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Topics - Edgecrusher

Pages: [1] 2
Other Stuff / onlinekeystor
« on: October 13, 2010, 04:17:13 AM »
Anyone ever bought anything from them?

Other Stuff / Ok Ok
« on: December 03, 2009, 03:31:53 AM »
Why have you deleted yesterdays Zimtstern thread in other stuff? It is called other stuff for reasons.

It wasn't offensive, it was funny.

Whoever deleted that thread just relax, it's not necessery to delete everything you don't find funny.


Help and Support / Serverbrowser trojan
« on: November 03, 2009, 10:06:14 AM »
Care to elaborate?

Btw, if this has happend to someone else, no, I didn't tried to search the forums.

Other Stuff / Excel help
« on: September 09, 2009, 03:42:29 AM »
Here's the problem:

I have a worksheet containing several customers. Already calculated are about 80 product prices reduced with conditions.

What I have to do: I have to make a new worksheet where person viewing it will have an option to pick one main customer which will than be base (let say you will pick customer from drop down list and than all product prices will appear bellow and that will be the base) and two to ten more which will, after selecting wanted ones, be compared with that base customer.

Practically it's easy, all I need to have is - i select one customer - his prices appears bellow, i select other customers - his prices appears bellow but with formula -> selected customer prices divided with base customer prices (for instance C2/A1) to get difference in pp.

I'm good with excel, but I'm not good with macros (I don't know if I need to assign macro to drop down list button or on whole column) so if anybody has any know how on this subject please put in your thoughts.

Another option is to make a base in Access. And I haven't make anything in Access so far so maybe this will be my first try if excel macro is to big of a hassle :)

Thanks in advance.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Speedo - noname(1)
« on: October 19, 2008, 10:57:49 AM »

18:55 GMT +1

Not logged in

Other Stuff / Did not know this
« on: June 02, 2008, 12:48:06 AM »
|| Clan Profile for Qballs ||
Clan Name: Qballs
Clan Tag: [JitIsmerry]
Clan ID: 5360
Date: 2007-07-12 00:08:20



That brightend my day.

Name stealer.


Cheater Reports and Bans / Possible hack: Soldier, Paradead
« on: April 14, 2008, 12:53:52 PM »
Today we matched aT, during the match we saw weird twitches on soldiers and paras aim. they reticle went from person to person really fast, both on their teammates and to us.

If they are hacking fine, deserved ban,

If they aren't also great.

You decide:

PBcup: 18:52, 18:40, 16:38, 16:18 ->>> blaas time
We noticed it at 9:00 min. We demoed em further there.

Blaas demo -

my demo -

Pb_cup Renoir: 14:47 soldier , 13:40 soldier ==> 12:34, 11:07 soldier and so on >>> provided by sphinx.
mines are: 11:30, 10:45 Para,
               19:41, 19:20, 14:05 soldier
Blaas -

Sphinx -

mine - 

Other Stuff / Either I'm,
« on: January 03, 2008, 01:03:14 PM »
dreaming or Login has been renamed to DPLogin.

Well, good morning and good night soon.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Voice of community
« on: December 20, 2007, 02:28:07 AM »
Yes, this again links to threads Sonny crashing servers and Matter of opinion.

This time I urge you not to post about what happend. I don't know exactly why the thread Matter of opinion was locked, I wasn't able to participate anymore in that thread last nigh because my body wanted to catch some sleep.

What is my goal here you ask?

As I stated above, I don't want for people to post anymore on that subject, more or less all have been said with one exepction. We haven't heard Sonnys point of view and also I'd like for committee members to post their opinions here.

