Digital Paint Discussion Board

Fairness Enforcement => Cheater Reports and Bans => Topic started by: jitspoe on August 14, 2006, 02:14:07 PM

Title: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: jitspoe on August 14, 2006, 02:14:07 PM
Names used: ˆ9[®eˆªRˆ9®]JÉGÓˆªAˆ9×, [.eR.]Jigsaw
Dates: 2006-08-11 15:35:43 EDT, 2006-08-11 16:13:09 EDT, 2006-08-11 18:25:38 EDT, 2006-08-11 19:35:53 EDT, 2006-08-11 20:00:55 EDT, 2006-08-11 20:28:49 EDT
Cheat: Wallhack (CS variant)

He must have a big lawn.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: SkateR on August 14, 2006, 02:19:57 PM
Lmfao man..that is a lot of dates bahaa
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: toM|vendettA on August 14, 2006, 02:20:46 PM

But, hahaha, another hacker gets busssted.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: coLa on August 14, 2006, 02:24:34 PM
and another one bites the dust
 you should up the punishment seeing as how noone cares about the month ban
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: jitspoe on August 14, 2006, 02:25:35 PM

dude idk..i was outside cutting grass for like 2 hours and when i got back..i was banned..then i came on here and i saw my ip address on the list of a person that i dont even know..and he could have stole my ip and used it..ppl do that u know
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: MaDMaN on August 14, 2006, 02:27:34 PM
lmfao wow, haha
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: dagget on August 14, 2006, 02:27:54 PM
well u see. i bought an airplane ticket flew to spyderfox13's house, downloaded a hack on his computer, used it, deleted it, ran away. i was very stealth.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: TinMan on August 14, 2006, 02:29:42 PM
Dagget, don't copy me.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Spook on August 14, 2006, 02:34:44 PM
tinmans was more detailed anyways but he left out the dog part he can explain that if he wants to
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: JiGSaW on August 14, 2006, 02:35:09 PM
I can't even say anything to that one.  See you guys in 1 month.

I didn't even know that you could get banned for hacking in servers you make vs acebots?   ???
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: SkateR on August 14, 2006, 02:37:28 PM


So you have 3 completely different ip's for your own server? lmfao
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: JiGSaW on August 14, 2006, 02:38:02 PM
Real mature kid.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: SkateR on August 14, 2006, 02:38:47 PM
Proved wrong, kid.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Spook on August 14, 2006, 02:39:21 PM
those are gt servers but one looks like his own server
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Fyre on August 14, 2006, 02:39:49 PM


So you have 3 completely different ip's for your own server? lmfao
Not to mention they're the GT server IPs..
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: JiGSaW on August 14, 2006, 02:41:00 PM
Okay, for 1. Did I say I didn't use them on public servers?  No, stop assuming I didn't.  2. I admitted it, i'm not making up exuses, i'm accepting my ban.  K THX.

I get to have my life back now and not playing this game every moment of my life like I usually do.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Fyre on August 14, 2006, 02:46:33 PM
Okay, for 1. Did I say I didn't use them on public servers?  No, stop assuming I didn't.
No, you didn't admit you used them in public servers. You said you used them on your own server. Please, when your ban is up, do not come back.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Moe_Lester on August 14, 2006, 02:47:04 PM
So thats y u wanted to join .Ij. so u can hack and make are name even worse.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Spook on August 14, 2006, 02:48:51 PM
too funny the .eR. Ij feud is coming to an end .eR. wins they had more hackers than Ij
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Fyre on August 14, 2006, 02:49:43 PM
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Razr on August 14, 2006, 02:50:51 PM
and another one bites the dust
Way to steal my line...
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Spook on August 14, 2006, 02:51:51 PM
haha i read that and thought it was you but it wasnt and i was like RAZRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR's gonna PMS!
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: coLa on August 14, 2006, 02:52:22 PM
So thats y u wanted to join .Ij. so u can hack and make are name even worse.

