Digital Paint Discussion Board

Digital Paint Community => Other Stuff => Topic started by: joox on March 13, 2010, 12:47:48 PM

Title: MW2 for PS3
Post by: joox on March 13, 2010, 12:47:48 PM
Does anyone play Modern Warfare 2 for Ps3?

My userid: thejoox
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: skitzo on March 13, 2010, 01:02:57 PM
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: Gold_Leader on March 13, 2010, 03:07:53 PM
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: SkaDooSh on April 26, 2010, 09:33:34 PM
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: nub on April 26, 2010, 09:53:37 PM
ps3 sucks
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: pvtjimmy on April 26, 2010, 11:12:27 PM

Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: Coltter on April 27, 2010, 06:59:58 AM
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: shinoogie on May 01, 2010, 06:26:16 PM
should i get mw2 for ps3 or 360? trying to figure who plays more on which system
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: nook on May 01, 2010, 09:57:34 PM
get both
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: shinoogie on May 03, 2010, 09:35:07 AM
cant afford both plus it would be a waste of my time to even try to get both cuz ps3 still sucks
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: joox on May 05, 2010, 01:35:34 PM
should i get mw2 for ps3 or 360? trying to figure who plays more on which system

If you go with the PS3 route you wont need to pay to play any games online it'll be free. Plus you beneift off the Blueray.
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: nook on May 15, 2010, 06:50:32 PM
Add papito2death
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: theSYNDIKATE on May 21, 2010, 11:00:26 AM
should i get mw2 for ps3 or 360? trying to figure who plays more on which system

Get it for 360, there a bunch of better players there.

But if you want it to be mostly lag-free with less skilled people, then get it on PS3.
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: battle on May 21, 2010, 12:47:34 PM
Lets not make this a debate about which is better, but shin go with PS3 because Xbox 360 has so many people glitching/modding  MW2.
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: theSYNDIKATE on May 22, 2010, 09:39:59 AM
Lets not make this a debate about which is better, but shin go with PS3 because Xbox 360 has so many people glitching/modding  MW2.

True, but PS3 also has it's share of Modders.
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: kazee on May 22, 2010, 03:05:09 PM
I've found that more people hide on xbox. not quite as bad on ps3 imo
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: MOFO on June 03, 2010, 11:48:49 PM
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: flip on June 04, 2010, 02:20:41 PM
YOu guys are way behind the power curve. This game is dead. Black ops is coming though. Any of you on 360 add me. k1ngn3wb. My 5 yr old has probably been playing longer than most of you. He's always looking for new friends to play with.
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: Shazam on July 10, 2010, 03:54:01 PM

i dnt care what you say cause i wont be back so i wont see it . but i need publicity.
its my mates account but we both made it.
and the game isnt dead black ops will be garbage.

So this is considered spam then. No difference from a bot.
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: CheMiCal on July 10, 2010, 07:35:41 PM
Get it for 360, there a bunch of better players there.

But if you want it to be mostly lag-free with less skilled people, then get it on PS3.

ok for one less skilled people? kid i would beat you 20-0, and i am pretty sure that ps3 has just as much "skilled" players if not more then xbox you fool. xbox just got a crap load of little 10 year olds, i had one once and hated it, xbox freezes constantly.
you will find the odd decent play in mw2 for xbox, this syndicate kid really must just be a pub star he see's a decent play and is like OMG ADDED. if you wana see skill got to ps3/queerbox GB/mw2/teamladders and you will see poeple with lots of skill. kid is just some BK random in a pub using an LMG thinking he's good. LMFAO to what u said about modders. on ps3 you will find maybe 1 modder in  a year of playing but on xbox 1 million users get banned hmm?
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: kazee on July 10, 2010, 07:58:08 PM
vanity shhh u sux.
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: Gold_Leader on July 10, 2010, 11:34:09 PM
You both sux.  Shhh. We all know I'm the best.
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: CheMiCal on July 10, 2010, 11:57:25 PM
1v1 kazee??????? loloolololololllllllllllllllloooooooooooollllllllllllllllllllllllll 1v1 gold~!!~!~ once i play again
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: Wrekd on July 14, 2010, 04:02:53 AM
Add shwayze
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: lukethefalcon on August 21, 2010, 04:23:52 AM
i had mw2, on my ps3, but i selled it for money because of too many noobs on it.
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: coLa on August 23, 2010, 12:21:51 PM
ps3 > mexbox hands down no arguments


Add me, so I can beat you, then delete you off my friends list. 99.99% are not worthy of being there.
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: flip on August 23, 2010, 11:20:06 PM
i had mw2, on my ps3, but i selled it for money because of too many noobs on it.

