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Messages - Cybernetsam

Pages: [1]
That's what I'm talking about. You don't need to think to play this; Right now this is just instagib with a much larger download. And I'm not saying that the game should be realistic, just fun.

I'm glad that the dev team is using the newly released source code to create this standalone version. I havn't played for a long time, and when I checked the website, I was extremely happy to see the recent news updates. That is what drove me to to make these suggestions, now that player speed and jumping is changeable without fux0ring client-side prediction.
Consider this my re-entry to this cool-ass mod. (phear!)

Okay, now that the greeting is out of the way, lets get down to the point.
This game is about balancing a paintball simulation between realism and fun. There are many areas where this works out.
<insert examples here becasue I don't want to list them all>
But there are some problems that detract from the fun of the game... I can only really think of four. First, jumping. While I think that a JB-style human stack to leap over a barrier and surprise the enemy team is creative, it isn't very fun for someone to so so, land in the middle of a group of players, relase a paint grenade, and eliminate them all. That's why the barrier is there.
Speed is also a factor. Someone jumping and running can easily run right by a bunker, even if he has to pass though the LOS of several people within to do so. BOth of these situations bypass and make useless disigns in maps there are there for the reason of making gameplay more fun. As is right now, this is more like playing instagib with a hyperblaster.
And finally, gas tank reloading time. Now, this may not seem like a long time, but in the time it takes to grab a larger tank, and switch it, the other team can traverse a small map and peg you on the way to the flag. If of course, people actually try to capture the flag, as opposed to just eliminate the other team. A result of the long one-minute respawn time.

Basically, long story short:
1. Jumping might need to be reduced or limited, if not eliminated.

2. Player speed needs to be slown down. The default q2 speed is just much to fast for a game like this.

3. gas reload time should be reduced. Not by terribly much.

4. Respawn time needs to be reduced. By at least fifteen seconds, if not more.

I'm not trying to say that I know everything. Or even that the game suck as it is. I'm just giving my opinions of what would make the games last longer, and be more fun-filled instead of being instagib rush-fests. So. Don't yell too loudly at me.

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