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Topics - marth

Pages: [1]
Paintball 2 Discussion / ive just about had it
« on: December 24, 2007, 05:19:40 PM »
will someone please tell me some tips about aiming?!? apparently trying to put the cursor over the enemy isnt enough, will someone please tell me how to stink a little less?! i get no better no matter how long i play, i know how to jump and crap fairly well, but i always get shot by some person in a corner, or someone who isnt remaining still, will someone please help before the stress this game makes gets the best of me? im already on the verge of quitting, and ill never be known as anything past noob.
how do the pros aim so well?!
please help T.T, its the only fps that runs on my comp
(i dont expect to get better in an instant, but i expect to get at least slightly better after a long time :/, and im also stressed out, sorry x.x)

Mapping / missing flag, base and invincable enemies?
« on: November 30, 2007, 05:35:20 AM »
i decided to try to make my first map today, it worked out except for a few things, the bases and flags were missing o.O and in ctf and one-flag, the enemies are invincable, but not in koth o.o.
 i used final compile (high guality), whats wrong?   :-\

Server Discussion / server newb
« on: November 27, 2007, 11:11:15 AM »
I know this is a nooby question, but are servers free?
Half the time i hear that it's free, then other times, they say something about paying (and something about bandwith fees o.o?). I just want a server that me and two friends (maybe some strangers too, but i'd still like to be able shut down server) that definately isn permanate, and i dont know anything about ports, please help?

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