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Topics - Francisco

Pages: [1]
Resolved Help & Support / What makes PING increase?
« on: May 01, 2007, 02:26:52 PM »
hi, few days ago a noticed that my ping is higher than usual which is outta normal. The comon ping i had in servers ( once im european ) was around 80 in German servers, 60 in England ones, 40 in local and 120 in American's.

 The only thing that used to increase for sudden my ping was when my antivirus was updating but it only wud take around 1 minute and then it wud come down to normal!

 But like since three days ago my ping increased and what used to be 80 is now 330, and you dont even want to imagine in american servers what number it gets!! I have like a shooting delay of almoust two seconds, it is really pissing me off cuz im not seeing where the problem is!

 So all this story to come to this question, what makes your ping goes up?? I dont have nothing oppened or running, no MSN, no xfire, irc, wmp, ie opened, nothing, i start the computer and after it's inicialized and stable i just open paintball and ping is 300, 400, 500...




Resolved Help & Support / I can't change maps on server
« on: March 02, 2007, 07:03:23 AM »
  Hi, is there anyone that can help me with this? Recently, everytime my mate and I try to change a map on server, it redirects us to a new game ( in the map we just tried to put ) with bots... And the server remains the same!

  I am opped to it, i'm admin of it, so are two more people but only one of them can change maps... Me and Magalhães ( more specific ) go straight to a new private game!

  We think its some problems in the configs, once recently we installed the ''For those with 400+ maps (v4)'' that  Zorchenhimer made!

  So my question is, is someone else with the same problem? Or someone who knows how can this be solved?? Cuz its really boring changing maps by crashing the server and re-open it quickly after with the map we want  :(

Thank you for any help!


Paintball 2 Discussion / Taunts, funny sounds!
« on: February 28, 2007, 08:27:36 AM »
  So, is there anyone that could post here a list of the taunts that you hear when you eliminate, be eliminated, grab the flag & capping it, rounds beggining & ending please?
  Because i was watchin other day the movie Demolition Man ( that one in the future where Silvester Stalone and Sandra Bullock fight Wesley Snipes ) and i realized that one of the taunts here in DP2 is from that movie!

  More specific, when you eliminate yourself there's one of a guy saying ''Stupid!''   ( that guy is Wesley Snipes )

  Cud someone tell others?

  I'm just curious about that  ???



Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Two clans w/ same name
« on: February 19, 2007, 01:19:30 PM »
  Hi, so, today this Soul Reap guy came to me on xfire telling me that he found another ]LC[ !!  ]LC[ Naomi and ]LC[ Beach...

  Once i know we dont have anyone like those names in our clan i sed it was a lie, that he probably misunderstood us with ]LG[ or ]LH[ or whatev those other clans are!!

  But i found today that ]LC[ Naomi but he/she (    ::)    ) leaved without saying a word.. so, if this Naomi reads these forums please explain yourself or if anyone see's this ]LC[Naomi and ]LC[Beach playing, please lead them to this forums so I can figure out why someone copied our clan name or joined us without saying a word!!

  I talked to every clan members and no one recruited these players, even if they wanted they had to talk to me or Magalhaes first!!

Thanks for any help!


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