT tey ch3aTz, then t3y d03z. I don't myself think that's an aimbot. I don't know if PaRa uses an aimbot cuz i don't watch what he does at all and i haven't even played dp for over two weeks so at least i'm not using one. Now teh Dp goDz, plEaSe Flame YouR litul haardZ out f0r bEingZ so Defensive. Have a nice day :)
64 days?
why? unless it's their second offense.
2nd for soldier and I think paradead was in the famous .hC. aswell. So 2nd for both.
#c0NF|Soldier, [-CoTd-]Shark^^, .a-51|Vape, krysacz
Reason: Penix wallhack, speed cheat, evading ban, creating multiple accounts
Created: 2007-09-12 13:43:32, Modified: 2007-10-11 14:32:00, Expires: 2007-12-22 14:31:16
That were 128 days for Soldier.
Sabalaba, PaRaH, Henka, Olzzey
Reason: Penix wallhack
Created: 2007-09-17 20:43:48, Modified: 2007-09-17 20:43:59, Expires: 2007-11-20 20:43:59
Days Left: Expired
If this is PaRa, then it were 64 days for him.
both of them will evade the ban
both of them will evade the ban
And what makes you think that?
Soldier and no dp does not fit into a 1 sentence
the rapper guy has a point. Unless they provide their demos, they should get 64 like the other guys who accidentally overwrote their demos. Not that it matters much since it seems like soldier is getting so many days already.
64 days?
Nah there not denying it yet..
Nah there not denying it yet..
So you have to deny it to get your ban extended. In that case it should of happened more often.
And BTW they're would be correct spelling.
So you have to deny it to get your ban extended. In that case it should of happened more often.
And BTW they're would be correct spelling.
2 can play at that game...
And BTW 'should have' would be the correct grammatical usage.
64 days are ok...
soldier + no pb = suicide? mhhmm^^
soldier + no pb = suicide?
Soldier + No lead poisoning = gewd life. :D
what's so funny? unless it's their second offense, it would be 32 days.
i'm guessing you're still upset that your buddies got banned because they REFUSED to show their demos. suck it up big boy. excrement happens, life goes on. get over it.
Looks pretty suspicious to me. Soldier and Paradead, could you post your demos, please?
As sad as it is, I honestly just don't have demo of it. I use laptop and I really don't have room for demos.
Why would you need their demos, just out of curiousity. In renoir we jumped to spec soldier as soon as we died. I used first person in pbcup since 9th minute or whatever. But you can see them twitching when other players are around pretty clearly even before.
There was 4th aT member there. Coltter. I asked him for his demos, he was obs all match. So if he can provide his demos of that match where he speced them all could be much clearer.
i dont know if coltter have the demo....
!kb PaRaDeaD xD
i think he can decide from edges demos.
good idea rocky! i think his demo is good enough
Oh great here we go again. This is going to turn out like Homing.
Except soldier and paradead hasnt denied anything.
They "Deleted their demos"
Nopes. They (or at least I) deleted theirs demos.
You deleted their demos, or your demos?
I deleted my demos.
Yeah, you deleted them after you realized this thread was made.
i dont know if coltter have the demo....
Why have u edited this post?
Firs you wrote you have seen Collters demos.
Than you edited em and wrote you don't know if he has them.
I'm guessing it has nothing to do with the matter you are all in the same clan?
P.S. Coltter please provide your demos as you said you to me that you will on Mirc.
why do you need coltters demo? u have so many demos already and i think jitspoe can make his decision
Both of these guys just have in-game mouse problems. If they cleaned their balls, they wouldn't be twitching like that......
I wouldnt clean my balls if the twitching would give me so many kills :D
as i saw the twitching didnt even get em so many kills anyway gg :)
oMGz0rZzZzZ hACkZaZzZZz IN tEH h00dZzZZz...
soldiers godlike aim is the false friend...
why do you need coltters demo? u have so many demos already and i think jitspoe can make his decision
why not ?
maybe because he speced you too,potentially we will see that you used this aimbot too.
maybe maybe maybe...
Yo guys....
U need my demo??
i dont have it anymore because i re-install my computer
yesterday and all demos was deleted and other things.
Yeah, you deleted them after you realized this thread was made.
Wrong again.
Yo guys....
U need my demo??
i dont have it anymore because i re-install my computer
yesterday and all demos was deleted and other things.
what are the odds.
what are the odds.
Oh dammit, Lock the topic, they're innocent
Its going to be funny when they get 64 days each.. if its their 1st offence
Yo guys....
