Digital Paint Discussion Board
Digital Paint Community => Clans, Matches, and Tournaments => Topic started by: SkaDooSh on January 23, 2011, 07:16:18 PM
Well, I've had this idea for a few months, but have been too busy to post it. It's just what the title says, Adopt A Newbie! This will be a thread dedicated to getting newer players involved into the matching/clan scene.
I figure clans who would like to help out with this project can post here, as well as any newer players looking for a clan/training. If every active clan took on one newbie, that would start growing the scene. If you are really up for a challenge, you may take 2 newbies on. We'll see how the turnout is.
Due to language barriers, time zones, etc. I will be assigning newbies to clans that are fit for them.
So if you are a leader of a clan or a new player to this game, fill out an app and I'll try to match you with the best clan/newbie for you.
If you're clan dies, or changes, post here letting me know. If you decide you don't want to help the newbie anymore, I also need to know to re-assign them.
I am now requiring clan leaders and newbies that partake in this program to use IRC.
I do have an IRC channel made for this, it is #newbie_adoption
Newbie Application
Main Game Name:
How long you have been playing:
Time Zone/Country:
Language Spoken:
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes):
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?:
Clan Application (A leader must fill out)
Clan name and tag:
Majority of players in clan's country:
Language Spoken:
IRC Channel?:
Do you require use of voice recon? If so which program?:
Teamspeak 3:
IRC Guide:
If you're going to flame/post unneeded comments, don't.
Clans willing to take in newbies:
Tri Force [Tri^Force]
Insignia [iSi]
Newbies currently in training:
btw - [iSi]
Ohm - [iSi]
VitalFusion - .vF|
Canada/USA - Preferably east coast
Yes, #team_vF
Yes, Ventrilo
We'd be willing to take 2 new players.
will this mean team x will be active again or are you just putting an idea out there just like myers does with all of his lame ass topics?
If you're going to flame/post unneeded comments, don't.
Good idea! Once my internet is fixed I'll take up someone as well
a very good clan
I hope I don't insult anyone by saying this, but in your position I would reconsider Skadoosh's offer to get you a good clan. I suggest to look for a clan that is at least using mIrc, so you also get to know the rest of the community.
Clan name and tag: Inner_Sanctum
Majority of players in clan's country: America
Language Spoken: English
Do you require use of IRC?: Yes.
Do you require use of voice recon? If so which program?: Highly recommended. Ventrilo
EDIT: +1 for this idea.
Main Game Name: btw
How long you have been playing: week
Time Zone/Country: eastern/ usa
Language Spoken: English
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): have mic.
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: yes.
Clan name and tag: Insignia , [iSi]
Majority of players in clan's country: England (but global clan now)
Language Spoken: English
Do you require use of IRC?: Yes
Do you require use of voice recon? If so which program?: Not as such, but it would be preferable (TS3 or Skype)
Sorry for the delay, I was out of the country.
Added Insignia to the list.
Thanks for the reply btw, I will contact you in a personal message to set you up with your new clan :)
Mr.Irish, I just searched your clan name and clan tag, none of which showed results and nor did your name. So either you're a really new player yourself who just plays in public servers with a unregistered tag infront of your name, OR you're trolling the thread. So either you should be the one getting adopted or you don't belong in this thread.
Main Game Name: Ohm
How long you have been playing: 2 weeks
Time Zone/Country:GMT+2
Language Spoken: english
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): yes
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: yes
i've learned how to strafe..and my aim isn't that bad
but i would like to play more and get better:)
Main Game Name: Ohm
How long you have been playing: 2 weeks
Time Zone/Country:GMT+2
Language Spoken: english
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): yes
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: yes
i've learned how to strafe..and my aim isn't that bad
but i would like to play more and get better:)
i'm in Ukraine now...
Clan name and tag: Famous [F]
Majority of players in clan's country: USA
Language Spoken:English
Do you require use of IRC?:Yes (Willing to help you set it up)
Do you require use of voice recon? If so which program?: Ventrilo
Added. So far we have 2 newbies set up in clans. I want to thank you all for your willingness to help. I will be in contact with you as soon as we get some more people looking for help. Feel free to advertise this thread to new players.
yah just give me as many kids as you want. im bored lol
[CC] just recently kicked a newbie out, and is looking for another one.
i want enter to your clan nick : Depesak
Please fill out a newbie application from my first post.
skadoosh help him lmfao
well he applied for m3rk and we took him in
Clan name and tag: Tri^Force [Tri^Force]
Majority of players in clan's country: American
Language Spoken: English and w/e Haze speaks
Do you require use of IRC?: Yes
Do you require use of voice recon? If so which program?: Ventrillo
still looking to adopt a legit newbie... :)
Feel free to spread word of this thread to the public servers.
