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Topics - MaDMaN

Pages: 1 [2]
Other Stuff / Finally got a darn tattoo
« on: May 18, 2007, 01:32:30 PM »
If you have tattoo's post some pictures and or what not

Other Stuff / A good question for everyone.
« on: April 25, 2007, 09:55:29 PM »
What Does Jitspoe mean? Or a good explanation on how He got it?

Other Stuff / Would you serve your country?
« on: April 01, 2007, 05:39:39 AM »
Just wondering How many people would actually join or have been in the armed forces. I'm going to the army on June 19th

Cheater Reports and Bans / Still not unbanned from GT
« on: March 27, 2007, 09:42:23 AM »
Alright, I'm still not unbanned from GT. Snipen was suppose to allow my IP address But idk.? at least explain to me what i did, Or didn't do.

Paintball 2 Discussion / GT admins
« on: March 22, 2007, 08:07:19 PM »
Why in the hell am i banned... Snipen is it because i called your daughter HAWT!!!!!!

Other Stuff / Need Help.
« on: February 21, 2007, 12:39:07 AM »
Alright, i bought a new computer
 Evga sli board
1 gb of gskill ram
amd athlon 4000+
XFX 7600gt
575w psu
   Does anyone have a good program to overclock with? besides ntune that sucks. and rivatuner wouldnt work good enough.

Other Stuff / BooMeR
« on: August 19, 2006, 11:19:56 PM »
Meh you talk excrement about SaTaN trying to kill himself, yeah he tried.. I only wish you would try but actually pull threw with you, Just go play in traffic kk, meddling bundle of twigs detectives are for chicks

God i know its not good an all, but why insist someone is hacking?

Other Stuff / Cars, I Got Mine Almost Done
« on: July 10, 2006, 09:22:34 PM »
Meh, i figured might as well see what everyone drives, *here is my new rims which need to get tires on them! 
and this is my front dash
this is my interrior
This is a close up on my tireless rim
and here is my beautiful not clean 350 with edelbrock headers, and dual flowmaster exhaust!
 the last picture is my rear-end of the car sporting the dualies

Other Stuff / Can Any1 Help?
« on: May 30, 2006, 11:51:15 AM »
Ok, DP lags on my computer and i dont see why, its a Dual Core 4400+ with a Nvidia 7600gt, 2 gbs of OCZ ram, 200gb hdd, Biostar mother board, I dont see why it lags, Its not my internet either... Can any1 help me with liek a patch that may help it?

Cheater Reports and Bans / Alright im fed up with this
« on: May 22, 2006, 08:27:37 AM »
Ok i stay with my g/f like everyday, well her brother aka. FrOgShiZ is starting to piss me off, she goes to school at 7, which leaves me here bymyself till whenever i wanna go home, Well i got on DP this morning, And this is what i found..
Even tho this will get this IP banned from DP, doesnt matter, I am jus sick of it by now, i have asked him 3 or 4 times to reinstall DP pics and model textures, But Nooooo he still wants to do it...
 This ip will be private msged to Jitspoe, Derrek, And other Server Owners who want it..

Other Stuff / excrement Talking For Everyone
« on: April 07, 2006, 08:42:56 PM »
Here Loial And BooMer Have FUn

Paintball 2 Discussion / Saying Good Bye For A Bit
« on: April 02, 2006, 12:17:02 AM »
Well it came to me today, im failing all my classes my life is going down hill, i didnt order any of my computer parts now, im selling both my laptop and desktop, i gotta get back into my reg life, it was a very Great time playing dp with all you, esp ppl who stomped my ass to make me better, Thanks for showing a good time to me, Ill return when i get all my stuff together

 Later People!!

Paintball 2 Discussion / I mean seriously come on!
« on: March 26, 2006, 06:32:48 PM »
Well i was in a match with ]DoP[Smokey, ]DoP[Razr
    It was a great game but all the stupid excrement said by them was rediculous!.
  That is the link to the demo i recorded.. i wish i could of recorded the demo on airtime.. i thought i did but it didnt save..   During the demo you will see Smokey Get killed and he goes hacks wall hacker or something or another!.. Which is completely bullexcrement.. it shows you how pathetic Smokey is, calling me a hacker b/c my K/D ratio was alot better than his.. he blamed it on ping, which he pinged prolly 70-80...
     I really dont see a point in calling me a hacker b/c he got killed a ton!, was not my fault he is a noob and calls ppl hackers or say WALLED!!.. so finally i started agreeing with it
 If you watch the demo with the speakers on you will be able to tell im not intercoursein hacking at all!!! its soo newbish, then he goes and says he pwns me, by calling some1 a h acker is jus plainly saying u pwn me...well reply and tell me what u all think on it...
 here is the convo between me and smokey as well on aim

jonathan44890: you must like calling me a hacker
jQ965: rofl
jonathan44890: are you jus that sad u call some1 a hacker b/c they had more kills to less deaths than you?
jQ965: i own you.
jQ965: lmfao.. my ping was average 500
jonathan44890: Haha it was like 70
jQ965: for the last half of airtime
jQ965: propaint it was high and most of airtime
jQ965: dude
jQ965: 1on1 anytime.. not tonight
jQ965: i own you
jQ965: ps sucks
jQ965: you suck
jonathan44890: hahaha your such a newb
jQ965: rofl
jQ965: cuz u suck?
jQ965: and you get caught wallhacking>?
jonathan44890: Yeah i got cought so intercoursein what? am i hacking anymore.. nope
jQ965: plly
jQ965: prlly


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