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Pages: [1]
General Development / Re: Itunes Control App
« on: April 26, 2010, 05:48:24 AM »
its like having itunes open with musik and having the controls ingame
for me it doesnt lag at all
its only in the ingame menu visible

General Development / Re: Itunes Control App
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:36:40 AM »
is this pb internally ?
or could i acces them with vb ?
thx for the quick reply ;)

k its a lil bit strange ...

If i set an environment variable in vb pball doesnt recognize it .

and if i set a e.v. in pball vb doesnt get it .

If i add an registry key to HKLM\System\Control\Session Manager\Environment ...
pball displays it but when i change it with pball nothing happens to the value of the key.

General Development / Itunes Control App
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:21:27 AM »
hey i just wrote my very first program in visual basic :P
it loads paintball if its not already running and runs in the background so u can control itunes through paintnall
 i think u could have coded it much better but as said its the first thing i ever made in vb im happy it works . currently it looks like this ,

and my question is if the setenv command sets an environment variable and if that works , cause for me it seems thats not so :( would make the things much easier :)


Code: [Select]
set a b
echo $$$a

should echo $b, but instead it echos $$a.  Maybe fixing that would get what you want?

i mean

Code: [Select]
set a b
echo $$a
should give $b

but echo $$$a
should give c , if
a = b
b = c ;)

Wheres the sense in, displaying those things ?

ye but if i seperate .... the menu cant save the binds for the different profiles in several files ... i could just edit the current profile ... and if i change the settings would be overriden like u say so i have to set all the bindings in the files and cant change All with a menu ;)

its usefull ... u can bind 100 things on key 1 to 10 ...

and that was just an example ...... ;)

and @cobo i cant seperate the binds into several files... if i do so i cant change the bindings with a menu ...

400k?! What do you have in there?

some things like this ;)

The Script
Code: [Select]

bind 1 "keyscript1$Shift$"
bind 2 "keyscript2$Shift$"
bind 3 "keyscript3$Shift$"
bind 4 "keyscript4$Shift$"
bind 5 "keyscript5$Shift$"
bind 6 "keyscript6$Shift$"
bind 7 "keyscript7$Shift$"
bind 8 "keyscript8$Shift$"
bind 9 "keyscript9$Shift$"
bind 0 "keyscript0$Shift$"

//Main Down Aliases

alias keyscript1Down "set keyscriptnr 1;echo Profile$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript2Down "set keyscriptnr 2;echo Profile$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript3Down "set keyscriptnr 3;echo Profile$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript4Down "set keyscriptnr 4;echo Profile$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript5Down "set keyscriptnr 5;echo Profile$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript6Down "set keyscriptnr 6;echo Profile$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript7Down "set keyscriptnr 7;echo Profile$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript8Down "set keyscriptnr 8;echo Profile$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript9Down "set keyscriptnr 9;echo Profile$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript0Down "set keyscriptnr 0;echo Profile$keyscriptnr$"

//Main Up Aliases

alias keyscript1Up " keyscript1nr$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript2Up " keyscript2nr$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript3Up " keyscript3nr$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript4Up " keyscript4nr$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript5Up " keyscript5nr$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript6Up " keyscript6nr$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript7Up " keyscript7nr$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript8Up " keyscript8nr$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript9Up " keyscript9nr$keyscriptnr$"
alias keyscript0Up " keyscript0nr$keyscriptnr$"

// 1. Profile Aliases

alias keyscript1nr1 "say lol"
alias keyscript2nr1 "say lol"
alias keyscript3nr1 "say lol"
alias keyscript4nr1 "say lol"
alias keyscript5nr1 "say lol"
alias keyscript6nr1 "say lol"
alias keyscript7nr1 "say lol"
alias keyscript8nr1 "say lol"
alias keyscript9nr1 "say lol"
alias keyscript0nr1 "say lol"

// 2. Profile Aliases

alias keyscript1nr2 "say lol2"
alias keyscript2nr2 "say lol"
alias keyscript3nr2 "say lol"
alias keyscript4nr2 "say lol"
alias keyscript5nr2 "say lol"
alias keyscript6nr2 "say lol"
alias keyscript7nr2 "say lol"
alias keyscript8nr2 "say lol"
alias keyscript9nr2 "say lol"
alias keyscript0nr2 "say lol"