To clean this up for you,
M3Rk died
Famous died
8th Wonder Trainees died
---- Also, you should talk to an admin to remove every post that isn't a legit application so this doesn't get 3 pages long. (obviously my post included in that).
Clan name and tag: [Retro-Name] [Retro-Honer]
Majority of players in clan's country: American
Do you require use of IRC?: No
Do you require use of voice recon? If so which program?: no
Our clan isnt the best clan but we just like to match and keep it going
Newbie application
been playing for 2 years out of America and this is my first time ever using the forums
Do you require use of IRC?: No
Do you require use of voice recon? If so which program?: no
How does your clan keep in touch if you don't use IRC or voice chat?
We use it but it's not required some members use Vent I dont i use Mirc to find a match or get servers i use it to its minimum
(1) If you don't require one or the other (or even xfire or aim/yahoo/msn/gtalk/icq/etc), I don't see how you can have much consistent interaction outside the game, and that's what makes a clan.
(2) In case you aren't aware, mIRC is just one of the many programs that allow you to access IRC servers. IRC is the name of the technology, and mIRC is just one way to use it.
(3) You "use it to its minimum"? Is there any reason you don't use it more? I mean, IRC is where the clan scene is at, and if you're not there, you won't be taken seriously. (Well, I should rephrase; even some that are on IRC aren't taken seriously. ;D )
Paint.clown/Honer, you have filled out both a newbie application as well as a clan willing to help application. Which were you looking to take part of?
If you were applying as a newbie, I don't think you meet the criteria. 2 years is more experienced than what this program is looking for.
As for the clan, I'm sorry but we are looking to set newbies up with more stable teams. I am only judging by your clan's creation date. Also this is more about teaching, not finding people a simple clan.
I'm not sure why I have the option about using IRC, because I want any and all of the people participating in this program to use it. It is crucial for the serious matching scene and community.
If you were applying as a newbie, I don't think you meet the criteria. 2 years is more experienced than what this program is looking for.
Wouldn't matching clans prefer that? Somebody who already understands strafing and shooting, just isn't that great at it. So then it's helping them improve and teaching them how to match etc.. (since most of the matching scene players don't have the time to actually teach somebody how to strafe, and those are the people who can truly help people). And looking at his player ID, he hasn't played 2 years. (This is by no means saying to change how you're doing it, but it's still adopting a newbie whether he's a bit of a longer playing newbie or not).
I suppose he could be an acceptable newbie (providing he answer the rest of the newbie questions on the application). The problem is where do I draw the line at where a player is not right for this program? I can't treat everyone as a newbie, as you might have seen the joke posts of older, experienced players in this thread.
What about making this program a little bit more "legit". Getting it more advertised or maybe make a section for it (whether in forums or making an actual page for it, or something of the kind). Many people don't check the forums and this might be taken as a joke. If this had it's own sub-forum or page maybe Rico and a couple other people could Admin it by themselves
(Feel free to delete this post if you clean up the thread)
I suppose he could be an acceptable newbie (providing he answer the rest of the newbie questions on the application). The problem is where do I draw the line at where a player is not right for this program? I can't treat everyone as a newbie, as you might have seen the joke posts of older, experienced players in this thread.
Why deny anyone? There are different clans at different skill levels. This would be a great place to sign individuals up for teams regardless of skill levels. I've been playing for a looooooong time and still consider myself a newbie compared to most of the matching scene. I have bounced around and learned stuff from an assortment of players over the years. Just hanging out with the current members of College Court has helped me a bit. Sunday night I pubbed with audio and darkness for quite awhile. I spent this time just watching different jumps and techniques they use. It helps.
+1 for idias' idea.
What about making this program a little bit more "legit". Getting it more advertised or maybe make a section for it (whether in forums or making an actual page for it, or something of the kind). Many people don't check the forums and this might be taken as a joke. If this had it's own sub-forum or page maybe Rico and a couple other people could Admin it by themselves
(Feel free to delete this post if you clean up the thread)
There should be a new section on the main page for newbs. How about a link to that page on the Terms of Agreement page. We could be guides here to be readily available to the new players.
Which type of newbies? ??? Newbie with thats names are newbie or newbies with or normal newbies?
I mean newbies thats names are newbie or normal newbies, sorry i made a mistake! D:
Newbie Application
Main Game Name: newbie5150 (Black N in newbie)
How long you have been playing:3 days but ive learned alot.. (bunny hop other jumps etc)
Time Zone/Country: Florida , Eastern
Language Spoken:English
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes):Tes
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?:Don't have it but ill use it .
I mean newbies thats names are newbie or normal newbies, sorry i made a mistake! D:
you can edit your posts
I have nothing. Nothing, but good thing this place is still open
Newbie Application
Main Game Name: Keiji
How long you have been playing: environ 10h
Time Zone/Country: Paris/France
Language Spoken: français
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): oui j'ai un micro
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: je n'ai pas IRC mais prés a l'utiliser
This died along time ago. JUUUUUST a heads up.
