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Topics - Bono

Pages: [1]
Hello, there is possible to add function to DP2 like "cl_path 0/1" or something like that to game? If set it "1" then actually used directory and menu file will should be visible on left bottom corner of screen.

Sorry for my English :P

I am trying to handle server console to my application (make a server GUI), and, yes, I made it but only to this moment.

Code: [Select]
[********] Date: 2013-06-28
[02:41:03] Winsock Initialized.
[02:41:03] ===== Paintball II Initialized =====

Qhost not present.
Error: Error getting # of console events.

why server outputs that messages to me?
Code: [Select]
Qhost not present.
Error: Error getting # of console events.
What does that mean?

If I don't have map, and server have setting sv_fast_download 0 there's no new loading/dowlnoading screen.

b38 on server and client.

Other Stuff / PCDPmod v2.0 - DESIGN QUESTION
« on: June 21, 2013, 04:34:01 PM »
Hello, I need your votes to know what do you want see in next PCDPmod!

REMEMBER: Voting asks about the graphics/design of the menus and not the graphics in the game like textures/3Dmodels etc.

* light-flat and dark-flat votes sums up. (adds up?)

Sorry for my English.


Official Feature Votes / Tweak: more variables for text position
« on: January 09, 2011, 04:25:03 PM »
It would be very good if in next build or any later build of DP2 be included new text position variables in menus.

Possibility of placing text from the edge (end) of screen in any resolution.

Like this:

Menu code for above screen (idea):
Code: [Select]
pb2menu 1

background none

type text
xLedge 100
yTedge 90
valign center
halign left
text "text"

xLedge -> x left edge -> text position from left edge (end) of screen
xRedge -> x right edge -> text position from right edge (end) of screen
yTedge -> y top edge -> text position from top edge (end) of screen
yBedge -> y bottom edge -> text position from bottom edge (end) of screen

You understand what I mean?

When I will use this variables word "text" on screen always be 90px from top end of screen to down and 100px from left end of screen to right.

Sorry for my English. I have a lot of ideas, but it's really hard for me to write this. I am Sorry  :'(

Official Feature Votes / Tweak: Separate HUD to txt file
« on: January 09, 2011, 03:41:53 PM »
I have one small question for the future releases. It is possible for separate ingame HUD/interface to "menu txt file" or anything else what I can modify (like other menus files)?

When it is possible then anyone (like me ;) ) can make a lot better HUD style (interface ingame). I have really good ideas and visions but for now it's impossible to do. :-\

Issues for Committee Review / Player: Aiden5
« on: June 24, 2010, 09:13:59 AM »

Please DELETE one from registered names form player "Aiden5" - this name is "Bon0" -.- ! It's very annoying for me, becouse my nick is Bono and nobody knows who is who. >:(

He lying evrybody and he offends me.

Sorry about my English.

Link to demo:;topic=21015.0;attach=7661

What's PCDPMod?

PCDPmod is a customisation for Digital Paint: Paintball2, enhancing the look & feel of PB2 by a load of new menus and includes the most popular scripts written for Paintball2, such as doublejump-script, autohand and others.

With PCDPmod installed, there's no need to read through huge command-guides or boards for a specific command to enter in you console anymore: PCDPmod brings userfriendlyness to PB2!

Next to the advantage of having a menu for almost everything, it makes playing Paintball even look better and lets you change your settings in a comfortable way.

Besides to this, PCDPmod features PCDPadds*, a tool helping you to set up your homeserver in no time while allowing you to change almost every serversetting with an easy-to-understand, external tool.
(*) Note that PCDPadds isn't available in English yet!

PCDPmod GameStarter offers a comfortable way to browser through your screenshots, track your mapstatistics and even have an eye on your local stats.

Hi! My name is Maciek (nick: Bono) and I come from Poland. I am a big DP2 fan, I play this game for a quite long time and I still enjoy it very much. Once, visiting your forum, I came across an addon called 'Zorchenhimer's Menus' and I liked all the changes he made so much that they inspired me to make my own addon in a similar style. It was a long time ago and as I am Pole I have been making such addons for Poles only. In total, they did not add much more than Zorch's Menus did. But this time I tried something new- I set up my own project named 'PCDP DP2 Project'.  It was meant to include additional applications written by my as well as total remake of original ingame menuses including totally new graphics.

And so it happened, I started working and today I'm watching my labour's fruits with smile on my face.
The main element of my project is PCDPmod, which is an addon to game changing all the menus and game design. There are also some additional, external applications added to it, but I will introduce them later. My menuses introduce refreshed ingame design (including for example bookmarks, sorting) and all known functions from Zorch's Menus and another user's ones, mainly in changed, improved form, as well as many totally new functions, which worlds had never seen before ( ;D ) , if I can say so. I will not elaborate because I would simply run out of space. Below there are given some screenshots and a link to Polish trailer.

And now let's say a bit about other programs contained by my Mod.
I had written additionally two applications and I am starting writing the third time at the moment. One of them is 'PCDPadds' which is used to making servers without any insight into the configuration files. It adds in simply way its settings into appropriate places and program creates for us files with configs,  write them into adequate folders and start the server,  making a desktop shortcut, which allows turning on server, beforehand.

Second application is 'PCDPmod Game Starter'. I had written it for the PCDPmod needs. Its task is introducing my configurations to game, to make all functions of my addon work properly. Additional 'PCDPmod GS' functions are showing player's localstats, enabling player to manage his game account and also quick checking news on my homepage as well as browsing made ingame screenshots.
I would like to say that I do not know English very well and all my utterancions are translated by my friends, so do not get angry if I do not respond fo a long time or write something wrong.

