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Topics - MrLuke

Pages: [1]
Paintball 2 Discussion / Clear wall Textures
« on: May 01, 2008, 05:59:15 AM »
On the map blitz or any other map with clear walls, i can see my walls perfectly, but i just noticed on another computer you can barely see the walls (all the same settings)
ill have to get a screen shot from the other computer, why are the clear textures different on each computer?
Is my screen shot how its ment to be or do i have an advantage?
and can it be fixed on the other computer?

Server Discussion / Displaying users stats at the end of round.
« on: April 28, 2008, 07:24:18 AM »
I know this command (g_writestats 1) displays each players stats in my server console
Can i make it so at the end of your round it displays only your own stats as a message in the game screen?

and there used to be a [KAF] server that displayed most kills, deaths...... and so on, at the end of each round. Does anybody know how this was/is done?

Map Graveyard / IndoorSoccer
« on: April 24, 2008, 04:01:37 AM »
The 1st map i have released for a bit of fun,
dont be too harsh on me map critics  :P


Paintball 2 Discussion / Australian Server
« on: April 23, 2008, 07:26:08 AM »
An Australian/ New Zealand dedicated public server
if anybody could make 1 or has access to getting 1, that would be sweet  :)

Server Discussion / Timed Out
« on: January 16, 2008, 07:09:00 PM »
When i start my server i cant have 2 people connected from the same household?
When the host joins to the server the other times out and then cant he find the server.
is there a way to fix this?

Server Discussion / Server Sending Internal Ip instead
« on: January 04, 2008, 04:46:18 AM »
My Sevrer is ONLY sending out an internal ip adress which otheres cannot connect to.
Server set to public
Im using a router.
Ports are forwarded to 27910
static ip adress:
Firewall off and allowed (unless avg has firewall i dont no about)

my server sends a heart beat eventhough its an internal ip address.

the sever appears only in my paintball server list in the game. it connects to It does NOT show up in sevrer browser.

DP Resource Public Server Troubleshooter
Specified server information:
RCON password provided? yes
Run at Fri, 04 Jan 2008 10:45:18 +0000

> Checking if can be connected to...
>    Writing to socket: '\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFstatus\n'
>    Attempting to read, 3 second timeout...
>    Error: ICMP destination unreachable: unreachable port
> Failed to connect to server!
> Checking server list...
> Getting server list from
> No entries found on the server list

* Your server may not even be running; try connecting to it on this computer: run /connect in console
* Your server's port may not be forwarded; make sure you forward your ports for UDP port 27910 (and make sure it's set to the right computer address)
* Your server's port may be firewalled; make sure you allow port 27910 through your firewall

Server Discussion / Server Troubles
« on: November 26, 2007, 04:33:49 AM »
Followed every instruction from DP Resource Server Troubleshoot... ports have been forwarded. Any ideas?

DP Resource Public Server Troubleshooter
Specified server information:
RCON password provided? yes
Run at Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:29:43 +0000

> Checking if can be connected to...
>    Writing to socket: '\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFstatus\n'
>    Attempting to read, 3 second timeout...
>    Error: ICMP destination unreachable: unreachable port
> Failed to connect to server!
> Checking server list...
> Getting server list from
> No entries found on the server list

* Your server may not even be running; try connecting to it on this computer: run /connect in console
* Your server's port may not be forwarded; make sure you forward your ports for UDP port 27910 (and make sure it's set to the right computer address)
* Your server's port may be firewalled; make sure you allow port 27910 through your firewall

Pages: [1]