Digital Paint Discussion Board

Fairness Enforcement => Cheater Reports and Bans => Topic started by: jitspoe on August 30, 2006, 06:16:39 PM

Title: zaltekk
Post by: jitspoe on August 30, 2006, 06:16:39 PM
Name: zaltekk
Reason: Creating and distributing cheats

Edit: For the record, if you do come across a copy of zaltekk's cheat, don't use it.  If you've already used it, delete it and wipe your config file.  I may not be able to detect if you're actively using the cheat, but I can detect if it has been used, and I'll be releasing a server-side update to report it.  You have been warned.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: toM|vendettA on August 30, 2006, 06:26:46 PM

[18:56 PM] <zaltekk> k
zaltekk is * zaltekk
zaltekk on #paintball @#GCB
zaltekk using MD.EnterTheGame.Com Provided By 5G Hosting -
zaltekk has been idle 0secs, signed on Tue Aug 29 09:50:54
zaltekk End of /WHOIS list.
[18:57 PM] <toM|vendettA> can you send me it??
[18:57 PM] <zaltekk> you don't need hax =]
[18:57 PM] <toM|vendettA> i already have 3
[18:57 PM] <toM|vendettA> i dont play with them
[18:57 PM] <toM|vendettA> i just wanna see the newest one
[18:57 PM] <zaltekk> ok.
[18:58 PM] <zaltekk> send me your 3 hacks, and I'll send you this one
[18:58 PM] <zaltekk> =]
[18:58 PM] <toM|vendettA> um i'll send you one first and then you send me yours then i send the other two.
[18:58 PM] <toM|vendettA> lol
[18:58 PM] <toM|vendettA> actually
[18:58 PM] <toM|vendettA> i'll send the dl to one
[18:58 PM] <toM|vendettA> the dll to one
[18:58 PM] <toM|vendettA> and thne i'l send the launcher after
[18:58 PM] <zaltekk> the one I have is worth more.
[18:58 PM] <toM|vendettA> you dont even know if it works
[18:58 PM] <toM|vendettA>
[18:59 PM] <zaltekk> it works.
[18:59 PM] <toM|vendettA> it could be just a meun
[18:59 PM] <zaltekk> broken link
[18:59 PM] <toM|vendettA> let me see =]
[18:59 PM] <zaltekk> I tested
[18:59 PM] <zaltekk> it works
[18:59 PM] <toM|vendettA>
[18:59 PM] <toM|vendettA> send me the dl link but save the delete link
[19:01 PM] <zaltekk> aren't you suppose to send me something stuff first? =]
[19:01 PM] <zaltekk> I have a tinyurl to it
[19:02 PM] <toM|vendettA> i have to zip it up
[19:02 PM] <toM|vendettA> after this match i will
[19:02 PM] <toM|vendettA> have yours ready.
[19:02 PM] <toM|vendettA> even though i hardly trust you
[19:02 PM] <zaltekk> all 3.
[19:02 PM] <zaltekk> ok
[19:02 PM] <zaltekk> you will trust me afterwards then
[19:07 PM] <zaltekk> ...
[19:07 PM] <toM|vendettA> im mat ching give me a min
[19:07 PM] <zaltekk> k
[19:10 PM] <toM|vendettA> do upload.arena-zone
[19:10 PM] <toM|vendettA> i dont trust tinyurl =]
[19:11 PM] <zaltekk> whats wrong with tinyurl
[19:20 PM] <toM|vendettA> cause it could be
[19:20 PM] <toM|vendettA> do zaltekk
[19:21 PM] <zaltekk> nevermind then.
[19:21 PM] <toM|vendettA> lol
[19:21 PM] <toM|vendettA> i was right.
[19:21 PM] <zaltekk> about?
[19:21 PM] <toM|vendettA> that it would be something other than the link :P
[19:21 PM] <toM|vendettA> i dont trust tinyurl
[19:21 PM] <zaltekk> it is the link. but you don't seem to want it
[19:21 PM] <toM|vendettA> you can make into
[19:22 PM] <zaltekk> ok
[19:22 PM] <zaltekk> would you die?
[19:22 PM] <zaltekk> no. kthx.
[19:22 PM] <toM|vendettA> i want it but not if its in
[19:22 PM] <zaltekk> it is a tinyurl
[19:22 PM] <zaltekk> thats all I've got
[19:22 PM] <toM|vendettA> lol
[19:22 PM] <toM|vendettA> go to the tinyurl then see what it redirects you too..
