Digital Paint Discussion Board
Digital Paint Community => Clans, Matches, and Tournaments => Topic started by: Aveiro on June 28, 2011, 04:57:07 AM
AimCompleX is here!
I see that you're more active on forums than before your ban.
The only and true aimcomplex
Are people really that attached to this game that they have to get super active on forums after being banned for hacking? You hacked so you either didn't care about the game, or really wanted to be considered good. Either way, move on.
If we're making clans named after videos imma make a clan called "Digital Paintball 2 - Chalk ". Tag: <CHALK3
No reason to attack him for being more active on the forums.
No reason to attack him for being more active on the forums.
He's being more active to troll, not to do anything constructive.
Are people really that attached to this game that they have to get super active on forums after being banned for hacking? You hacked so you either didn't care about the game, or really wanted to be considered good. Either way, move on.
for hacking? :D ehm. u think for texture pack?
This is ->
<- only true aimcomplex.