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Messages - Reed

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Kill the speed servers and make the minimum re-spawn time 45 seconds. Nothing is more frustrating than playing an expansive map only to be killed by re-spawns once you get to the flag. The speed servers and short re-spawn times have also contributed to a culture of rushers who think that if you stop moving you're a dirty camper. This game used to be infinitely more tactical and now it's just about who can hit every ice jump and fly at a million miles per hour into the enemy base. I suppose you could create a new game mode called 'speed', so that the mappers can create maps which cater to that particular gamer (then admins can drop one or two in the map list to keep everyone sweet).

Educate the server admins on new maps (and classic maps), new rotations and new game modes. No one wants to play 5 KOTH maps in a row, but 1 in 10 might make a change. If you wanted to create a speed-like server but without the constant re-spawning you could use some careful map selection (smaller, linear maps) to create a similar gaming experience. It might be controversial, but I still think Snipen was the best server admin because he would put on a 'popular' map to get the GT servers populated, then the next map would be more obscure, or new, and that way everyone got used to playing a wide variety of different maps... then he'd viewgib you and temp ban you for an hour.

I agree with you Jitspoe, regarding the jails on every map. In those rare moments where I've actually thought about mapping again I always incorporate a jail into my design to keep people interested (and to stop recon :D). I've also thought about stretching the limits of the game play by using the game modes in novel ways, but I just cannot be bothered to build the maps when I know that people will never play them.

I suppose you have to make a decision about the type of community you want - we used to be small, every player knew each other even across the pond. Now you've got significantly more players, but you've lost that community; I think there are fewer matches now than there were with a smaller number of clans/players.

If I thought people would populate the servers then I'd fund a couple of Pubs and Match servers with 'classic' settings and good map variety, but I don't think people would be interested. We'd tossed around the idea of setting up a DP Olympics (I think this has been done on a small scale) with different countries competing against each other in a range of game modes, but I think the logistics would be difficult to manage. I've also thought about creating a '7 minute' server where the overall game time is quicker and you get to play more maps in one sitting - would this appeal to anyone?

Other Stuff / Re: Ranking of players from each country
« on: March 11, 2010, 08:16:06 AM »
Has the game changed this much in the last year?!

1. Sanchez

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Grave 2 : Competition Time!
« on: April 18, 2009, 06:31:49 AM »
And I think you started before this topic. So how long have you been making it? Are you even working on it?

Its been in production over a year, but hasn't been touched since August 08. Currently dag has many more commitments with work, but after some pushing he has decided to continue to work on the map in the little time he has spare.

To be honest I hope this map is never finished. Nothing against you Dag but the first Grave was awful, why remake a crappy map?

Thats exactly what I said. I think because its popular with many of the pub players he wanted to actually make a properly textured map with proper lighting and no overlapping brushes. Maybe to set an example to aspiring mappers.

Server Discussion / Re: The End of an Era (Graffiti Taggez)
« on: April 15, 2009, 07:23:53 AM »
A sad day. GT pulled this game out of the darkness when the er33t servers went down. For maybe a year or more GT servers were the only option, and this helped to develop a very tight community where everybody knew everybody else. So heres to all the friends and rivals, all the wins and loses, and thankyou for the memories Snipen.


Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: The second GlobalGamers Mapping Contest!
« on: November 15, 2008, 06:15:24 PM »
Cuso lost by one point! I knew it was going to be a close call, but daaaaaaayyyyyyymmmmmmm! Good work to all 3 of you anyway.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: The second GlobalGamers Mapping Contest!
« on: November 15, 2008, 02:35:52 PM »
Heh, Reed already told you that his giving your map good points =P


Before I was a judge I told him that his gameplay was good, but there are 2 other judges and all 3 maps are judged on aesthetics and technical factors too! I don't know what the result will be but good luck to all the entrants!

Official Feature Votes / Re: Feature: "Rock the Vote!"
« on: November 12, 2008, 07:49:56 PM »
There have been many, many, many complaints about the voting system, but its never going to get overhauled, thats something we must accept now.

Instead of thinking about novel ways to get around the potential problems and exploits people become too preoccupied with ripping them apart. Maybe a forum feature should be for every problem you see with a feature you must try to negate it with a solution, that way these feature threads might actually develop into a feasible idea.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Do you have multiple global login accounts?
« on: November 12, 2008, 07:34:12 PM »
A useful tip to people who decide to have multiple accounts. Just change your name and don't register it, that way you can have as many names as you want without getting banned. If someone registers one of these names and you're particularly fond of it then just protest, and prove, that you were using it first and then you'll probably be allowed to register it.