ps3 > mexbox hands down no arguments


Wow. He was right.
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: coLa on August 24, 2010, 11:21:45 AM
OH darn..

ps3 has better players hands down.

xbox has all the 5yr old kids.
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: coLa on August 25, 2010, 05:28:44 PM
Someone got a bit upset. :\

[06:04] <CheMiCaL> lmfao you suck at mw2.
[06:05] <coLa> LMFAO
[06:05] <coLa> L
[06:05] <coLa> M
[06:05] <coLa> F
[06:05] <coLa> A
[06:05] <coLa> O
[06:05] <coLa> Who are you, kid?
[06:05] <CheMiCaL> 1.21
[06:05] <coLa> I'm not the only one that plays on my console, Einstein
[06:05] <CheMiCaL> i bet
[06:05] <coLa> You would lose
[06:06] <CheMiCaL> i would 20-0 you
[06:06] <CheMiCaL> sniping and guns
[06:06] <coLa> That's an acheivement?
[06:06] <CheMiCaL> shows that you're trash
[06:06] <coLa> grow some pube hair, then come speak to me
[06:06] <CheMiCaL> kiss a girl
[06:06] <CheMiCaL> then call me
[06:06] <coLa> glad my life revolves around me
[06:06] <CheMiCaL> wait.....
[06:07] <coLa> I kiss my wife everyday
[06:07] <coLa> Sorry
[06:07] <CheMiCaL> you said 99.99% aren't worthy on your freidns list
[06:07] <CheMiCaL> but your not worth on anyones
[06:07] <coLa> Harsh bro
[06:07] <coLa> Making me cry
[06:08] <CheMiCaL> 1.21 you should sell mw2 and buy battlefireld
[06:08] <CheMiCaL> field*
[06:08] <coLa> Oh yeah
[06:08] <coLa> I'll mention it to my 5year old nephew
[06:08] <CheMiCaL> baghahaa
[06:08] <CheMiCaL> kekekekekekeke
[06:08] <coLa> har har har
[06:08] <CheMiCaL> bullexcrement
[06:08] <coLa> Ok
[06:08] <coLa> Ripley's dawg, Ripley's
[06:09] <CheMiCaL> we'll see
[06:09] <CheMiCaL> after this tourney match tonight
[06:09] <CheMiCaL> i'll go on
[06:09] <CheMiCaL> and 20-0 you
[06:09] <CheMiCaL> i bet you use scar
[06:09] <CheMiCaL> i'll beat you using a fal
[06:09] <CheMiCaL> FAL
[06:10] <coLa> BET
[06:10] <coLa> BET
[06:10] <CheMiCaL> actually i'll use a handgun
[06:10] <coLa> Black entertainment television
[06:10] <CheMiCaL> i beat summit using a usp
[06:10] <coLa> Cool story bro
[06:10] <coLa> Riveting tale chap
[06:10] <CheMiCaL> and same with you
[06:10] <coLa> I'll 30-1 knifes dawg
[06:10] <CheMiCaL> don't say you're good when you're not
[06:10] <coLa> your one kill will be while I run to take a piss
[06:11] <CheMiCaL> LOOOOOOOOL
[06:11] <coLa> Bromosexual
[06:11] <CheMiCaL> we'll see
[06:11] <CheMiCaL> thats why our GB team was 47-0 right
[06:11] <coLa> And I care?
[06:11] <coLa> You bench warmed
[06:11] <coLa> Brag more
[06:12] <CheMiCaL> ahahah
[06:12] <coLa> Juice box boy
[06:12] <CheMiCaL> u wana bet
[06:12] <CheMiCaL> i usally carry
[06:13] <coLa> Carry 5 gallon jugs of water
[06:13] <CheMiCaL> nah
[06:13] <coLa> Adam Sandler
[06:13] <CheMiCaL> the obj guys usally are neg
[06:13] <CheMiCaL> i'm the rusher
[06:13] <coLa> You mean bait
[06:13] <coLa> recon
[06:13] <CheMiCaL> marathon light wight ninja
[06:13] <CheMiCaL> up silenced
[06:14] <CheMiCaL> i bet you use scavenger hardline and commando
[06:14] <coLa> cool story
[06:14] <coLa> neg
[06:14] <coLa> nice try though
[06:14] <CheMiCaL> you cant even get a UAV
[06:14] <coLa> quit harshing me bro
[06:14] <CheMiCaL> lol
[06:14] <CheMiCaL> can't wait
[06:14] <coLa> for?
[06:14] <CheMiCaL> 20-0
[06:14] <coLa> have a box of tissues handy
[06:14] <coLa> I do it rough
[06:15] <CheMiCaL> i'll spawn kill you
[06:15] <coLa> Cool