[19:22 PM] <zaltekk> the download window pops up
[19:22 PM] <zaltekk> when you go to it
[19:22 PM] <toM|vendettA> well whats it say.
[19:23 PM] <toM|vendettA> send me the tinyurl first than.
[19:26 PM] <zaltekk> but I want your hacks =[
[19:26 PM] <zaltekk> they interest me
[19:28 PM] <zaltekk> I could put it on my site
[19:28 PM] <zaltekk> and just remove it afterwards
[19:29 PM] <zaltekk> but my upload sucks so it might take like 5 minutes to put up
[19:29 PM] <zaltekk> I don't know how big it is
[19:29 PM] <zaltekk> err.380KB
[19:29 PM] <zaltekk> not too bad
[19:29 PM] <toM|vendettA>
[19:29 PM] <toM|vendettA> *censad.*
[19:29 PM] <toM|vendettA> You have requested a page or object that was not found on the server. This may be the result of a typo or broken link.
[19:29 PM] <toM|vendettA> is that u
[19:30 PM] <zaltekk> both blank pages
[19:30 PM] <zaltekk> actually the second is an error
[19:32 PM] <zaltekk> ok I'm tried of waiting now
[19:32 PM] <zaltekk> *censad link* is the location
[19:41 PM] <zaltekk> ...
[19:41 PM] <toM|vendettA> its not working
[19:41 PM] <zaltekk> what isn't?
[19:41 PM] <toM|vendettA> the wallhakc
[19:42 PM] <zaltekk> which one
[19:42 PM] <toM|vendettA> zgh-dp
[19:42 PM] <zaltekk> which wallhack
[19:42 PM] <zaltekk> there are two
[19:42 PM] <toM|vendettA> neither of them
[19:42 PM] <toM|vendettA> it looks like normal dp to me
[19:42 PM] <zaltekk> maybe try turning everything off and then reenabling what you want to use
[19:42 PM] <zaltekk> if that does nothing I don't know what to tell you.
[19:42 PM] <toM|vendettA> are there console commands to do so?
[19:42 PM] <zaltekk> oh. did you read the rar notes?
[19:43 PM] <zaltekk> I don't think there are consoles commands
[19:45 PM] <zaltekk> I don't know what to tell you
[19:50 PM] <zaltekk> so where are the 3 hacks you were sending me?
[19:51 PM] <toM|vendettA> they are detected
[19:51 PM] <toM|vendettA> just so you know
[19:51 PM] <zaltekk> ok
[19:51 PM] <zaltekk> detected by what? something like q2admin?
[19:52 PM] <toM|vendettA> yeah its called frkq2
[19:52 PM] <zaltekk> that works for dp?
[19:52 PM] <toM|vendettA> i cant get it to work for dp unless you play it out of quake2
[19:52 PM] <zaltekk> I thought you meant hacks specifically for digitalpaint
[19:52 PM] <toM|vendettA> oh i got q2 hax
[19:52 PM] <toM|vendettA> none for dp
[19:53 PM] <zaltekk> useless =/
[19:53 PM] <zaltekk> oh well
[19:55 PM] <zaltekk> have your forwarded it to jitspoe yet?
[19:55 PM] <toM|vendettA> forwarded what 2 jitspoe?
[19:55 PM] <zaltekk> the tinyurl
[19:55 PM] <toM|vendettA> no
[19:55 PM] <toM|vendettA> yeah right dude im using this in pubs
[19:55 PM] <toM|vendettA> not going to submit a hack then get detected
[19:55 PM] <zaltekk> uhuh
[19:55 PM] <toM|vendettA> lol
[19:56 PM] <zaltekk> so I should just paste that in #Paintball?
[19:56 PM] <toM|vendettA> no
[19:56 PM] <zaltekk> oh =[
[19:56 PM] <toM|vendettA> or i will forward it to jitspoe.
[19:56 PM] <zaltekk> should I tell jitspoe?
[19:56 PM] <toM|vendettA> NO PLS DONT
[19:56 PM] <zaltekk> ...
[19:56 PM] <zaltekk> why not
[19:57 PM] <toM|vendettA> REPUTATION
[19:57 PM] <zaltekk> =[
[19:57 PM] <zaltekk> I don't care who you tell what
[19:58 PM] <toM|vendettA> why do you make hax
[19:58 PM] <toM|vendettA> thats it im sick of this.
[19:58 PM] <toM|vendettA> forwarding it to jitspoe
[19:58 PM] <toM|vendettA> haxr
[19:58 PM] <toM|vendettA> Jk LolL
[19:59 PM] <zaltekk> uh..k?

