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Topics - Apocalypse

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Other Stuff / Error exporting in Power_C
« on: September 03, 2007, 07:02:32 AM »
Hey guys recently I've been tinkering with Power_C I was making a tax calculator and I get this error
taxcalc.c(11):scanf ("%d" &Price);
********** ^131
131: | and & do not apply to floats or doubles or pointers.
taxcalc.c(13)scanf("%d" &Taxrate);
********** ^131
131: | and & do not apply to floats or doubles or pointers.
21 lines compiled
 2 Compile errors.

Here is what I put in taxcalc.c do you see anything wrong?
Code: [Select]
/* objects */
int Price;
int Taxrate;
int Tax;

/*asking for and receiving amounts*/
printf ("Please enter the first price (no more then 10000 please) to receive the amount/n");
printf ("of tax and the total cost:/n");
scanf ("%d" &Price);
printf ("Now please enter the tax rate:");
scanf ("%d" &Taxrate);

/*calcuating tax*/
Tax = Taxrate * Price;

/*displaying results*/
printf ("The tax for this item is:");
printf ("%5.10d");

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Continentals
« on: September 01, 2007, 03:23:16 PM »
Hey guys in response to this thread I have decided to help organise a North American Cup.
First off a list of things we need....
- some webspace maybe just a sub domain off the nicely done europaint cup or some for real webspace I guess I'll call it.
- an IRC channel (I will make one shortly)
- some helpers
- some people to be in it (lol)
- a set of rules
- and of course a name
- a map list
- some servers

In this Cup there will be a 3v3 series and a series of three death matches decided by the lowest all added together placings.

Paintball 2 Discussion / IRC colours?
« on: August 30, 2007, 03:22:46 PM »
Hey guys I'm pretty new to IRC I was wondering if you guys could tell me how to write in colours and similar type things.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Map Size Poll
« on: August 28, 2007, 09:03:39 AM »
Hey guys I'm starting up on a couple new maps soon I was wondering what size I should make them so I want to know what everyones favourite map size is and don't take the quality of the map as the quality of the size.

Other Stuff / All Alone
« on: August 24, 2007, 09:10:51 AM »
Hey guys today probably as I post this also I'm the only person on the forums probably the first time ever where are you all.

General Development / Programming
« on: August 23, 2007, 02:21:32 PM »
Hey guys I was just thinking how much I could do if I could learn to program well.
I was wondering if someone could either teach me the basics of programming or point me to some sort of guide to do so.

Mapping / BSP: Starting for multiple games?
« on: August 21, 2007, 08:11:25 AM »
Hey guys using the old version not 96b (I can't it working) to have it open and ask which game you want to go under for eample I'm currently making maps for Crimson Elite also and I have to go in and modify the bsp.cfg to use a different one. Also I'm getting an error whenever I try to export it says 'paintball is not recognized as an internal or external command and then if I press a key again it just closes it.

Other Stuff / NHL Season Upcoming!
« on: August 21, 2007, 07:59:15 AM »
Hey guys I was wondering what your predictions were on who will win the cup and how people will place etc.
My first prediction Leafs make the playoffs but in a low place probably 5, 6, or 7 and won't make it to the semifinals :( probably not the quarter finals either.
San Jose will probably come in around the middle of the Western conference :) might make it to the semi finals also.
Vancouver I think will come in pretty low in the standings I'm guessing they might not even make it to the playoffs :( .
I think that Anahime will do similar to how I predicted Toronto would.
Lets here some of yours now.

Hey guys lately I've been getting this error opening some maps to beta test them this is the error
Code: [Select]
ERROR: CMod_LoadBrushModel: maps/beta/ruinr_b1.bsp has wrong version number (######### should be 38) With different numbers where there is # symbols. Any idea what is the matter with it.

