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Topics - Dukky

Pages: [1]
Other Stuff / oLG CONTEST ***MUST READ***
« on: June 28, 2011, 11:05:56 AM »
    Hey guys - I'm sure many of you remember navyseaL, Nub, Spook, Skitzo - OF COURSE YOU DO. Anyway, their CSS team is running a giveaway where you can win a FREE edited video by them or even just a video about you uploaded on their youtube. You can also win a Steam Account with the games Counter-Strike:Source and Day of Defeat:Source. You might be thinking it's a scam, it's NOT in any way a scam. I've known these guys for quite a while now and I can assure you that they aren't trying to scam anyone. I've done their logo for their community group and other sorts. All you guys have to do is register on there website and once they hit 30 members they will put everyones name in a random generator where you will have the option of taking the Steam Account or the video. That's all you have to do, just register and wait till they hit 30 members and check back to see who wins. The games that the steam account contains are.
    *Day of Defeat:Source
    *Half Life 2: Deathmatch
    *Half Life 2: Lost Coast
    *Team Fortress 2 (Now a free to play game under Steam)
    No scam, no bullexcrement. Here are the links to their team and where you can sign up.
 <---Link to where you sign up and wait for 30 members. <---Their youtube account. <---Their community group.
Navy asked me to post this and I can assure you he isn't scamming anyone since he has the account ready to go and has this all under control. Spook, Skitzo, and Nub are also apart of the team as I said earlier and you can ask any of them and they can tell you he isn't bullexcrementting anyone. Hope you guys actually participate and look past the excrement navy did in the past. Cheers

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / [tribal] recruiting
« on: February 17, 2008, 05:35:49 AM »
Lead by Magnum P.I, Seadevil and Dukky, tribal is looking for new, UK / USA based players who can jump, pgp, and generally own. 

Requirements: Xfire, Vent


or search olliegibson on xfire

Post here if you would be interested in joining, I will release more details on tryouts when we have applicants.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Advertising Cheats?
« on: February 08, 2008, 01:20:49 PM »
7.00pm GMT Arctic Jump server
See a guy named Mr.Lol posting this: is his I.P
Dunno if this was him just saying something random, not quite sure

Other Stuff / Want to learn to dance?
« on: January 31, 2008, 02:31:56 PM »

Server Discussion / Question about servers
« on: January 06, 2008, 05:25:27 AM »
I know enough that to make a dedicated server you need the console thingy running, and make sure port 27910 isn't blocked or somethihng.

One thing still bugs me however. What are the fiddelities behind the process of just simply pressing 'start game' and giving your friends your ip and letting them join. Not even on the severver list, just so your friends can join it.

Why isn't this possible? Many games run this, where you can make a server which people can join, without the need to make a dedicated server.

Just looking to see why this isn't possible, and if there would be anyway of doing this in future builds

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