[06:15] <CheMiCaL> you'll be raging
[06:15] <coLa> Nah
[06:15] <coLa> I don't rage over video games
[06:15] <coLa> Got me confused
[06:15] <CheMiCaL> i'll get my capture card
[06:15] <CheMiCaL> and record it
[06:15] <coLa> Awesome
[06:15] <CheMiCaL> raging nub getting sapen killed
[06:15] <CheMiCaL> ahahahahah
[06:16] <coLa> darn sun
[06:16] <CheMiCaL> get @ me
[06:16] <coLa> uMAD
[06:16] <CheMiCaL> evidently
[06:16] <coLa> uMAD
[06:16] <CheMiCaL> evidently
[06:16] <coLa> uMAD
[06:16] <CheMiCaL> evidently
[06:16] <coLa> uMAD
[06:16] <coLa> uMAD
[06:16] <coLa> uMAD
[06:16] <coLa> uMAD
[06:16] <CheMiCaL> get @ me
[06:16] <coLa> uMAD
[06:16] <coLa> uMAD
[06:16] <coLa> uMAD
[06:16] <CheMiCaL> ahaha
[06:16] <CheMiCaL> LMFAO 1.21
[06:17] <coLa> All you'll see [uMAD]nub_scrub knifed you
[06:17] <CheMiCaL> u wont even get 1 kill
[06:17] <coLa> You wanna play the 1.21, I'll keep my nephew up passed bedtime
[06:17] <CheMiCaL> well if you're so good how come you can't bring it up?
[06:18] <CheMiCaL> ooooooooo
[06:18] <CheMiCaL> caught ya there
[06:18] <coLa> Neg
[06:18] <coLa> I don't play anymore
[06:18] <coLa> Einstein
[06:18] <CheMiCaL> ugh
[06:18] <coLa> Nor do I care about a KDr
[06:18] <CheMiCaL> me either its just
[06:18] <CheMiCaL> 1.21?
[06:18] <coLa> I play to rage kids like yourself
[06:18] <coLa> Yup
[06:18] <CheMiCaL> i don't get mad
[06:19] <CheMiCaL> i wlways win
[06:19] <coLa> You're mad right now
[06:19] <CheMiCaL> always
[06:19] <CheMiCaL> proof?
[06:19] <coLa> Scroll up
[06:20] <coLa> I'll be on in a bit if you want to "get @ me"
[06:20] <coLa> playa
[06:20] <CheMiCaL> dp league match yo
[06:20] <CheMiCaL> 30 mins
[06:20] <coLa> I care?
[06:20] <CheMiCaL> in 30 mins
[06:20] <CheMiCaL> stay on
[06:20] <CheMiCaL> like all night
[06:21] <coLa> Like you'll play anyways
[06:21] <coLa> Water boy
[06:21] <CheMiCaL> lol
[06:21] <CheMiCaL> 32days isnt alot?
[06:21] <CheMiCaL> 45k kills to 25k deaths aint bad
[06:21] <coLa> Never enough
[06:21] <CheMiCaL> 10th prestige yo
[06:22] <coLa> 28 days was all knife kills
[06:22] <CheMiCaL> GoML
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: CheMiCal on August 25, 2010, 07:25:37 PM
ahaha upset my ass just pointing out the fact i'm way better then you, just becuase you go like 30-5 in a public match dosn't mean you're good. and i bet you haven't gotten near that lmfao. kids kdr is 1.21....
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: Justinph5 on August 25, 2010, 07:41:42 PM
ahaha upset my ass just pointing out the fact i'm way better then you...
Young goat, you pointed it out in your first pm, then when cola keeps saying he doesn't care, you still try to talk smack to him.  You are upset.
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: Spook on August 25, 2010, 09:46:12 PM


I laughed, thanks for the real cola.
Title: Re: MW2 for PS3
Post by: coLa on August 26, 2010, 11:02:51 AM
ahaha upset my ass just pointing out the fact i'm way better then you, just becuase you go like 30-5 in a public match dosn't mean you're good. and i bet you haven't gotten near that lmfao. kids kdr is 1.21....

Nor does a KDr dictate proper skill (especially since I'm not the only one that plays on my console). Noobie kid. get@me. I go 30-0 knifing, kid. That's all this game is about. Marathon, Lightweight, Commando.

Besides, I didn't PM harrass you. uMAD, nuff sed.

Spook: You know I keep it real. :]]