your name already sux you went from HM someone got caught hacking changed your name to Ij 2 more people got caught wats your new name gonna be? and how many people are gonna get caught this time?
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: JiGSaW on August 14, 2006, 02:53:03 PM
Okay, for 1. Did I say I didn't use them on public servers?  No, stop assuming I didn't.
No, you didn't admit you used them in public servers. You said you used them on your own server. Please, when your ban is up, do not come back.
Please, when you drink the bleach I send you, tell me how it tastes.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: coLa on August 14, 2006, 02:53:55 PM
i think u can be temp banned for a post like that way to go dood
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: JiGSaW on August 14, 2006, 02:54:26 PM
I know that.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Fyre on August 14, 2006, 02:54:35 PM
Terrorist threats are a bannable offence.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Spook on August 14, 2006, 02:55:53 PM
ok jits beware...
if you see a kid with a bomb strapped to his chest its gonna be someone youve banned, and most likley theyre mad
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Moe_Lester on August 14, 2006, 03:09:11 PM
eR was never are friend
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: BooMeR on August 14, 2006, 03:11:34 PM
why is it that all the 12 year olds get caught hacking? they still sucked even when they did wallhack, it's pretty funny.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: JiGSaW on August 14, 2006, 03:11:45 PM
Moe I thought you said you were 17, you type like HellHound.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Spook on August 14, 2006, 03:15:25 PM
..... the feud continues
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Lunatic on August 14, 2006, 03:16:00 PM
User temp banned for this post.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: jitspoe on August 14, 2006, 03:49:50 PM
I can't even say anything to that one.  See you guys in 1 month.

I didn't even know that you could get banned for hacking in servers you make vs acebots?   ???
If you're using the cheat I think you are, it replaces the opengl dll in your system directory and can remain active even if you aren't intentionally using it.  If you have an oldogl32.dll file in your windows/system32 directory, delete opengl32.dll and rename oldogl32.dll to opengl32.dll.  I'd recommend removing all traces of any cheats so you don't get detected again when your ban is lifted.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Waggot on August 14, 2006, 04:23:05 PM
tisk tisk
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: lekky on August 14, 2006, 05:04:27 PM
so funny.

Dude owns in pub.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: JiGSaW on August 14, 2006, 05:41:51 PM
Yeah, the cheat wouldn't turn off completely in cs:s, you're right Jit.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Raoul_Duke on August 15, 2006, 08:32:35 AM
jigsaw.....u are just as pathetic as hellhound. i hope u realize how bad ur gonna suck now that u dont have ur hack. guess u gotta go back to being the s#itty player u always were. god i cant stand ppl who talk all kinda shiat when they are lookin at ppl thru walls and stuff. WHEN WILL PEOPLE REALIZE THEYRE ONLY CHEATIN THEMSELVES! god i hate these noobs CHEATING SUCKS ALMOST AS MUCH AS U!!!!
if his ban could only be permanent...
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Smokey on August 15, 2006, 10:55:27 AM
wish you made sense..
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Rogue on August 15, 2006, 12:26:36 PM
i dont know if its just me but i didnt understand a thing he just said
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: JiGSaW on August 15, 2006, 01:02:17 PM
jigsaw.....u are just as pathetic as hellhound. i hope u realize how bad ur gonna suck now that u dont have ur hack. guess u gotta go back to being the s#itty player u always were. god i cant stand ppl who talk all kinda shiat when they are lookin at ppl thru walls and stuff. WHEN WILL PEOPLE REALIZE THEYRE ONLY CHEATIN THEMSELVES! god i hate these noobs CHEATING SUCKS ALMOST AS MUCH AS U!!!!
if his ban could only be permanent...

When my bans lifted, 1v1 me bud.  Please, so I can shut you the hell up without my leet hacks.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Spook on August 15, 2006, 01:14:24 PM
raoul starts alot of sh*t just leave him be
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: JiGSaW on August 15, 2006, 01:30:31 PM
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Smokey on August 15, 2006, 01:49:05 PM
jigsaw is worse, he hacked.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Spook on August 15, 2006, 03:44:03 PM
hackers are above noobs he start sh*t they cant finish in my book...
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: JiGSaW on August 15, 2006, 03:58:52 PM
Spook you didn't make sense, I think you meant to say hackers are below noobs.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Rogue on August 15, 2006, 04:26:14 PM
no way man hackers suck but n00bs that suck even worse and start stupid shyt are worse
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Spook on August 15, 2006, 04:44:59 PM
nope id take a hacker over a noob who cant play well but thinks hes good anyways
Title: _
Post by: Dirty_Taco on August 15, 2006, 04:51:20 PM
Post removed
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: lekky on August 15, 2006, 05:06:52 PM
how about noobs who are hackers. I believe this is a more appropriate tag given the latest findings.
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Sprinkle on August 15, 2006, 10:17:48 PM
DT hacks, he told me while we cuddled in his bed.  He needs to be banned for 60 days.

And speaking of anti-climatic.. everyone, please don't harrass DT about his.. uh.. physical problems.
Thank god I had that sheep suit in my trunk!
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Fyre on August 16, 2006, 12:01:38 PM
lmao, right when spinks said anti-climatic i knew where this was heading..:D
Title: Re: [.eR.]Jigsaw
Post by: Smokey on September 03, 2006, 11:58:22 PM

ehh tried to hit f12 in console, excrement.