// 3. Profile Aliases

alias keyscript1nr3 "say lol3"
alias keyscript2nr3 "say lol"
alias keyscript3nr3 "say lol"
alias keyscript4nr3 "say lol"
alias keyscript5nr3 "say lol"
alias keyscript6nr3 "say lol"
alias keyscript7nr3 "say lol"
alias keyscript8nr3 "say lol"
alias keyscript9nr3 "say lol"
alias keyscript0nr3 "say lol"

// 4. Profile Aliases

alias keyscript1nr4 "say lol4"
alias keyscript2nr4 "say lol"
alias keyscript3nr4 "say lol"
alias keyscript4nr4 "say lol"
alias keyscript5nr4 "say lol"
alias keyscript6nr4 "say lol"
alias keyscript7nr4 "say lol"
alias keyscript8nr4 "say lol"
alias keyscript9nr4 "say lol"
alias keyscript0nr4 "say lol"

// 5th Profile Aliases

alias keyscript1nr5 "say lol5"
alias keyscript2nr5 "say lol"
alias keyscript3nr5 "say lol"
alias keyscript4nr5 "say lol"
alias keyscript5nr5 "say lol"
alias keyscript6nr5 "say lol"
alias keyscript7nr5 "say lol"
alias keyscript8nr5 "say lol"
alias keyscript9nr5 "say lol"
alias keyscript0nr5 "say lol"

// 6. Profile Aliases

alias keyscript1nr6 "say lol6"
alias keyscript2nr6 "say lol"
alias keyscript3nr6 "say lol"
alias keyscript4nr6 "say lol"
alias keyscript5nr6 "say lol"
alias keyscript6nr6 "say lol"
alias keyscript7nr6 "say lol"
alias keyscript8nr6 "say lol"
alias keyscript9nr6 "say lol"
alias keyscript0nr6 "say lol"

// 7. Profile Aliases

alias keyscript1nr7 "say lol7"
alias keyscript2nr7 "say lol"
alias keyscript3nr7 "say lol"
alias keyscript4nr7 "say lol"
alias keyscript5nr7 "say lol"
alias keyscript6nr7 "say lol"
alias keyscript7nr7 "say lol"
alias keyscript8nr7 "say lol"
alias keyscript9nr7 "say lol"
alias keyscript0nr7 "say lol"

// 8. Profile Aliases

alias keyscript1nr8 "say lol8"
alias keyscript2nr8 "say lol"
alias keyscript3nr8 "say lol"
alias keyscript4nr8 "say lol"
alias keyscript5nr8 "say lol"
alias keyscript6nr8 "say lol"
alias keyscript7nr8 "say lol"
alias keyscript8nr8 "say lol"
alias keyscript9nr8 "say lol"
alias keyscript0nr8 "say lol"

// 9. Profile Aliases

alias keyscript1nr9 "say lol9"
alias keyscript2nr9 "say lol"
alias keyscript3nr9 "say lol"
alias keyscript4nr9 "say lol"
alias keyscript5nr9 "say lol"
alias keyscript6nr9 "say lol"
alias keyscript7nr9 "say lol"
alias keyscript8nr9 "say lol"
alias keyscript9nr9 "say lol"
alias keyscript0nr9 "say lol"

// 10. Profile Aliases

alias keyscript1nr0 "say lol0"
alias keyscript2nr0 "say lol"
alias keyscript3nr0 "say lol"
alias keyscript4nr0 "say lol"
alias keyscript5nr0 "say lol"
alias keyscript6nr0 "say lol"
alias keyscript7nr0 "say lol"
alias keyscript8nr0 "say lol"
alias keyscript9nr0 "say lol"
alias keyscript0nr0 "say lol"
Code: [Select]
alias shiftaldown "alias $shiftfunctionname$down $shiftdownaction$"
alias shiftalup "alias $shiftfunctionname$up $shiftupaction$"
alias shiftaldownplus "alias +$shiftfunctionname$down $shiftdownactionplus$;shiftaldownminus"
alias shiftaldownminus "alias -$shiftfunctionname$down $shiftdownactionminus$"
alias shiftalupplus "alias +$shiftfunctionname$up $shiftupactionplus$;shiftalupminus"
alias shiftalupminus "alias -$shiftfunctionname$up $shiftupactionminus$"
alias shiftkey bind $$shiftkey$$ "$shiftfunctionname$$Shift$"
alias shiftkeyplus bind $$shiftkey$$ "+$shiftfunctionname$$Shift$"
alias +Shift "seta Shift $pressed$"
alias -Shift "seta Shift $released$"
seta pressed down
seta released up

the menu :