Good game zaltekk, and thx for gbling him jitspoe.

[18:39 PM] <toM|vendettA> jitspoe
[18:39 PM] <toM|vendettA> it appears as if zaltekk might have a hack thats undetected
[18:39 PM] <toM|vendettA>
[18:39 PM] <toM|vendettA> i am going to try and get it out of him
[18:39 PM] <toM|vendettA> and if i can, i'll send it to you.

^ ( I sent that to jitspoe when I knew he had hacks. I kinda played.. Undercover? :P )
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: TinMan on August 30, 2006, 06:31:33 PM
ROFL. Yeah, Tom goes around asking lots of random people for cheats.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: TinMan on August 30, 2006, 06:43:55 PM
ROFL. Nice, wtf was that dude? Jitspoe, since when can guests upload?
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: toM|vendettA on August 30, 2006, 06:49:38 PM
wow edit that.

[20:45 PM] * zaltekk ( Quit (Killed (AdminServ (zaltekk - distributing hacks and cheats is against our rules)))
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: jitspoe on August 30, 2006, 06:50:07 PM
He must have registered, posted, then deleted his account.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: toM|vendettA on August 30, 2006, 07:05:32 PM
OR do.

From a popular cheating forum:
Reason You Not Seen Zaltekk
well lets see what you all think i paste what i found and you tell me your thoughts

So I've been working on the next NoCheat. I'm putting some pretty cool code in here that I think will stop even good reverse-engineers/crackers from emulating the NoCheat code. I've also put some other protection in against some exploits that Zaltekk told me about. I can't say when it'll be done, but if this works as well as it looks like, nocheat should be a lot more secure when it does come out.

Oh yeah. I removed the suggestion forum for a reason. There aren't going to be new features, just more security and bug fixes, so there is no need to post feature suggestions.

