Digital Paint Discussion Board

Fairness Enforcement => Issues for Committee Review => Topic started by: Kyuuchi on February 13, 2010, 08:59:25 AM

Title: Possible Multi Accounts: Elevator, PinkyLady
Post by: Kyuuchi on February 13, 2010, 08:59:25 AM
Talking to Elevator on IRC earlier, and he wanted to create a clan and 1on1 with me.. I said ok to the 1on1, and he goes "shht dont call me elevator or I'll get banned"

So I was like, hmm suspicious, I took a screenshot of it and hopefully, he will get banned for sharing/multiple accounts. Personally, I never knew he had a "brother" but sister, yes.

[b|In]PinkyLady -
Elevator (aka. elv/on3/etc..) -
(PS: Sorry Elevator, but you shouldn't break rules :))
Title: Re: Possible Multi Accounts: Elevator, PinkyLady
Post by: MOFO on February 13, 2010, 01:21:14 PM
Yup same thing with me told me that pinky lady was his multi so he could join multiple clans at once.. but Got "DENIED"

If i could access my ventrilo chat logs i would post it but idk how.
Title: Re: Possible Multi Accounts: Elevator, PinkyLady
Post by: JUICEY on February 14, 2010, 12:28:13 PM
same ping, he strafes exactly like the other account, and acts the same.
Title: Re: Possible Multi Accounts: Elevator, PinkyLady
Post by: fasian on February 15, 2010, 04:43:27 AM
This Brazilian just doesn't learn does he.