I'll try to give a quick facts:

- we know who started crashing the servers
- we know who took the blame for it, and that person didn't started crashing in first place.
- we know that the issue is not black and white, it never is, but bans usually are
- we know that there are people who stick together and that they are defending their favorites, but the fact is that no matter what you do or did for PB in general, rules have to be obeyed
- we have a presedan - Sonnys 32 day ban

-we don't have any insight on punishment for the others
- we don't know what is committee doing to resolve this issue
- we don't know is this going to have a closure, or will it be swept away - this is the main part I started this topic

I ask again, please do not post anymore on that subject, it'll be considered off topic and the thread will be locked. I ask for Sonny, committee members  mods and anyone who would like to admit something that they have done on this matter (like coLa, there's a man with principles who came out to disclose his laundry)and have not said it openly to give their voices, opinions with EVIDENCES, and reasonable course of action.

Community is divided on this matter, if committee fails to resolve this quick and most of all fair I think that time will come to question integrity of committee and persons elected for it.

Please, I don't want to lock this topic so if you don't fall into any of group mentioned above, do not post.

Edited for early morning, might edit more - grammar wise

Help and Support / Account password/deletion: Butcher
« on: November 20, 2007, 08:10:28 AM »
My best friend lives down the streat, he deleted his e-mail with his GL info, and forgot which password he used for login.

Player ID: 25487
Name registered: butcher
He asked me to write this, he can't use his account, so if it would be possible to recover his password, or just delete that account so he can make a new one?

Help and Support / Lagg issues
« on: November 11, 2007, 03:13:42 PM »
Last 2-3 days I am really laggy on all servers, both EU and USA.

My ping is normal, but I lagg every few seconds, really hard, nor can I jump or aim.

So if someone had similar experience, I would be very grateful for any kind of advice.

Other Stuff / Verdict for Vukovar
« on: October 12, 2007, 04:11:43 AM »
I though really hard whether should I post this one or not. I think I must do this. Yeah, it's about politics.

Those 3 massacred or were responsible in the military hierarchy for loss of hundreds civilian lives. They took all of civilians and personell from hospital and brutally killed them at the place called Ovcara. That was the thing they were in Haag. Also, not mentioned, there is more than just that hospital. Whole city ruined, bombed to devastation, mass tombs, raping...

Verdict for them?

1st got 20 years

2nd got 5 years

3rd is free to go

I quote from that article:

˝If you stole a car today you would get a harsher sentence than what they got for the biggest crime that was committed here in the past 50 years˝

After this, I lost what ever remained in my hope that this kind of things will be brought to justice. Politics made that verdict, not judges from Haag. They get to walk free while dozens and hundreds of people from Vukovar are not even found yet,  buried somewhere to be forgoten.

I'll finish with this song:

Help and Support / Avatar
« on: September 28, 2007, 06:35:48 AM »
Why it doesn´t let me to put in my avatar on profile?

I have it as gif.

Should I have it diferent, as in not gif.?

Help and Support / Serverlist
« on: September 28, 2007, 04:30:27 AM »
Is there a way I can organize my serverlist so that when I enter the game they wouldn't appear so randomly when I go in Join game?

Edit: please move thread to Help&Support. Ty

Help and Support / Software for demos
« on: September 28, 2007, 03:47:13 AM »
Is there any software from which I can watch demos without launching PB?

So that software would require to support playing certain files that demos use.

Edited for grammar, if there´s more grammmar issues I´ll come back to it.

Other Stuff / Jitspoe is...
« on: September 17, 2007, 10:52:34 AM »
an European without a login

Cheater Reports and Bans / Speedhax CHEATER
« on: September 14, 2007, 04:52:00 PM »
WOW, one more.

GT PUB 1, 5.45 PM, name CHEATER

GT please provide his IP

Original name.

Edit: Btw, he said something about that he created his cheat, so this could go for a longer ban.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Speedhx DAKIDES BR
« on: September 13, 2007, 05:21:40 PM »
Ok, found 1.

It was OTB pub 2,

6.11. PM (1.11 AM GMT+1).

What can I say, boy speedaxed, it was pretty funny at the end.

Someone from OTB please take out his IP.

Other Stuff / Real name
« on: September 04, 2007, 06:09:08 AM »
My real name is...


Pronaunciation: Imagine the movies where you have russian guy speaking english. Hard letters. So u dont pronounce it like Renko but as I wrote it.


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