Code: [Select]
pb2menu 1

background none

xcent 0
ycent -120
type text
text [0]

xcent -150
ycent -100
type text
text 1:
xrel 20
type field
width 10
cvar "key01"
xcent -100
yrel 20
type text
text 2:
xrel 20
type field
width 10
cvar "key02"
xcent -100
yrel 20
type text
text 3:
xrel 20
type field
width 10
cvar "key03"
xcent -100
yrel 20
type text
text 4:
xrel 20
type field
width 10
cvar "key04"
xcent -100
yrel 20
type text
text 5:
xrel 20
type field
width 10
cvar "key05"
xcent -100
yrel 20
type text
text 6:
xrel 20
type field
width 10
cvar "key06"
xcent -100
yrel 20
type text
text 7:
xrel 20
type field
width 10
cvar "key07"
xcent -100
yrel 20
type text
text 8:
xrel 20
type field
width 10
cvar "key08"
xcent -100
yrel 20
type text
text 9:
xrel 20
type field
width 10
cvar "key09"
xcent -100
yrel 20
type text
text 0:
xrel 20
type field
width 10
cvar "key00"

xcent 0
ycent 0
type button
text "Apply"
command "alias keyscript1nr0 $key01$;
alias keyscript2nr0 $key02$;
alias keyscript3nr0 $key03$;
alias keyscript4nr0 $key04$;
alias keyscript5nr0 $key05$;
alias keyscript6nr0 $key06$;
alias keyscript7nr0 $key07$;
alias keyscript8nr0 $key08$;
alias keyscript9nr0 $key09$;
alias keyscript0nr0 $key00$;
xcent 0
yrel 20
type button
text "Quit"
xcent 0
yrel 20
type button
text "Cancel"

xcent 40
ycent -80
type button
text "[1]"
command "menu samelevel keyscript/keyscript/keyscript_1"
xcent 40
yrel 20
type button
text "[2]"
command "menu samelevel keyscript/keyscript_2"
xcent 40
yrel 20
type button
text "[3]"
command "menu samelevel keyscript/keyscript_3"
xcent 40
yrel 20
type button
text "[4]"
command "menu samelevel keyscript/keyscript_4"
xcent 40
yrel 20
type button
text "[5]"
command "menu samelevel keyscript/keyscript_5"
xcent 40
yrel 20
type button
text "[6]"
command "menu samelevel keyscript/keyscript_6"
xcent 40
yrel 20
type button
text "[7]"
command "menu samelevel keyscript/keyscript_7"
xcent 40
yrel 20
type button
text "[8]"
command "menu samelevel keyscript/keyscript_8"
xcent 40
yrel 20
type button
text "[9]"
command "menu samelevel keyscript/keyscript_9"
xcent 40
yrel 20
type button
text "[0]"
command "menu samelevel keyscript/keyscript_0"

err ye but pls more then 32k
if it possible 800k would be great
cause the size of my scripts are 400k at the moment and i dont think i stop scripting so that would be very nice :)

There already are variables.


]set mood "sad"
"mood" is "sad"
]echo "I'm" $mood
I'm sad

You can pretend to pass parameters to functions by using the variables.

]alias setVar "set $var $val"
]alias bindMe "set var hi ; set val mom ; setVar"
"hi" is "mom"
]alias bindMe2 "set var lol ; set val cakes ; setVar"
"lol" is "cakes"

I don't know why the hell you'd want to communicate with mySQL in this game, and what would the embedded quotes accomplish, exactly?

.... i know there are variables ... but u dont understand me i dont wanna use 1layer cvars ... what i mean is

Code: [Select]
variable a is b
variable b is c

$a = b ... right ?
then i want the ability
$$$a = $b = c  understand ?
its like the other way round like

set $a c ... this does
$a = b
so: set b c.
but u cant get the "c" ... using "a" as var...

and whats not able too is :

a = h
b = m
hm = c

echo $a$$b$

echo $$$$a$$b$

instead of c
all the cvars just work in one layer

Code: [Select]
]alias setVar "set $var $val"
]alias bindMe "set var hi ; set val mom ; setVar"
"hi" is "mom"
]alias bindMe2 "set var lol ; set val cakes ; setVar"
"lol" is "cakes"


thats completely senseless ... and isnt a real param ...

alias bindMe2 "set var %1%;  set val %2% ; setVar"
that would be  an parameter
if u could use it like this ...

bindMe2 lol cake
lol is cake

Code: [Select]
why i want to com. with mysql is for a menu for clans
so f.e. the admin can write the pass for the server. in the menu of pb which is stored in the mysqldb ...
then in another mysqldb there is the memberlist ...
amd the serverip
the members can press join in the menu and
autojoin the server with the specified pw in the mysqldb
this is just an example ...

i know more about scripting and menus in pb as u think i do ...