Map Graveyard / Re: New Map: Spaceballs - Pong Balls in Space! (GGC Entry)
« on: November 11, 2008, 03:55:29 PM »
Looks great, but you might want to change the name to avoid any confusion as 'spaceballz' is a map by Cookie if im not mistaken?

Not sure how well this is going to play if im honest, but awesome effort anyway.

Mapping / Re: removing guns/ammo from players at spawn ?
« on: November 10, 2008, 12:14:03 PM »
You cant remove the balls or the guns but you can stop the balls appearing by setting ball_life to 0.

Don't know if this is what youre trying to do, infact im pretty sure its not, but there it is anyway.

The other option, thinking about it, is to make a map which requires you to expend 10 balls in order to begin playing. Perhaps, for example, to escape from a room by shooting 10 buttons? Although im not sure this is the most suitable idea for DP

Issues for Committee Review / Re: Names
« on: November 10, 2008, 11:52:20 AM »
haha, you had a positive score reed? =] jk... maybe

Nearly, 15 - 15. :D

Also, people thought I was you because I can do Dop Jump in under 3 minutes too :D

Don't worry, I set them straight, told them i was far sexier :D

Issues for Committee Review / Re: Names
« on: November 07, 2008, 08:47:29 PM »
To be fair to L!nk I knew him as RobinHood when i first met him and it wasn't just a temporary name he played under it regularly.

On totally irrelevant side note someone actually registered my fake name the other day because I owned everyone with it. I might start offering a service where I inflate peoples reputation and then they can register the name I use, £10 a pop?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Grave 2 : Competition Time!
« on: July 17, 2008, 05:02:32 PM »
Killed by flamers

Completed Maps / Re: New Map: (unknown name) BETA 2
« on: May 22, 2008, 08:51:22 AM »
To fix the cave walls click on a face and press 'S' to bring up the surface properties box. Make sure the valuies for 'S' 'T' 'R' 'SX' and 'SY' are the same (usually 0 0 0 1.0 and 1.0) for all the walls in the cave. Providing you dont have any special flags (such as ladder) checked then you can just click 'reset' and 'apply face' or 'apply brush if the texture is the same for all the faces.

If you do have special flags checked then you can either input the numbers for S T and R manually so that they are all the same, or you can recheck the flags after you press reset and before you press apply.

Hope that helps.

Other Stuff / Re: Congratulations to all the grads...
« on: May 20, 2008, 05:03:31 PM »
Nope, different courses.

Other Stuff / Re: Congratulations to all the grads...
« on: May 20, 2008, 04:19:54 PM »
Last exams on the 30th ;)

OLE! and OLE! Paintball are registered trademarks of [-DarkP-] ltd. We don't mind players using this in bind form, but clan tags are prohibited by our T&Cs.

The clan now has 1 member, it matched 3 times in March so i request for its deletion and a permanent ban for all clans wishing to use OLE! or any such forms (0l3! etc).

This is now the second time a clan OLE has formed, please, for the good of the game, let it never happen again.

Dr 'OLE!' Reed.

Other Stuff / Re: gg skater?
« on: May 17, 2008, 10:15:07 AM »
I heard his friend did it while he was mowing the lawn.

Help and Support / Re: Serverlist doesnt show some servers.
« on: May 16, 2008, 11:01:25 AM »
Practically all the Euro servers were not updating, but you could still connect to them with the IP. was down and so nobody could log in on the actual game (although there were no errors, it just didnt log you in even when it stated that you had). If you already had the euro servers on the list they were refreshing.


This is slightly off topic, but still, I feel exactly the same way.

Single server admins can do absolutely nothing about it, believe me I've tried. The problem is there is no universal standard, the introduction of the vote feature practically ended the era of maplists. If I'm not mistaken the vote feature was implemented to end the constant rotation of the same maps and take the pressure off admins to change the maplist. If you were around before the vote feature then you'd understand that this was desirable. However, the feature, coupled with the rapid expansion in public servers, has only perpetuated the problem. Now if you want to play the game (in Euro servers at least) you're forced to either play shazam33, ub_rooftop, grave, temple22, shock or ub_cliffs. As i said, because there are such a wide choice of servers available server admins who run maplists can not retain players on their servers.

I don't think the issue is with 'good' or 'bad' maps, i think the issue is with variety. I don't mind playing shazam33, or any of the other maps, but i want to be able to play a large variety of maps to stop the monotony.

I proposed this idea before (originally Snipens idea), and that is to have restricted voting features. Instead of allowing players to choose anymap they want, the server should select 3 at random and allow players to vote on which one of those 3 they want to play. That way you get a nice healthy flow of new and old maps for everyone to enjoy. You also need some universality; admins must be forced to operate within the same standards otherwise you're only going to widen the disparity between old and new skool.

Ive had many discussions about this and could go on forever, but I'll leave it at that for now.


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