He can still fill out a newbie application...
Main Game Name: mbswag
How long you have been playing: 3 months
Time Zone/Country: Eastern US
Language Spoken:English
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): no
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: yes
Double Newbie Application
Main Game Name: Painted & Idias_
How long you have been playing: A bit over a year
Time Zone/Country: GMT-1/Portugal
Language Spoken: Portuguese and English
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): Yeah we got all that crap.
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: 24/7 online.
we know who idias is, why are you putting his name on here.
Double Newbie Application
How long you have been playing: A bit over a year
wtf, i had 1y break and u played 247 before for about 1,5y :D
i need some training but i am in a clan but i stink at pb2 it is g clan called truth
Main Game Name:.Truth.c2o (i use nothin else)
How long you have been playing:2 years
Time Zone/Country:england
Language Spoken:english
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes):have mic
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use :have irc
Clan Application (A leader must fill out)
Clan name and tag:living a lie,.liE|
Majority of players in clan's country:england
Language Spoken:english
IRC Channel?:#.lie|
Do you require use of voice recon? If so which program?:no
Main Game Name: comp52
How long you have been playing:5 days
Time Zone/Country: Eastern US
Language Spoken:English
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): no
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: no, unable to use.
Main Game Name: CCQuickstep
How long you have been playing: 1 day
Time Zone/Country: Eastern, U.S.A
Language Spoken: English
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): No I am not able to get one
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: No, I am not able to download
Main Game Name: ccquickstep
How long you have been playing: 1 week
Time Zone/Country: Eastern Time/ US
Language Spoken: English
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): Nope
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: I am not able
Any way I can be adopted into a clan? Thanks in advance!
How long you have been playing: 1 day
How long you have been playing: 1 week
Confusing, to say the least. No need to double post, someone who's interested will take you in eventually.
Main Game Name: moped
How long you have been playing: 1 week
Time Zone/Country: Eastern, U.S.A
Language Spoken: English
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): No
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: No
I'm not the average newbie I have gaming experience in many games such as urban terror, crossfire, counterstrike and ive played alittle bit of quake planet.
I notice quite the amount of people are not willing to get a microphone or mIRC. For a new player to gain more experience and become better I strongly suggest to get both. IRC is important for finding matches or locating players who are not in game. A microphone is also important for recon purposes for matching. Having voice recon is a great advantage for your team if the other team has to type.
I notice quite the amount of people are not willing to get a microphone or mIRC. For a new player to gain more experience and become better I strongly suggest to get both. IRC is important for finding matches or locating players who are not in game.
Can people just use this (
Update: I joined with TGT
if you have ts3 myers and I welcome you to join the dr34m team where youll be taught how to play dp like a pro and have fun xoxo its just a videogame x
I appreciate the offer but I've been working with JMR and my game play has greatly improved.
Main Game Name:
How long you have been playing:
About 1 year and 6 months (1.5 years).
Time Zone/Country:
USA (East)
Language Spoken:
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes):
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?:
Would using the IRC client on the "chat" page on the DP website work?
How long you have been playing:
About 1 year and 30 months.
Is that too long?
edit: Oops, I meant 6 months.
Jealous ^JeL*
yes, #jealous,
Main Game Name: erney
How long you have been playing: 1 1/2 year
Time Zone/Country: CET/Germany
Language Spoken: german, english, russian
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): have mic and ts
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: yep
She Said She Was Level 18 - [18a] is recruiting soldiers for the paintfield. only thing u gotta do is have ts3 with a working mic.
I would like to adopt bigfatchemical.
Main Game Name(s):
LaZeRs, DirtyDan
How Long I Have Been Playing:
Since January 2013 (8 months)
Time Zone/Country:
USA (Pacific - California)
Languages Spoken:
Primarily English (basics of Spanish are almost down)
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one?
Yes, but it may be a little hard to understand me because of how bad my mic is ;D.
Do you have IRC/willing to download and use?
No, and no. But I have TeamSpeak3 and Skype. (PM me for my skype)
Main Game Name(s):
TRION, TRI-EON,<blank>.
How Long I Have Been Playing:
Since December 2011(1 year 8 months)
Time Zone/Country:
India (+5.30)
Languages Spoken:
English,Hindi,Sanskrit & Punjabi
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one?
Do you have IRC/willing to download and use?
Punjabi is my favourite language :)
Puncha puncha
puncha is no word in punjabi LOL!!!! :V
Punjabi is my favourite language :)
Puncha puncha
LF newbies, irc me, need ts3 + engrish pls
or tell me here
Main Game Name: Kovay
How long you have been playing: One day
Time Zone/Country: Northwest U.S.A
Language Spoken:English (Hoping to learn German)
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): No/No =(
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: No/Yes
If you're not willing to get a microphone then i don't think anyone will recruit you.
