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Messages - Bono

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 10
Yep, something like this, but better, without transparent background need. (But it's still not important thing.)

Ye, all of these I know. Thanks ;) , But I need option to show menu patch like build number in-game/in-menus, not in console, because when i watch console, then menus are off.

Thanks for all :) I am working on it now. More screens soon!

Any chances to look at this now? ;) I can make server GUI but actually this is not possible.

Hello, there is possible to add function to DP2 like "cl_path 0/1" or something like that to game? If set it "1" then actually used directory and menu file will should be visible on left bottom corner of screen.

Sorry for my English :P

First post update. First two screens of my early work on PCDPmod v2.0 added. Any opinions?

Awesome menus man :) In my opinion its should be in official build 39 included!

btw, wait for PCDPmod v2 ;]

@Marco3000 - fixed, thanks ;)

@T3RR0R15T - thanks :)

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: Bug: Don't know
« on: June 30, 2013, 03:56:05 PM »
I know what is this! It's PREDATOR FONT!!!1!11oneone

Help and Support / Re: 30 fps video recording - stuttering
« on: June 30, 2013, 05:16:08 AM »
try other recording codec.

Hm, thanks.

Jitspoe, any comments/help for this?

Yes. But when i'm running server via shortcut with parameters, server works good.

General Development / Re: strange server starting bug
« on: June 28, 2013, 02:50:12 AM »
No, this is not trojan. I found this output messages in DP2 source, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong that I can see these messages.

Code: [Select]
// give QHOST a chance to hook into the console
if ((t = CCheckParm ("-HFILE")) > 0)
if (t < argc)
hFile = (HANDLE)atoi (ccom_argv[t+1]);

if ((t = CCheckParm ("-HPARENT")) > 0)
if (t < argc)
heventParent = (HANDLE)atoi (ccom_argv[t+1]);

if ((t = CCheckParm ("-HCHILD")) > 0)
if (t < argc)
heventChild = (HANDLE)atoi (ccom_argv[t+1]);

// ignore if we don't have all the events.
if (!hFile || !heventParent || !heventChild)
printf ("Qhost not present.\n");


Code: [Select]
char *Sys_ConsoleInput (void)
INPUT_RECORD recs[1024];
int dummy;
int /*ch,*/ numread, numevents;
unsigned char ch; // jittext

if (!dedicated || !dedicated->value)
return NULL;

for ( ;; )
if (!GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents (hinput, &numevents))
Sys_Error ("Error getting # of console events.");

I am trying to handle server console to my application (make a server GUI), and, yes, I made it but only to this moment.

Code: [Select]
[********] Date: 2013-06-28
[02:41:03] Winsock Initialized.
[02:41:03] ===== Paintball II Initialized =====

Qhost not present.
Error: Error getting # of console events.

why server outputs that messages to me?
Code: [Select]
Qhost not present.
Error: Error getting # of console events.
What does that mean?

first post update

If I don't have map, and server have setting sv_fast_download 0 there's no new loading/dowlnoading screen.

b38 on server and client.

Other Stuff / Re: PCDPmod v2.0 - DESIGN QUESTION
« on: June 22, 2013, 02:07:54 PM »
Poszedł mail do Ciebie. Do do "przeglądania kodu", napisałem wyraźnie "kod źródłowy" a nie "skrypty przetwarzane przez interpreter", jakimi są pliki menu.

Other Stuff / Re: PCDPmod v2.0 - DESIGN QUESTION
« on: June 22, 2013, 06:00:31 AM »
I say more important is to make sure all the menus are in english ;)  v1 has popups that I still don't know what they're trying to say :P

Yeah, I know, but first I need to know what design I will create, and next step is placement of the menu items and the translation.

Moja stronka :) (

Nie mogę się doczekać :)

Wygląd niestety musi być całkowicie inny, nie skorzystam z motywów Twojej strony. Mało czytelna i strasznie męcząca. (Bez obrazy oczywiście!)
Sam się zastanawiam i jestem za tym, aby był wygląd ala' Windows 8, prosty, czytelny, "płaski" i bardzo ładny. (IMO)

Co do PCDPadds, póki nie wykminię jak "złapać" okno konsoli serwera to nie będę go rozwijał - najważniejszy jest sam PCDPmod. Co do gry, niestety modeli 3d, tekstur, skinów itp nie mogę robić bo grozi to banem - jedynie menu i cała jej oprawa. Powracając jeszcze do PCDmod'a, już w głowie mam kilka świetnych nowych funkcji i usprawnień, o których mało kto wie, że nawet można. Szukam jeszcze więcej takich ciekawostek do wykorzystania przeglądając kod źródłowy DP2. Odezwę się z czasem do Ciebie jeżeli chodzi o serwery ;)

Other Stuff / PCDPmod v2.0 - DESIGN QUESTION
« on: June 21, 2013, 04:34:01 PM »
Hello, I need your votes to know what do you want see in next PCDPmod!

REMEMBER: Voting asks about the graphics/design of the menus and not the graphics in the game like textures/3Dmodels etc.

* light-flat and dark-flat votes sums up. (adds up?)

Sorry for my English.


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