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Messages - idias

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Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Oldschool Reunion 2018
« on: February 21, 2018, 02:13:03 PM »
Take me as a consolation prize. I may not be as interesting, but atleast I don't pretend to know how to make maps.

Jay kay. Sass4 forever.

Gladly zenit and Jeongwa already said pretty much everything there is to say.
Despite recon being one of the "fundamentals" of private matches in this game since I started, I'd have to say it carries too much weight, therefore...
» "It's fine in pubs, but not competitive matches."

But that's just me... I'm lazy and I've always hated either spamming LOCs or just monotonically saying "mid, main, gap, Y, gap, low, speeding, 2, 2, 2, capped... nice try" (F*** Xico.) I can't make it sound fun even with a large container of helium beside me.

If community backlash is an issue, just keep it as a server option when leasing and everyone should be pleased(?).

Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't guntemp also a similar discussion to this and with a similar solution?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Oldschool Reunion 2018
« on: February 21, 2018, 01:45:05 PM »
dont know if im considered old school ( started this game when i was 13 now im 27ä) but anyway i could play something maybe with zimtstern and Marawana? Edgecrusher ?

I was specifically referring to this Era. So yes Rocky you are welcome.

Thinking of.. :

 Viper, mZ, PvtJimmy, RoX, Gamabunta, DD9, Bangy, Frazer, Przemx, Obi, Piter, Domic, Sklenda, Zimstern, Edgecrusher, Tze, byz, Phenix, Kyuuuchi, Idias, FlyOver, Sphinx, Khan, Ranger, Getek..

and every of those which i forgot to mention the name. Will be waiting for that.

Quoting this for nostalgic reasons. Haven't seen most of those guys in probably half a dozen years... Unfortunate I missed this.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: The SUMMER DPLeague
« on: July 08, 2016, 10:12:51 AM »
I'm calling bs but sign me up anyways.

idias + XiCo

#team_idias is adopting Chem and Picky <3 Great additions to carry this incredible name

Sign up #team_ivo!

No one else

I'll try to get some guys back to play this one, in case I fail to do so maybe someone will adopt me <3

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Newbie Adoption
« on: June 09, 2014, 04:03:29 AM »
Main Game Name: Idias
How long you have been playing: Far too long
Time Zone/Country: Mid-atlantic? Not sure if I'm euro or NA...
Language Spoken: Portuguese/English n' spanish if any mexicans wanna adopt me (@ Senix)
Do you have a microphone/willing to get one? (For voice recon purposes): Yup.
Do you use IRC/willing to download and use?: Fo shizzle.

Waiting on MyeRs to adopt me to start playing again.

Posting on his behalf.

A few days ago I got a forum ban for 'being a jerk to people' - yet Clipz didn't. Funny enough, I talked to Clipz saying it's ridiculous that I got one and he didn't, since we do the same stuff - in fact he does it more because he's an excretory opening to most mappers to. He agreed that if I deserved a ban so did he - however he thought neither of us deserved one. (Isn't that funny how someone thinks they deserve a ban too, yet somehow never gets banned?). I only do stuff to Baseballdude cause I don't like him, and to competitive players to create competition which is mostly trolling and joking. But whatever, I mean I did deserve a forum ban (IM NOT ARGUING MY BAN, IM ARGUING HIM NOT BEING BANNED).

But anyways, I got Idias' friend to make some trolly posts to check something out, and funny enough he got banned within 1 day due to "trolling". Somehow, being a troll (which there are lots on the forums) warrants more than being demeaning to people. I pm'd Jitspoe (with no answer ofc) to just find out why the intercourse Clipz gets such special treatment? Go read his posts, 90% of them are putting people down. Especially new mappers. Lazers wrote that he would just "leave the game" and open war said he'd quit mapping, due to Clipz... but that's fine. The difference between myself and him, is he's a committee member.

I feel like if you want to pretend this game isn't dead, then a status of committee member should be held to higher standards than a regular community member. Yet, Jitspoe hasn't even warned Clipz. I like Clipz, great guy, but when I troll forums it's ALWAYS with him on TS3 doing it together, and this special treatment BS is ridiculous. He knows he's untouchable cause he's "friends with Jitspoe" , but come on dude. I remember Blaa getting forum banned before for much less than Clipz does daily. Playing off and on for like 15 years doesn't warrant celebrity status. Being an excretory opening is still being an excretory opening, no matter what label you have. And no, I'm not the only one who thinks the special treatment is dumb. ~ #Steven_2014

PS: Clipz asked Jitspoe about my ban, and he said "This difference is that Myers made suicide references" --- So, when I come back can I be an excretory opening to everyone as long as I don't bring up death? That logic is retarded. Clipz fckin followed openwar to OTB forum to harass him even more cause he stopped posting on this one.  

TL;DR, nothing against Clipz, he knows I msg'd jitspoe about this, but it's retarded that he is allowed to go around being an ass to everyone without any punishment.

M y e r s:

Mapping / Re: Inspirational Pictures for Mapping
« on: January 11, 2014, 09:16:36 PM »
Interesting... it's like an ancient underground mansion!
Google: Petra - You'll see excrement more amazing than that.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: NORTH AMERICAN Potential teams
« on: August 13, 2013, 05:23:58 PM »
Team 4: Idias & Chalk  - we don't need captains and members

Why the intercourse do I still play with NAs?

Other Stuff / Re: Forum Games Presents: The old you
« on: August 12, 2013, 07:39:04 PM »
When I was a noob I tried to play against #Broz
This was lastnight.

(MyeRs needed a ego booster)

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: DP League!!
« on: August 12, 2013, 07:36:41 PM »
I'm with Clipz on this one.
* idias waits for blaa to do another one of those great QeHs tournaments

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Welcome to the Brotherhood
« on: August 10, 2013, 01:46:16 PM »
I knew #BROz| would lose at least once. It seems like alot of pressure trying to stay undefeated. At least you learned your lesson :)
nB was pretty much undefeated I think... And then Riddick thought he was good :S

Idias and Chalk would like to challenge you noobexcrements to a match, you can bring your entire crew against us.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Welcome to the Brotherhood
« on: August 10, 2013, 11:48:01 AM »
Are there any players out there who can create a team to even come close to beating us?
Me and the black guy are waiting for you...
We'll be both naked in bed if you wish to join us for a sword fight.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clan Rage Threads
« on: August 09, 2013, 11:02:26 PM »
I should post every match of Brotherhood. Since we always win, everyone else tends to rage since they suck so badly.
darn you weren't kidding...
You should just get a bot to randomly spam excrement in threads

Other Stuff / Re: Something complicated, lol
« on: July 05, 2013, 01:01:41 PM »
Anyone can comment on these dreams?
You're a horny little fellah and you need to get laid.
But thank you for letting me know of personal aspects of your life, it was really interesting

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Help bring some people back.
« on: July 05, 2013, 12:57:03 PM »
I've honestly never, ever, ever been influenced at all by those kinds of emails. If I stop playing a game it's not because I forgot about its existance, it's simply because I choose not to play it.

Completed Maps / Re: Neon: Beta 2 Is Out!
« on: April 08, 2013, 02:51:21 PM »
You should make a Nyan cat model running around the map singing.

Other Stuff / Re: Ranking of players from each country
« on: April 08, 2013, 02:50:24 PM »
True that. You always know how to cheer someone up Spook :P

Oh oh oh I wanna play this! Am I too late?

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