Clan Name: -:[T1o]:- Tier One Ops
Country: United States
Language: English
IRC Channel: None at the moment.
Voice chat: Yes, Skype
Main Game Name: Payl
How long you have been playing: um, 5+ years, can't remember.
Time Zone/Country: Poland +2 UTC
Language Spoken: English, Polish
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): yes
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: yes
EDIT: Myers, you should write in this topic too, maybe some clan will invite such newb as you.
In-game name: FusSioN (you can call me fussion)
How long you have been playing: 5 years + 1 year break
Country: Philippines
Language: English, Spanish, Filipino
Do you have a microphone/willingto get one? (For voice recon purposes): Yes, but you might now understand me
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: Yes. I barely use TS3.
l| Liquid Nitrogen ( |l
Clan Tag: |-210|
Majority of Players Are In: Australia / Philippines Area
Language Spoken: Mostly English
IRC Channel: #Liquid_Nitrogen (I think it's been deleted, but if we get it back, that's what it is called)
Do we require the use of voice recon? No, but we recommend it.
If so, what program? Either TeamSpeak3
l| Gaseous Nitrogen ( |l
Clan Tag: |-196|
Majority of Players Are In: America / Philippines
Language Spoken: Mostly English
IRC Channel: #Liquid_Nitrogen (I think it's been deleted, but if we get it back, that's what it's called)
Do we require the use of voice recon? No, but we recommend it.
If so, what program? Either TeamSpeak3
IRC doesn't use voice recon, its a chat thing. Its ok tho, ik u aren't familiar with it.
IRC doesn't use voice recon, its a chat thing. Its ok tho, ik u aren't familiar with it.
TFTI, Mr. IRC Guy.
Ich erlaubs mir mal - aufgrund der Zielgruppe - diesen Beitrag in Deutsch zu verfassen. :D
Clan Name and Tag: >ng< // The New Generation
Vorherrschende Nationalität(en) innerhalb des Clans: Deutsch, (Österreich, Schweiz)
Sprache: Definitiv Deutsch
IRC Channel?: -
Teamspeak3 wird genutzt und vorrausgesetzt, IP:
Sonstige Anforderungen: Netter Umgangston (!!!) sowohl innerhalb des Clans, als auch nach außen hin! Desweiteren solltet ihr aktiv, älter als 13-14 Jahre, der deutschen Sprache mächtig und lernbereit sein. :)
Wir suchen keine egoistischen Spieler, sondern Leute die bereit sind im Team zu spielen.
Was können wir euch bieten?
-Eine lustige und aktive Community, die nicht nach 3 Wochen wieder zerschlagen ist
-Mehrmals wöchentliches Training (Wir sind nicht die besten, keine Frage. Aber einige von uns spielen/matchen schon mehrere Jahre aktiv, daher sind wir durchaus in der Lage euch einiges beizubringen! :)
-An vertrauenswürdige Member: Logins auf unseren Servern
-Wir bringen euch in die "Matchscene" ein
Du fühlst dich angesprochen? Dann schau doch einfach mal in unseren Teamspeak rein! Ip:
Wir sehen uns! :)
Main Game Name: Idias
How long you have been playing: Far too long
Time Zone/Country: Mid-atlantic? Not sure if I'm euro or NA...
Language Spoken: Portuguese/English n' spanish if any mexicans wanna adopt me (@ Senix)
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): Yup.
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: Fo shizzle.
Waiting on MyeRs to adopt me to start playing again.
Main game nick : c0mpleX
How long you have been playing : since 09 had 2 years of break time.
Time zone/ country : Europe, Bosnia
Yes mic
Main Game Name:<Union>
How long you have been playing:3 yrs ish
Time Zone/Country:west coast
Language Spoken: english
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): yes
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: yes
Newbie Application
Main Game Name: {F*CK}GOOKY
How long you have been playing: 2 weeks
Time Zone/Country: GMT +1 (Slovenia)
Language Spoken: English
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): Yes
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: Yes
Main Game Name: TGminer
How long you have been playing: ~1 month
Time Zone/Country: EST/USA
Language Spoken:English
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): yes
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: yes
I use Ventrilo for voice chat.
Main Game Name: Goaty
How long you have been playing: 6-7 months
Time Zone/Country: CST/Canada
Language Spoken: English
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): Mic broke, so I'd have to get a new one.
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: Yes
Main Game Name: Flak3
How long you have been playing: 1 month
Time Zone/Country: UTC/Brazil
Language Spoken: Portuguese
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): I have a good Mic
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: no but I'm willing to download and use
But I played many years ago and now I'm back, I'm good at the game but not so much