U need my demo??
i dont have it anymore because i re-install my computer
yesterday and all demos was deleted and other things.
bahahaha best one so far! love you.
bahahaha best one so far! love you.
You still haven't backed up those files after I asked you for those demos and you knew what was going on.
stop crying... they didnt hack gg
Yeah it is hack...and Colter...nice joke :P
and who the **** are you?
and who the **** are you?
Apparently someone who can see a blatent aim bot.......
apparently some never heard pub player who says that everyone who kills him in pub is hacking
Rocky doesnt understand whats going on...We are NOT discussing if it is an aimbot, because we are all sure it is. We are just laughing a bit and waiting for their 32/64/128 dys ban.
or you are just mad because your clan cant beat mine? and thats why these ridicilious blames
Rocky the guys are hacking. Watch the demos. We have beat you enough times already and we are now seeing how you managed to win us once or twice....
hehe once or twice. anal sex ty
Vacation time! Thanks for playing. See ya Monday
We have beat you enough times already and we are now seeing how you managed to win us once or twice....
Lock it already. And ban them. I'm sick of all these hacks >.>
lEtZ sINg wITH 0nE v0iCE: HaCktEHpLaNETzzZzzzZ
wow qhes...u care bout our 2 players^^ do you have other hobbies then this thread?
btw knack ty for the ban never heard a joke? im sure u like to ban ppl...-.-
maybe you'll learn after a 4 day vacation....
Funny how rocky screams aimbot when homing and bullet get caught.
Then now he dont think it is.
Maybe because hes using it himself?
Lmfao. Shut up moxitus.
Funny how rocky screams aimbot when homing and bullet get caught.
Then now he dont think it is.
Maybe he just doesn't want to help Jits to ban his friends for nothing?
Yo guys....
U need my demo??
i dont have it anymore because i re-install my computer
yesterday and all demos was deleted and other things.
bahahaha best one so far! love you.
:D :D
Jits I think you should publish a book, "I didn't hack, it was...", make a killing with all the material you have.
Banning people from forums makes KnacK proud of his poor life since all he does is wait here on this forums for someone to say a "bad" word and he gets some kind of a gratification of that. No offence at all, your life, if banning people for nothing in internet makes you feel better then good for you.
You are absolutely right. All I do is wait here on the forums for someone to FLAME someone else so I can ban them - like now....
Banning people from forums makes KnacK proud of his poor life since all he does is wait here on this forums for someone to say a "bad" word and he gets some kind of a gratification of that. No offence at all, your life, if banning people for nothing in internet makes you feel better then good for you.
Tee hee hee, I sense a ban coming up... or an angry reply from knack.
Banning people from forums makes KnacK proud of his poor life since all he does is wait here on this forums for someone to say a "bad" word and he gets some kind of a gratification of that. No offence at all, your life, if banning people for nothing in internet makes you feel better then good for you.
When you get older you'll understand, not meant as a put down as im sure this is true.
lol Rocky...I am not only pub player your PRO...and everyone know that you are saying that it isnt aimbot because they are your friends...
Please see my post a page back.
Both of these guys are twitching due to dirty balls....
How dare you say that they're cheating......
Tee hee hee, I sense a ban coming up... or an angry reply from knack.
got both
Re: Possible hack: Soldier, Paradead
« Reply #64 on: April 18, 2008, 09:14:34 AM » Quote
hehe once or twice. anal sex ty
Vacation time! Thanks for playing. See ya Monday
« Last Edit: April 18, 2008, 10:10:01 AM by KnacK »
Re: Possible hack: Soldier, Paradead
« Reply #68 on: April 18, 2008, 02:55:17 PM » Quote
wow qhes...u care bout our 2 players^^ do you have other hobbies then this thread?
btw knack ty for the ban never heard a joke? im sure u like to ban ppl...-.-
maybe you'll learn after a 4 day vacation....
« Last Edit: April 18, 2008, 03:47:28 PM by KnacK »
Re: Possible hack: Soldier, Paradead
« Reply #73 on: Yesterday at 05:27:47 AM » Quote
Banning people from forums makes KnacK proud of his poor life since all he does is wait here on this forums for someone to say a "bad" word and he gets some kind of a gratification of that. No offence at all, your life, if banning people for nothing in internet makes you feel better then good for you.
You are absolutely right. All I do is wait here on the forums for someone to FLAME someone else so I can ban them - like now....