Then your name ends up being "my".  Actually, I think it just throws an error out to the console.  Either way, it doesn't work.  There needs to be a way to use embedded quotes, something like:

whats about

the normal quotes are " the embbed are '
set name '$tempname$'
and at the moment it just says

flags can only be user or server ...

pb thinks the name after my is the flag :)

and what cobo said would be usefull too :)

err and jit would it be possible to increase buffersize pls ? :)

1. Faster Downloads
2. Menu Variable Thing
3. The ability to use err is dynamic right ? Varaibles like
a = b
b = c
echo $$$a

4. to communicate with http/mysql through menus ;)
5. Aliases with parameters

alias "test %1 %2" or alias test  "say Hello %1 %2"

test Dude sup  -> say Hello Dudel sup?


alias test2 "set $%1$ %2"

test2 a agsd -> set a agsd

its not a good example but its very usefull to have sth like that :) like functions

6. embedded quotes

Increase scriptbuffer Please ....
I think 1 or 2 Mb would be enough :) woudl be very nice
cause everytime i start pb my configs get deleted cause of Cbuf_addtext Buffer Overun or sth like this but only when config is bigger then 8kb :)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Client and Server Commands ( c/p from the Wiki)
« on: September 30, 2006, 04:48:03 AM »
k thats good, and i wont use it, cheating kills fun of playing, adn content checks are really good ;)   
umm and whats with r_drawentities 0? u cant gain advantage with it but, u can hide all entities, and idk if it works on some server but r_drawworld 0 will hide the world and its like the waterfall bug where u can look through walls.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Client and Server Commands ( c/p from the Wiki)
« on: September 23, 2006, 05:51:00 AM »
u can turn off the water ... with changing 2 entrys in the water1.arbf ...

MAX endColor.w, endColor.w, 0.4; # MAX sets the min?  How odd.
MIN endColor.w, endColor.w, 0.9; # Leave a LITTLE bit of transparency

change this in

MAX endColor.w, endColor.w, 0.0; # MAX sets the min?  How odd.
MIN endColor.w, endColor.w, 0.0; # Leave a LITTLE bit of transparency
and u wont see the water if

r_reflectivewater is 1
... ;)

and after turning off reflections u normally can see the water

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Custom Crosshair Pack
« on: September 20, 2006, 12:14:25 PM »
heres a zooming script
seta normsens $sensitivity
seta normfov $fov
alias inczoom "cvar_inc fov -5 60 90; cvar_inc sensitivity -REPLACETHISWITHANUMBER;echo current fov: $fov"
alias deczoom "cvar_inc fov 5 60 90; cvar_inc sensitivity REPLACETHISWITHANUMBER;echo current fov: $fov"
alias normzoom "set fov $normfov; set sensitivity $normsens"
if u have questions, or want a script, or a pb menu
ask me, and if u have an idea for sth pls give it to me :) thx in advance

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Client and Server Commands ( c/p from the Wiki)
« on: September 20, 2006, 12:00:57 PM »
jail 0/1
Toggles between jail and observer mode, like on big arenaball or dodgeball
makes u noclip in obs mode
displays the time to the next spawn from a player
chasemode "1,2,3"
cchanges between these chasemodes
free rotate
in eye
increases chasemode
displays a list with cmds...
shows "all" commands
displays your binds...
display all cvars and settings ...
gl_motionblur 0,1
turns blur on/off
its like the messagemode, but to log u in as an op... u can type the password
 friendly fire
(sets fraglimit ...)
default 50
default 20
how often a nade burst.
... no comment
but dont set higher then 50 ^^
displays the flagstatus
if flag is at base or not
example: Red flag is at home
field of view
default 90
r_caustics 0,1
turns caustics on or off
specify time how long messages are displayed
specify the time how long a centerprintkill is shown
shows the locs on the map
gl_nobind 1
unbinds the textures :D
r_drawentities 0
dont draw entities, guns, ammo, etc
set to 1 and u cant kill anybody , good for jumpmaps :)
sv_shownamechanges 0/1
showas namechanges in the server
nohud 1
hides the thing on the bootom ^^

sry if i posted cmd , which is already in list :P for more cmds ask me there are much more :)

err and @jit
u should make that u cant turn water off ( make it invisible) :)

Pages: [1]