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Topics - ch40s

Pages: [1]
Server Discussion / Razzle is so good it needed it's own server.
« on: March 10, 2012, 04:12:33 PM »
You heard me.

Speed razzle.

« on: September 16, 2009, 08:06:47 PM »
Hey DPers, our new album is coming out this fall, but you can check out every song for a limited time, on our myspace.

We are booking a tour for this fall (November 15 to December 1) throughout the east coast and we would appreciate any help if you guys knows any good clubs or venues for us to get on a bill for.

Here's our press release picture:

And here's a picture of me and Jitspoe himself on our last tour =]

Other Stuff / NEOTOKYO - HL2 Mod
« on: July 16, 2009, 02:11:45 PM »
Ever since digital paint, and then CS I have yet to come across a mod that pleased every aspect of my opinion of a necessity in a mod. Until now, I've recently downloaded and really got into the mod NEOTOKYO for HL2. I like it so much, within the first few days I went ahead and started renting my own server. If you have steam, and HL2DM (which is only $5) you can enjoy this mod. It implements a CTF-like gameplay and requires a good amount of teamwork, similar to digitalpaint. Check out this trailer and visit to download.

Other Stuff / OHIO!?
« on: April 19, 2008, 08:37:35 AM »
My band is going on a small tour in June, we have most places booked but we're missing a booking in Ohio for Jun 1st. So, I figured why not drop a line with the DP community to get suggestions for bars/venues to contact and maybe even somewhere to crash for the night. PLEASE HELP =]

Server Discussion / Unmatched quote = Ban ?
« on: April 16, 2008, 10:41:12 PM »

*<mewa.rules>xERo (Autococker) eliminated *-s2k.Anarchist_Sk8_Punk
*<mewa.rules><mewa> (Autococker) eliminated *zillo (PGP).
]bind mwheelup "hand 1"
*-|tR|-MoNst3R (Autococker) eliminated *<mewa.rules>xERo
]bind mwheelup "hand 2"
10:00 left in match.
*-|tR|-MoNst3R (Autococker) eliminated *CINNOMAN (PGP).
*-|tR|-MoNst3R (Autococker) eliminated **STaRz*MuFF
*<mewa.rules><mewa> (Autococker) eliminated *Minosha (Autococker).

]bind q "hand 1
Line has unmatched quote, discarded.
ch40s failed hardware check.
Line exceeded 1024 chars, discarded.
ch40s was kicked
You were kicked from the game
]bind q "hand 1"
Connecting to challenge print

GT Pub, running b19 on a  linux distro.

Other Stuff / Reaver names!
« on: January 11, 2008, 09:20:37 PM »
I just recieved a message from Riddick, only to find out it was Reaver later. If he intended on me knowing whether he was Reaver or not, I do not know. But, it this has happened to me on several occasions, and I just wanted to know if I could get a nice list of "Reaver Names". Maybe a possible explanation for changing names so often, and if anyone knows someone who changes their name more often.

Other Stuff / I confess
« on: December 30, 2007, 11:21:38 PM »
My love to jitspoe

I'm running ubntu 7.04, and I've run into a couple problems playing DP. I can login on the startup screen no problem but as soon as the server requires auth it kicks me. Also, it doesn't save my screen resolution settings (problably can be fixed by manually editing a cfg I s'pose)

Paintball 2 Discussion / To thwart hackers in matches
« on: February 27, 2007, 03:44:06 AM »
OK I'm playing a match and inadvertently think I get called a hacker after acing with a grab someone says something to the tune of "yeah right, sure." First thing I do, start fraps and begin recording. The demo ended up being 2.5 gigs, and I really didn't even get called a hacker. Regardless, a thought crossed my mind which most likely isn't original but I haven't heard it from anyone personally, except in CSS. Before every match, have each player take a screen shot of both teams and scoreboard. I'm not familiar with hacks (because I've never used them) but, I would assume that you cannot turn them on and off in-game (can anyone back me up?) If anyone leaves and comes back, or new players come in, the same has to be done (maybe in observer?). Maybe you could set up a thread just for the purpose of uploading these screen shots and validating the players abilities, as well as the credibility of the clan matching. This way, if a team refuses to do so, they would obviously have something to hide and most likely would not get asked to match anymore. Just a thought....


Someone just informed me that its easy to turn hacks on and off in DP. Scratch that I guess? At least it would deter spiking, and it seems that Jitspoe has a good handle on wallhacks.

Map Graveyard / New Map -Razzle Dazzle
« on: February 26, 2007, 12:43:34 PM »

This is the link to the final

Im copying to info from planetsuper. Ive lowered the lighting and changed/fixed the textures. I used quark for this map, and plan on switching to BSP or Worldcraft after running into multiple compiling/texture/relative easiness issues.

Here are a few shots of the finale compile

RAZZLE DAZZLE - Here's my first map ever. It's small, I wanted to make a fun and fast 2v2 or 3v3 map. Two paths high and low. Low seemed a bit too fast so I added a speed breaker, unless u can do the jump over it. Main is simple and relatively open leaving you with no where to hide in some places.  This is out of beta I willl be working on a new map, thanks for your feedback ahead of time.

File is here
razzle.bsp 1.8 mb

Teams are yellow and blue


Inside base, from low entrance

Outside main exit

Main to mid

Mid high to mid low visible from mid high sshot

Main to main entrance

Low exit from base (I just noticed that light coming from the ceiling rofl)

Mid low to mid high visible from mid low sshot

Mid low

Low to base

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