« Last Edit: Yesterday at 07:07:49 AM by KnacK »
Geeze Waleeze, look at this, 3 people getting banned from one forum post, Come on guys show some respect for the people who played this game longer then anyone.
same hsit like everytime, we (dark) just have waited for this day they got caught hacking. gj edge and the others! and respect for beeing kewl in the match, team chat rulez ;)
same hsit like everytime, we (dark) just have waited for this day they got caught hacking. gj edge and the others! and respect for beeing kewl in the match, team chat rulez ;)
when iam back you only have to wait a week and to loose 2 matches... later.
same hsit like everytime, we (dark) just have waited for this day they got caught hacking. gj edge and the others! and respect for beeing kewl in the match, team chat rulez ;)
lol mm u know nothing.
Obvious aimbot, ban them, please.
Who are you HanMontan? You just come from nowhere and say its aimbot. Lmao.
Who are you HanMontan? You just come from nowhere and say its aimbot. Lmao.
He looked in his crystal ball and see soldier installing an aimbot...
lol mm u know nothing.
Jesus christ how can you even post here idiots. It's a meddling obvious aimbot and I'll be pretty pissed if jits doesnt ban you soon.
Nice joke on the crystal ball there too.
Because I'm not an idiot, it's obvious when someone is using an aimbot, and he CLEARLY is.
wow waste your time more plz
its jits decision to ban...
Maybe we should all just stop posting here and see what happens. Arguing about it doesn't help anyone.
Maybe we should all just stop posting here and see what happens. Arguing about it doesn't help anyone.
no... keep posting its good amusement at work
Looks pretty suspicious to me. Soldier and Paradead, could you post your demos, please?
Para, maybe u should post your demo, if not, i hope jits will ban u
Its obsivious... Ban them Thanks.
PaRa i was on ur home last weekend and u showed me that demo of ur hacking that was pretty funny.
SO BAN THAT NOOB G4yA55 B1tcH F4gg0t A55h0l3
Banned for this post
Sorry viper but I don't think it's possible to post here something that I have deleted.
Sorry viper but I don't think it's possible to post here something that I have deleted.
sry for saying that, but thats your own fault.
but did you looked these demos ?
you cant say that you didnt use an aimbot
Sure I can.
THEN PROVE IT!!! You should keep your demos for a reason..
I'm a little more interested in my computer's space than proving you things. No offence.
None taken, just keep your demos next time
A small match demo isn't that big of a file that you need to delete it for space...
lol, wtf is happening here. Why are you even asking him for demos? They are meddling hacking look at the demos. jesus
This thread brings endless enjoyment.
I hope you guys get quadruple the ban time for deleting your demos.
Should be double what their times would be, that is, only if he bases it off the homing/silver case.
This thread brings endless enjoyment.
A small match demo isn't that big of a file that you need to delete it for space...
How about a hundred? Thousand? Yea, I see your point. I definitely should have known that this time some wacky kid decides to say I am hacking.
Actually his computer space is 30GB and it's like full all the time so no space for some paintball demos.
30GB? even I with my veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery old computer have got 80GB
how should is his comp?
Well, it's not a good computer and it's a laptop.
"Excuses are like butt-holes. Everyone has them and they all stink."
'My demos were lost in luggage at terminal 5!'
"Excuses are like butt-holes. Everyone has them and they all stink."
Other unusual cases being treated by doctors here include scabies, lockjaw and children born without rectal openings
I'll give you a tip blaa: shut up?
I can't stand people who don't follow their own advice. - Temp banned
lock the topic
Posts: 10439
Re: HomingBullet and Wanted using an Aim bot?
« Reply #141 on: March 21, 2008, 09:32:41 PM »
Well, I've given them enough time to share their demos, and they have not, so it's a 64 day ban.
Looks pretty suspicious to me. Soldier and Paradead, could you post your demos, please?
so just wait
Knack i like you... pls stop banning finish bundle of twigs's and aryan pleople. RaPe me cigarette
Umm, I think he wants you to stop banning germans and other euros for stupid small reasons.
I'm an equal opportunity banner.
lol not really ....
There are a lot of new players and forum members who are inexperienced in the banning rules. They break them, they get banned
Sorry for the hurry - the IT teacher is on my case
and ppl who didn`t broke rules and get banned
and ppl who didn`t broke rules and get banned
I'm pretty sure that people that flame are breaking the rules.
And I know that you're all gonna say that people like y00tz and KnacK flame, but hey, they're mods. If you dont like it, go away! :D