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Topics - JiGSaW

Pages: [1] 2 3
Other Stuff / JiGSaW is too raw at GOW2.
« on: July 21, 2011, 09:37:05 AM »

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat bodieddddddddddddddd.

Paintball 2 Discussion / So, I installed dp again.
« on: March 27, 2011, 11:55:16 AM »
Time to start wrecking you fatties again.

But before I start, my darn game won't work, I click on the desktop icon and then it loads up the dp window for a second then I hear the xp beep and it goes away quick, no idea what's up with it any ideas, and I know this should go in the tech forum or whatever but I know no one will read it in there so I posted it here.


Uploaded with

Printscreened this pic real quick to show you, I caught it while it was popping up to show you what I was seeing, that little paintball2 window will come up for a second, it'll beep then disappear.  No idea.

Other Stuff / Uh Uh Uh Uh
« on: November 19, 2010, 02:47:57 PM »
If I blow ya brains out then ya thoughts will drop on the ground, now, do you wanna be a corpse or not? I'ma give you two choices, life or death, like north south up down right or left.

Other Stuff / No sorry weezy, i'm back.
« on: April 20, 2010, 07:22:04 AM »
lol hay deepee.

Other Stuff / Left 4 Dead 2.
« on: December 21, 2009, 10:39:01 AM »
It's so much better than the first one.  Especially for 360.  I don't even blink when I'm playing this game.

Anyone else pick this amazing game up?"

Live on l4d2 is even better too, because you can play as the different zombies against the survivors, or in a survival mode, scavenger mode, and like 2-3 more modes.


Server Discussion / 3iob Servers Incoming.
« on: December 21, 2009, 10:33:43 AM »
So, after chatting with swk, we are thinking about grabbing some servers.

Cincinnati sound good for everyone?  Yesssssssssssssssss it does.

Other Stuff / XP problem.
« on: October 25, 2009, 08:46:56 AM »
Alright so I just reinstalled xp, and my boot screen comes up fine, but instead of the login screen with my user picture and whatnot, it says my computer is locked and a little menu comes up and I have to put my name in and type in a password, kind of like the school computers when I was in school.  I don't know how to get my old login screen back and any help would be appreciated.  Would have just searched google for an answer but I can't find the right thing i'm looking for.

Issues for Committee Review / ATTENTION COMMITTEE
« on: October 23, 2009, 05:09:57 PM »
Alright, well I talked to jitspoe a couple minutes ago and he's on his way out somewhere so i'm asking you guys to help with this.

GWB is back, after 9 years, and someone faked his account, if you search gwb on global login its some random kids account, gwb saw this and made his own account (Eugenics) which you can search as well, he wants his GWB name back so if you could find out who this faker is, or whatever, it'd be great.

3 Inches Of Blood.

We're the greatest clan you've ever laid your eyes on.

Our members are currently: Bix, JiGSaW, dystro, DuDe, NFK, gold, bdog, gwb, Capo, and swk.  

The clan win loss record is: 579 - 26, in Digitalpaintball 2.0, that is.

So visit us on mirc at #team_3iob.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Zoom Zoom Zoom
« on: September 28, 2009, 11:18:04 AM »
Peace wax.

1:18pm Supers server on monday.

Help and Support / Where are the map packs?
« on: September 16, 2009, 08:30:21 AM »
All of the mirrors i've looked at on here are gone.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Someone thinks they're smart.
« on: September 16, 2009, 08:00:59 AM »
Alright so Homingbullet is banned or whatever right?  Well didn't we find out that he is Silentthreat now trying to still play?  After we called him out on that, Silentthreat disappeared, too bad Homing is too stupid to change anything on mirc.

So I guess vlad is letting homing use his account to play, because i'm sure it was homing getting his ass handed to him last night when we played.

silentthreat is * Vince

vlad is * Vince
vlad is logged in as silentthreat


homingbullet[] has joined #team_cc

^ that ip is literally from about 2 years ago, thanks to dystro.  So obviously it changed a little.  Which you can clearly see, they've been using eachothers accounts for awhile now.

OH darn THEY'RE FRIENDS IN REAL LIFE THAT MUST MEAN THERES AN EXCEPTION.  haha psyche good luck being banned longer homing.

When I was playing before there was a kid named D I C K S U C K E R, in bold red letters, now i'm guessing its the same annoying european whos name is C O C K F O N D L E R. All the kid does is grab flags and spam them, and you can't ignore that, or he does the glitch to switch teams and then kills his team with nades or hides on purpose when the other team has flag so they can keep capping.

I don't play pubs much but when I do this kid is always messing around in supermans,  It was from like 3:30 today till 3:50 you should look in the logs and get this kids ip since I can't.

I forgot that pubs don't record demos so darn, but yeah you should be able to find his ip around that time in your server Superman.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Electronic Thugz
« on: August 30, 2009, 02:14:42 AM »
Yeah, join us.

Help and Support / I'm Lost.
« on: August 14, 2009, 06:36:27 PM »
Dp runs at a good 500-1000 fps when it's not fullscreen'd but lags hardcore.

When I put it in fullscreen it caps it at my monitors refresh rate, which is 75.

How do I uncap it?

Cheater Reports and Bans / Another Speedhacker: Multiple?
« on: June 09, 2009, 01:28:57 PM »
Around 3:15-3:30 est time.

Multiple?   was his name.

Probably Navyseal on his 13th "extra" account.

Other Stuff / Need some helpski.
« on: April 18, 2009, 05:26:42 PM »
Anyone know any good programs to make my computer faster?  Like thinks to help clear up alot of space or ram boosters if they even work, I don't know I just need help.

I have windows 2000 professional on this P.O.S. :(  So make sure it's compatible with that first.


Paintball 2 Discussion / So, my computer broke.
« on: March 21, 2009, 06:55:33 AM »
My baby blew up. :(

Do you think this P.O.S. that i'm on right now could even run dp?

It has like a pent 3 500mhz processor, and it's like a 10 year old dell xps.

Has windows 2000 on it but there's a sticker on it that says Made for windows 1998, lol.

I don't think it'll even be able to run it, but i'd like to hear some opinions before i'd go and install it right now for nothing and have it not work.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Alright.
« on: March 19, 2009, 05:29:04 PM »
Made this thread in here since I thought it'd be perfect for what's going around.

Supposedly I quit dp, because I distributed hacks and used modified content. 

My power supply blew up on my computer, can't switch it back on, just want to set this straight for everyone.  Since I'm pretty sure this threads gonna be locked or deleted here shortly, read up.


« on: November 19, 2008, 05:38:16 PM »
Where you boys at?

Need to find some people to plow in GoW2.

x i roll fools  = my GT.


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