PCDPmod will include nice installer, which will not even overwrite your menuses or therem. Everything works automatically and is safe.

Big thanks to:
Dang - testing English version, correcting translation, new ideas
Zorchenhimer- for inspirating me to creating a thing like this! <3
sk89q- for permitting me using his maps' screenshots pack in my project ;)
MuS(hehe)- creating trailer, testing Polish release
Aiden5 & Okles- translating this text xD

Polish Homepage and Polish Center of Digital Paint (PCDP):

v1.0 [beta] & v1.1
> Trailer 1
> Trailer 2
> PCDPadds (Only PL)


> v1.1 gallery
> v2.0 gallery


- MS Windows
- 1024x768 (or bigger) resolution
- DP2 Build 18 to 36*

* in latest DP2 builds PCDPmod v1.1 still works, but interface is bugged in some places.

- MS Windows
- 1024x768 (or bigger) resolution
- DP2 Build 38 (at the moment)


> POLISH: Mirror1, Mirror2
> ENGLISH: Mirror1, Mirror2


I'm waiting for comments and reviews!

- remove PCDPadds from project................................100%
- rewrite all menus from v1.1......................................41%
- implement all of the new (and missing) features......12%
- fix menus to work with build 38................................86%
- make new design for all of the menus......................15%
- update the translation..............................................15%
- PCDP GS improvements
- YOUR ideas to changes/improvements!
- bugfixes (?)
- include new, rewrited PCDPadds.

Edit: 2013-07-26 - progress update; first two screens of early version of PCDPmod v2.0 added!
Edit: 2013-07-06 - download link fixed
Edit: 2013-07-04 - v2.0 progress update
Edit: 2013-06-27 - Fixed first post; Links update; v2.0 roadmap added
Edit: 2012-05-09 - Updated links
Edit: 2012-05-04 - Back to work on project
Edit: 2010-05-28 - PCDP Gallery Updated
Edit: 2010-06-10 - PCDPmod v1.1 ENG RELEASED!

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / [Request]better "cl_hudscale"
« on: March 30, 2010, 07:38:21 AM »
Hi. I have a request! You can do a better version of "cl_hudscale"? Not only [1,2,3] but from 1 to 3 starting at 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, [...] 1.1, [...] 2.6, etc. or 0.01, 0.02, etc.

It is very important for me, because this improvement maybe make my MOD better support for multiple screen resolutions. PCDPmod officially only ideal supports 1024x768 resolution (cl_hudscale = 2) and 512x384 (cl_hudscale = 1) and little supports 1600x1200 (cl_hudscale = 3).
In other resolutions, all looks good, but some elements are in the wrong places. I have an old monitor, and I can't improve my menus well to other resolutions. I do not know how to solve it now, so maybe that cl_hudscale can little help me.

I got the idea to be programmed and designed these elements little differently, and maybe it should solve my problem, but that takes me a lot of time.


Help and Support / [u / s] problem
« on: January 10, 2010, 03:20:54 PM »
Hi. i have my menus, but i have problem with:

Code: [Select]
flags can only be 'u' or 's'
The console shows me this problem when I type in first widget anything with a space and trying accept this in second widget.

Code: [Select]
yrel 23
xcent 226
halign right
type field
width 9
text "Miejce 1:"
cvar "serwer1_temp"

xrel 5
yrel 2
halign left
type text
text "OK"
command "set serwer1 $serwer1_temp"

What should I do to delete this problem?

Official Feature Votes / TWEAK: Profile deleteting ingame
« on: June 07, 2009, 12:33:02 PM »
Hello :)

You can do "profile_del" cvar? ;)

work example:
I selected the "maciek" profile and click "delete profile" in game. (cvar: profile_del $menu_profile_file)

ThX  ;D

(Sorry for my bad English)

Help and Support / Sky textures
« on: April 29, 2009, 02:17:04 PM »
Hello. :)

Simple  ;D - Who can make a pack (zip, rar, etc.) with "env" folder and send it here? ;)

Sorry for my English.. :-X I come from Poland. ::)

Help and Support / How make...
« on: February 23, 2008, 09:34:49 AM »
How make bindlist menu from command "bindlist" ??? ? Can be similar as it from results menu in-game.  :)

Official Feature Votes / Feature: Mini MP3 player?
« on: January 12, 2008, 07:39:02 AM »
Feature on topic  ;D

In game MP3 player? Its possible?

Help and Support / Admin menu new option
« on: January 06, 2008, 09:50:06 AM »
Hi. I do my menus for pball (in Polish). I do menu "Print msg on center" and "sky change" but this don't work. :-\ PLEASE CORRECT THIS (FOR WORK)  ;)

[Update] -> See my next post!

Help and Support / How To see command?
« on: December 30, 2007, 09:47:05 AM »
Hi. How make to see fps and pps
Code: [Select]
cl_drawpps 1;cl_drawfpp 1only when menu in game is open? (in game)

Help and Support / Double Jump script/bind
« on: December 29, 2007, 08:59:45 AM »
Hello. I'm new.  ;) (SORRY OF MY BAD ENGLISH)

You can give doublejump script include switch on/off in one digital ? (keyboard) and it's new option for bind this switch in keys menu in game? Please..

(huh... hard language..  ;D )

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