Server Discussion / Apocalypse's Colourful MOTDs Guide
« on: August 07, 2007, 12:29:27 PM »
Alright guys lately I was experimenting with making colourful MOTDs I figured out how so for all you people who want colourful MOTDs check it out here

General Development / Short Forms
« on: August 06, 2007, 11:19:36 AM »
Hey guys I thought of something the other day I'm going to make a dictionary of short forms on the wiki so post all the short forms you use in game on IRC and on the forums and what they mean here.
Five I use like a billion times every day...
ns- nice shot
gjt- good job team
gj- good job
nt- nice try
lol- laugh out loud

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Error: Can't use Start New Game
« on: August 06, 2007, 10:42:49 AM »
Alright guys it just started happening I will go to start new game under play off the main menu then I click play and it loads right up to the very end then I get an error and Paintball closes anyone know what's wrong?

Map Graveyard / Newmap: The Tunnel
« on: August 04, 2007, 10:50:53 AM »
Hey guys this is a small three path CTF meant for fast action. This is by far the smallest map I've ever worked on. Also I know the name sounds cheesy but I couldn't think of anything else.
Anyways the first download is the beta 1 including one ctp1 texture included for those of you who haven't downloaded (dirt something 4). Then a screenshots of each base.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Capture Mess Up
« on: August 02, 2007, 02:45:30 PM »
Ok guys the other day I was having a 1v1 just for fun after I met my friend I hadn't seen for ages anyways I was in OTB match 1 on xbmap1 here is the console all the caps happened in a matter of seconds....
*[DFDP]Apocalypse: what it say
17:00 left in match.
*[ELIM] BOY: didnt work
*BOY: nothing
*BOY got the *Red flag!
*Blue's BOY returned the flag!
*BOY got the *Red flag!
*Blue's BOY returned the flag!
*[DFDP]Apocalypse: hwat the
*BOY got the *Red flag!
*Blue's BOY returned the flag!
*BOY got the *Red flag!
*Blue's BOY returned the flag!
*BOY got the *Red flag!
*Blue's BOY returned the flag!
*BOY got the *Red flag!
*Blue's BOY returned the flag!
*BOY got the *Red flag!
*Blue's BOY returned the flag!
*BOY got the *Red flag!
*Blue's BOY returned the flag!
*BOY got the *Red flag!
*Blue's BOY returned the flag!
*BOY got the *Red flag!
*Blue's BOY returned the flag!
*BOY: cool
*BOY: rofl
*[DFDP]Apocalypse: that was messed what u do

Anyways what he did is once he got to the flag it capped it twice then when he realized what was happening he hopped back on it and it just kept capping the flag over and over again.

Other Stuff / Firefoxes No Style Webpage View
« on: July 29, 2007, 08:07:48 AM »
I was just fooling around with fire fox the other day and I went to view-pagestyle-nostyle it was horrible look at this pic.

Mapping / BSP 96b?
« on: July 23, 2007, 10:11:08 AM »
Hey guys I'm getting really annoyed at updating and installing the new version could someone please post a pre-packaged one thanks ahead of time.

Mapping / Breakfast Time:Very early development!
« on: July 16, 2007, 09:36:54 AM »
Hey guys I got this sweet idea a deathmatch in a bowel of cereal before I get started though I was wondering whether you guys think I should make it so the milk is paint or water also anyone know how to make a bowl shaped brush?

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Wally Errors
« on: July 15, 2007, 09:53:34 AM »
Ok first off the error message first pic pops up randomly then I click the click here and the top right one pops up then I press that ones click here to get the bottom right hand corner error box.
Second whenever I try to colour it makes it look like I'm selexting something(second pic).
If anyone knows what's wrong please let me know

Paintball 2 Discussion / Thumbs Up!
« on: July 12, 2007, 06:46:41 PM »
Hey guys I just I thought I would make this thread I know in many newspapers there is a Thumbs Up! spot so I thought hey that would be fun so post here your thumbs up to people below a few examples.....
Thumbs Up to ------ for a great tournament.
"                  "------ for all the work they've done for the community.
"                  " ------- for a great match.
"                  " ------- for a great map and I think you get the idea I just have a few to start us off with....
Thumbs Up to ch1ll for hosting the the pickup games URL.
Thumbs Up to Jitspoe for creating a server for the pickup games.
Thumbs Up to y00tz on becoming a forum moderator.
Thumbs Up to OTB for lowering server limits after a massive request.

Ok in the wally off the files page the Remip isn't working it worked before but isn't now I click it and nothing happens. Also is there any other way to get to the texture flags menu without using the button on the image bar?

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