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Topics - Apocalypse

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Other Stuff / Cool Contest
« on: February 24, 2008, 09:38:58 AM »
Found this contes here the other day when I was googling some stuff thought some of you guys might like to try it prize is $100 US.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Continentals #1
« on: December 15, 2007, 03:49:29 PM »
The first tournament of the Continentals will be held on January 3 and 4 starts at 2:00pm ET both days. Signups are open until January 2 12:00pm ET but remember you must register your team as well as sign it up this tournament is a 4v4 you can find the rules and maplist here
And for the site and sign ups go to

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Servers
« on: December 13, 2007, 06:39:45 PM »
Ok I really want the first tournament of the Continentals to be over with before '08 but I'm tired of waiting for XBain to answer me I'm looking for 2-3 american servers that can be used for the continentals just post here or PM me or whatever.

Other Stuff / Crazy Pong Dual Ball Occurrunce
« on: November 26, 2007, 07:29:41 PM »
Takes me a while to get it to work but watch this demo I comment on it then the demo ends. You'll know what I'm talking about.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / New Training Clan -- Future Pros
« on: November 16, 2007, 05:16:43 PM »
I'm starting up a training clan (like InT and wsl) we teach basic matching/scrimming, the clan scene and text recon.
Tag: <FPR>
IRC: #team_FPR
Record: 0-1
Contact Email: Apocalypse14(@)gmail(.)com
Leader: Apocalypse
Members: tA
Requirements: IRC, a willingness to learn, active we dont want members that play once a month.

Mapping / Mapping Ideas?
« on: October 23, 2007, 03:14:35 PM »
Hey my mapping pretty much came to a dead stop because I have no idea what to make I ran out of ideas and I was wondering if you guys could give me make sure there reasonable ones though.

Help and Support / Cant extract Paintball on kubuntu (Solved)
« on: October 19, 2007, 01:13:23 PM »
More linux problems *sigh* Im on my new comp I built but for some reason I get an error when trying to extract it says that tons of things cant be found when I look and theyre there.
(Sorry for bad grammar my keyboard configuration is screwed and I cant use all the keys)

Other Stuff / Reconfiguring Keyboard in Kubuntu (Solved)
« on: October 19, 2007, 12:58:30 PM »
Hey guys on my comp I accidentally setup my keyboard configuration wrong (the type of keyboard) so now I cant use the apostrophe/quote key do any of you know how to reconfigure it?

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Webspace For Continentals
« on: October 14, 2007, 07:27:55 AM »
Ok lately I've found a template for Continentals I passed it on to Viciouz who was going to host it for me but it won't work on his webserver so I was wondering if there was anyone else who could host it for me. To my knowledge the only requirements are php and mysql if you can host it for me it would be greatly appreciated just post here PM or find me on IRC, XFire or whatever.

Mapping / Prefab Pack
« on: October 11, 2007, 04:26:58 PM »
Post prefab objects or request prefab objects for someone to make I will put them in a pack (yes I kind of copied this of the CTP and the CMP).
I'll make some soon to put in here too of course.
Edit: Sorry for the horrible explanation :-\

Other Stuff / Linux Questions
« on: October 01, 2007, 05:59:31 AM »
Hey guys I've installed kubuntu on one of the computers which I built and I have a few questions about it for you linux users.....
1. How bad is it on RAM?
2. What is the best media player for it?
3. What are some good games for it?
4. Does battlefield work on it?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Country Backrounds
« on: September 28, 2007, 10:43:44 AM »
Here are three country backrounds I made the console script comes with the jpg. Just copy the jpg to your pics folder and the console.txt to your scripts folder.
The three below are an english backround, a canadian backround, and a german backround. Let me know if you want any other country backrounds also if you could give me a good american flag pic (800x600) it would be appreciated.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / False Ping readings?
« on: September 26, 2007, 03:59:28 PM »
Hey lately I've been having false ping reading under my join game menu it will say I have like 200 ping I'll go to the server and there it say that I only really have like 90.
Just incase this comes up all I've done is download Viciouz's orange menu since it started happening but I don't think that would affect it unless there is a corrupt file any idea what's wrong?

