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Topics - Asatoth

Pages: [1]
Help and Support / Can't create account.
« on: February 16, 2008, 05:17:46 AM »
I sarted playing Paintball2 again and downloaded the newest version. And it said if I wanted to register an account go this site. Either way, my problem is that I can't create an account, all I get is: "Digital Paint Login System Account RegistrationRegistration failed.  You are only allowed to register one account.  If you have already registered an account and wish to add another name, log in and click the "Add/Delete Names" link.  If you have not registered an account yet, go back and enter "1" in the box for how many accounts you're allowed to register.  If you are having problems with your account, visit the Help and Support forum."

And I know that I havent vreated an account there before because the name I try to use /Asatoth) doesnt work, it just says that there isnt any account with that name. SO I try with a nother email adress and I still get the same message. What is happening?

Resolved Help & Support / Coloury name~~
« on: May 06, 2007, 11:18:21 AM »
Ok, I may be stupid, but still, IƤve been playing PB2 for soon about 2 months and saw that many people has coloured names, tried to find the code for that in the options, but could't find them, so my question is then, how do I get a colour in my name?

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