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Topics - Michael_Fornal

Pages: [1]
Paintball 2 Discussion / Lameness..
« on: February 24, 2003, 06:23:56 AM »
(edit:  Jit, that stupid cussing filter is rediculously stupid  stupid stupid)

I just matched for the first time with the new clan I joined last night, Butcher's Clan(#B!).   Anyone curious.. I quit eR33t cause there was no real challenge there and they have excrementloads of good people already, so I figured I'd join a new clan instead.  Maybe help out the competition a bit and have some more fun matching, knowing I may actually lose sometimes.

SO yeah.. we matched clan "V"  ...never really heard of them, but anyways.  We beat 'em the first map bad enough that they switched maps to the second one part way through the first map without even saying anything.  That sucked.  Play through the darn maps, people.  

The second map, for the entire 20 minutes, all three of them spammed "DP_ASS" on the console.  Seriously.. the entire time they just scrolled it.  They should be banned from all DP servers and have their heads blown off with a shotgun.  Most annoying match experience in my life.

Then we matched a second clan later that night.  "pF"  was the clan name.  They were good sportsmans until we had them beat on the tie map and neo-somethingorother started whining that "you guys had to use an er33t member to beat us, cigarettes.. losers, etc etc etc" and whining about excrement.  

oy.. why can't people just play and have fun and not ruin matches?  And apparently, pF only adds wins to their record.. so watch out, they're a clan to rec'on with! ;)

But yeah.. clan B! is badass... good bunch of guys to play with.  

Donkey sex. (I didnt want a post without me mentioning some sort of weird unorthodox pornificationisms)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Fixed my player models problem..!
« on: February 16, 2003, 12:00:06 PM »

w00t.. now on to maybe testing rainbow paintballs so you can see them flying?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Just me, or..?
« on: January 13, 2003, 11:40:20 AM »
First of all, thank you Jit for getting a version out!

Just wanted to throw a couple things out about the new version.  First, am I the only one that has trouble hitting people moreso with this new version?  It seems that sometimes I'll make a direct hit and it won't do anything.  And it's not lag, I know DP and lag, and that's definitely not it.  I'm mr. LPB anyways, with a sexy 30-something ping.

Also, the models are REALLY hard to see because of all the black in them.  I think it'd help alot if there were more of the color the team is.. if they're a red team, have them have on a solid red shirt or something.  It's just really tough to see them in certain spots as it is.

Also, I know I'm not the only one on this issue, but the blue and purple models are virtually impossible for me to tell apart in the new version.  Fellow partially color-blind folks will definitely agree with me here.  They need to have more of a defined look to their colors.  Like dark dark dark blue and reaaaally light purple or something.  Back me up here, OJ.

That's it for now..

Paintball 2 Discussion / Dear Jitspoe,
« on: November 04, 2002, 10:49:26 AM »
 JEBUS RELEASE 2.0 ALREADY&!&!@&!   For cripes sake the mod is dying and it's all your fault, you Egyptian loving poo eating heterophobe!

Paintball 2 Discussion / k&m on PPV!!&
« on: July 22, 2002, 04:04:51 AM »

How swweeet is that?!  Dude that likes our site went to last night's WWF(ok.. wwe now, pfft..) PPV and got us on TV! SO COOL!  And he was going to try and get some wrestlers to hold the sign and get pics before the show, but I haven't got back with him yet to find out.  

So cool.

Other Stuff / me and Jessica Alba..
« on: June 02, 2002, 02:14:23 AM »
Wow.. as you all know, I've been gone the last two weeks or so.  And it's was the BEST two weeks of my life.  I posted before how me and Alba were going away together for a while, and now I'm back. And while things didn't work out because of her hectic schedule, I'll never forget her - and I know I'll always have a place in her heart.  We cliqued.. like nothing I've ever felt.  It was amazing.

Here we are in Japan.. just having a good time checking out the old buildings.  Man is that thing BIG!

Here we are at the Inn in Tubuluba, Aribar off the coat of Jaoblma.  Those were great times.  That's Jim in the background, he was pretty cool.  But he kept grabbing my ass.

Finally.. us just relaxing some 350,000 miles out in the ocean.  Those were the best of times.  Just us, all alone enjoy it all.

Paintball 2 Discussion / yeaH.
« on: May 29, 2002, 01:54:31 PM »
When we go to 2.0, everything should reset and we should have captains to clans and have a huge draft two weeks after the release, so all clans are even and everything is neat and interesting.

That'd be cool.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Stupid Cheaters in DP piss me off.
« on: May 09, 2002, 05:10:33 PM »
In the middle of a match, Q.. with a fake nocheat msg...

pathetic.  This is what makes DP bad.  So I wouldn't recommend matching "Playaz" unless they dispose of this worthless piece of excrement.

[Q] is * Quincy
[Q] on @#Prozak +#iRONMEN +#team_xw #team_er33t @#puredp
[Q] using Ny3.EnterTheGame.Com ETG IRC Ny Server
[q] End of /WHOIS list.

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