Mapping / Koth Map Ideas
« on: September 25, 2007, 03:50:45 PM »
Hey guys after reading the Unoffcial Feature Vote Thread I decided to make a KOTH map but I don't have any idea where to start please post your ideas so that I can make this map.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Unable to Minimize Paintball?
« on: September 22, 2007, 08:58:01 AM »
Hey for some weird reason I can no longer use the start button to minimize paintball to view my desktop my start bar comes up but I can't click on it I keep using my paintball cursor instead of my normal cursor any idea why?

Other Stuff / Vista or XP
« on: September 20, 2007, 06:28:12 PM »
Hey lately I was having a discussion with a couple people about which was better XP or Vista and I was wondering what you guys thought.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Treejump
« on: September 17, 2007, 06:03:03 PM »
Hey guys I know this is nothing special for most of you guys but after alot of practicing I finally made it up the tree in pball_shreds1 I just posted this so that I can show that if you practice enough you'll eventually get it I posted a demo for those of you who have enough time to waste to watch it.

Mapping / BSP not reading spaces?
« on: September 15, 2007, 08:14:26 AM »
For some reason bsp won't read the spaces in my folder names it just changes the space to a slash or atleast it acts as if they are so after each space it starts a new folder so it can't find it any idea how to fix this?

Other Stuff / Wow
« on: September 13, 2007, 05:11:54 PM »
Will someone teach Scope a few things this isn't meant as an insult I just want someone to help him.....
<Scope> sky waves
<Apocalypse> no.... I need the .map
<Apocalypse> so I can look at it
<Scope> that works to right ?
<Scope> sent it to bc when he was on
<Apocalypse> yes I beleive stick it in a .zip just in case
<Scope> lmao how I do that?
<Apocalypse> just upload the .map
<Scope> I did
<Scope> you said it was wrong
<Scope> tbut bc played on it
<Apocalypse> a .map the one it saves in <where you saved bsp>/bsp/pball/quake2/mapfiles
<Scope> This is it renamed it for bc
<Apocalypse> ?
<Scope> I change the name because it didn't let me send it to him
<Scope> so he told me to do that.
<Apocalypse> who?
<Scope> bc
<Scope> you dont know bc?
<Apocalypse> I do but don't make it a .exe I don't know why he told you too
<Apocalypse> put it in a .zip as a imap
<Apocalypse> .map
<Scope> ok ur funny
<Apocalypse> wtf are you talking about
<Scope> it worked
<Apocalypse> good I'll look for you
<Apocalypse> omfg
<Scope> ?
<Scope> Did it all wrong?
<Apocalypse> I said to put the .map in there not rename it
<Apocalypse> and leave it as a .exe
<Scope> hang on
<Scope> this work?
<Apocalypse> No put the .map in the .zip not the .exe
<Scope> I run it through zip
<Scope> I just need to know if theres anything wrong with it
<Apocalypse> yes but make it so the .map is switched with the .exe
<Scope> like lighting and stick outs
<Apocalypse> oh
<Apocalypse> thought you were having a loaing problem
<Scope> Ill ask someone else then becuase I don't know to much about that
<Apocalypse> put the .bsp in a .zip
<Scope> Its cool apoca Ill have my friend do it ok.
<Apocalypse> you get the .bsp from your paintball dire
<Apocalypse> ok
<Apocalypse>  fine

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Clan Zenc recruiting!
« on: September 09, 2007, 10:28:37 AM »
Hey guys I've decide to start up a new clan here is the clan info....
Leaders: Apocalypse
Contact email:
Website: Working on it
IRC Channel: #team_Zenc

Contact me for tryouts also if anyone wishing to join could make a server that would be good also as I'm on cable.
Suggestions are also welcome.

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