humm lets think if he working with bryce why even waste his time making a cheat

Looks like at one point, he was putting his coding skills to good work and helping out.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: TinMan on August 30, 2006, 08:50:21 PM
I googled him after I saw that, he plays ET and his GUID is posted in lots of places and banned. I guess that jits' closed source on some of the files is really necessary since there's punks like him going around. Jits, you do what you gotta do to stop people from messing with the game.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: Spook on August 30, 2006, 08:52:03 PM
heh script kiddy?
i wish i could hak in cs maybe ill ask him for some
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: TinMan on August 30, 2006, 08:52:57 PM
You CS addicts and cheaters are all sick...
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: Spook on August 30, 2006, 08:54:54 PM
i prefer terminally ill... but maybe some hacks will help me get through my tough times
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: SkateR on August 30, 2006, 09:01:27 PM
Mm punkbuster hasnt caught my hacked up GUI on ET :]
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: coLa on August 30, 2006, 09:12:07 PM
i was just gonna ask jitspoe if there was any hacks maybe his detection couldn't pick up... now i know there is.. omgz the world is coming to an end.. i hope u can up the power of ur detector and put all these cheaters where they belong...
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: Smokey on August 30, 2006, 09:17:39 PM
cola if there is they wont be for long, a week or so.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: SaTaN on August 30, 2006, 10:42:39 PM
Haha Yay! Another Loser sock Sucking black person booger Down!! I Say We
            |   O
            |   |
            |  /  \
            |_______ The Litter intercourser Imma probbly get ban for this but it ok its how i feel about cheating! Pathertic Little female dog go home and die somewere perferably in your closet were noone ever goes!  and Great job jits and tom very nice
Title: _
Post by: P!nk on August 30, 2006, 10:45:07 PM
Post removed
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: SaTaN on August 30, 2006, 10:50:03 PM
Lol :P here ill edit it so the filter dont mess with it :)   lOL nvm i wont do that i might get ban for it =/ drunk tho got school in the morning gotta sleep laters ONCE AGIAN GREAT JOB JITSPOE AND TOM AND EVERY IN THE DP COMMUNITY
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: Playah on August 31, 2006, 04:43:02 AM
As for Cola:
Edit: For the record, if you do come across a copy of zaltekk's cheat, don't use it.  If you've already used it, delete it and wipe your config file.  I may not be able to detect if you're actively using the cheat, but I can detect if it has been used, and I'll be releasing a server-side update to report it.  You have been warned.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: PiCaSSo on August 31, 2006, 08:03:04 AM
Jits, approximately how long do you anticipate it taking before the new serverside update is ready?
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: coLa on August 31, 2006, 09:06:37 AM
wow i didnt post that so i could go find cheats that are undetectable i posted it because there are those people who think people cheat and there excuse is "if i cheated jitspoe would have caught me already" so now with this no cheat being undectable i wonder if there are others and some people who says they dont cheat in fact do... i just hope jitspoe fixes what he needs to fix and catch some more cheaters...
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: jitspoe on August 31, 2006, 12:53:15 PM
Jits, approximately how long do you anticipate it taking before the new serverside update is ready?
I need some time to test it, and unfortunately I'm going to be gone this weekend, so maybe Monday.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: SkateR on August 31, 2006, 01:32:34 PM
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: Olbaid on August 31, 2006, 02:03:17 PM
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: TinMan on August 31, 2006, 02:19:43 PM
This is not detectable by the server.
Maybe not, but Jesus still knows you use it.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: Cobo on August 31, 2006, 02:27:21 PM
4 people have downloaded so far...
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: Lunatic on August 31, 2006, 02:40:07 PM
Who cares? It'll be detectable soon enough.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: jitspoe on August 31, 2006, 02:51:57 PM
New IP to ban:

Is this going to be an ongoing thing?  Am I going to have to waste all of my development time writing protection for your stupid little cheats?  Don't you have something better to do than to ruin a free game made by people in what little free time they have?
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: bug on August 31, 2006, 02:55:40 PM
New IP to ban:

Is this going to be an ongoing thing?  Am I going to have to waste all of my development time writing protection for your stupid little cheats?  Don't you have something better to do than to ruin a free game made by people in what little free time they have?

Yes, Yes, No.

Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: KnacK on August 31, 2006, 03:12:03 PM
*KnacK just hangs his head in shame.....
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: loial21 on August 31, 2006, 08:25:48 PM
Loial spits at the lame.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: Smokey on August 31, 2006, 09:32:32 PM
rubbish, loial swallows
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: TinMan on August 31, 2006, 09:53:43 PM
Smokey is a very sly one.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: MaDMaN on September 01, 2006, 02:04:18 AM
i want to download that cheat pack... send it to me kthx :)
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: pinobot on September 01, 2006, 03:43:40 AM
4 people have downloaded so far...
I have looked at the link but didn't download it, the force is strong in this one. :)
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: Smokey on September 01, 2006, 06:46:31 AM
i did.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: Fyre on September 01, 2006, 12:12:35 PM
rubbish, loial swallows
LOL. I laughed out loud at that.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: KnacK on September 01, 2006, 12:18:13 PM
Smokey should get a perm gban just for downloading that file.

Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: Smokey on September 01, 2006, 12:21:10 PM
why cant i download it?

I only unzipped it to get the md5 hash of the files, i do kinda host an uploading site that most of dp uses, and was going to find a way to ban those hashes.
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: KnacK on September 01, 2006, 12:24:38 PM
*KnacK pokes Smokey in the eye " Take that you do gooder!!"
Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: Smokey on September 01, 2006, 12:36:34 PM
lol, love you knack.

Title: Re: zaltekk
Post by: Spook on September 01, 2006, 02:43:25 PM
upload arena is your uploader smokey... lol thats why you wanted me to use it :D oh well it works great