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Topics - DAMIEN

Pages: [1]
Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / [d]ying [B]reed
« on: November 13, 2006, 03:45:20 AM »


I want a group of ppl that i like playing w/.... u know who u r... u freaking BEASTS!

Try having fun?

Team dB is in need of members.
IRC:  #team_db

-This is an open invite.

-I believe it is known what kind of a player I am and what I had in mind when the clan was first made. It is to maintain it's goal. A clan that has good sportsmanship and not solely plays to win but for fun as well. Nothing to be taken too serious and at the same time competing to win.

-Although it is an open invite, I will not be recruiting any1 that I do not see as having a mind set that will work w/ the clan in the long run.

-I think most all of those who I would actually extend this invite too in specific are already clanned. They probably know who they are anyways.

-I am mainly seeking to participate in pbcup moreso than in the general clanning seen. But if I can get enough members who are active enough, I think that regularly matching is something that could be fun.

-I am not stressing over a pbcup championship, more so, to have fun by playing challenging opponents. At the same time, I do play to win.    :-)

-If I don't know you, I wont consider you.

-Either messeage me through this forum or pm me on irc. I rarely check my email but that is another way of contacting me. My email address being: xxtheunseenxxAsbcglobalDnet


PBCup / Forfeight Feature
« on: January 27, 2006, 04:54:34 AM »
Hmm im not to sure if i like this lil feature... seems to me that it's a lame way for people who are conserned with their rank to make themselves look better. In my opinion, if there's a no-show u shouldn't be taking a win, cause u didnt win. But thats just my opinion...

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Possible Organization of a Tournament
« on: January 16, 2006, 01:08:26 AM »
I am thinking about organizing a tournament, if I do decide to get one together then I would need people to donate  servers for the tourney, at least 10 players interested in playing(before i even begin any plans), and I would make demoing self a requirement so I would need a few people who know how to check for HaXx0Rs and willing to review demoes. Anyone willing to donate server use, is interested in playing, or is willing to review demoes if tourney does happen?

Other Stuff / LOIAL!!!!
« on: September 22, 2005, 11:50:17 PM »
lol msg me back, i dont have any other way to contact u!!! lol i know ull see this, u forum junkie :P asap nukka <3

Paintball 2 Discussion / SAVE THE MeMi/PUREBLOOD!!!
« on: August 11, 2005, 03:50:55 AM »
No way in hell is Pureblood gonna leave and MeMi go *poof*! No Way! Nope! I Don't Think So! At least not without a fight on my part. I swear on the green grass in my front yard that if MeMi dies and Pureblood leaves then I will do somethin that... no one will expect... sumthin thats so crazy, that I don't even know wut it is yet! Just know that I swear it will happen!

Thank-You, have a nice day and save PUREBLOOD from himself! I think that if we all work together, we might be able to come up with some sort of brain washing machine of sorts. Hmmm im thinking this might work! YES!

No more evil thoughts PURE. You are staying and you are keeping MeMi ALIVE!


***I know there's people out there who feel the same. Let's see some posts in support of PURE and MeMi!***

Paintball 2 Discussion / POST UR DEMO HERE PLZ!
« on: July 31, 2005, 06:40:35 PM »
MeiNi plz post ur lil demo in here on our dB hacks.... ya sure. Any1 and every1 knows that I dont like the whole idea of using hax... it a clan rule not to use hax or get the boot. Post it since u have it... although it'll just make u all look like asses. Spam "o yea dB sux" in ur servers plz. Cause that just shows how upset u are that u lost. lol and yes meini that was u and not sum1 else on ur name... it was ur bro who kicked me frm ur chan cause u have no humility and yes u wewre kicked frm db chan i gave u warnings and all that fun stuff.

<DaRkTemPlAr> all germans hate u
<[DAMIEN]> thats awsome just shows how u guys really are.. shady ppl... i have always been nice with u guys i used to talk on icq to u guys all the time
<DaRkTemPlAr> and db members 2
<[DAMIEN]> thats awsome i dont care
<DaRkTemPlAr> lol
<DaRkTemPlAr> i saw the demo
<DaRkTemPlAr> and i know hacks and pone has hacks
<DaRkTemPlAr> tright?
<DaRkTemPlAr> yes
<[DAMIEN]> you guys are a joke thats all dont msg me
<DaRkTemPlAr> i saw that master killed him with the flag ....
<DaRkTemPlAr> and he killed all 3
<DaRkTemPlAr> and get the flag
<DaRkTemPlAr> he moved thruough the shots
<[DAMIEN]> ya he did he was sprayin and got lucky
<[DAMIEN]> ppl are lucky sumtimes
<[DAMIEN]> u wanna know sumin kinda interesting?
<[DAMIEN]> when u had observers in indune u guys were doin real good and when they left u strted sucking again
<[DAMIEN]> hmmm maybe teamspeak?
<[DAMIEN]> ya i think so
<DaRkTemPlAr> yes
<[DAMIEN]> ya so intercourse u lying boogeres
<DaRkTemPlAr> AND U?
<DaRkTemPlAr> u got hacks
<DaRkTemPlAr> iam sorry
<DaRkTemPlAr> but it is
<DaRkTemPlAr> so
<[DAMIEN]> i have no hacks
No such nick/channel

Bullit is ~dawn2@ * Erik
Bullit on @#team_dop +#team_db
Bullit using Florida.EnterTheGame.Com ETG`s FL Serv - Provided By
Bullit End of /WHOIS list.
* You were kicked from #team_dop by Bullit (Bullit)

MeiNi is ~dawn2@ * Erik
MeiNi on +#team_soU @#Team_GT +#iod @#team_dop
MeiNi using France.EnterTheGame.Com ETG`s France Server
MeiNi has been idle 1min, signed on Sun Jul 31 16:41:18
MeiNi End of /WHOIS list.

o ya and exactly my reason for not letting u guys have observers. i was right and u guys really are kinda lame for that 1... lol and then u admit it. haha well we won and we didnt need observers to give recon, 1 observ for each of db's team mates... ya lets not make it obvious *cough* well anyways we won and we didnt need obs recon. here is the reasoning u gave for havin observers "o ya uhhh... we need demo.... for us to record ur hax" lol although u couldnt see through the walls u still knew wut was behind them. if hacking is laming then so is observer reconing in matches lol

*Note* Bullit changed his name to darktemplar

Server Discussion / MM Server ADMIN Abuse
« on: July 21, 2005, 02:35:39 AM »
I'm not tryin to raise all hell or start stupid drama but I'm freakin tired of the admin abuse on the MM server. Maps being changed mid-map, unecessary kicking and wut not. I feel that if ur gonna have a public server then doing dumb excremente like that is rude to those being kicked for no reason except for that of the admin is not able to controle his temper(self-asteem issues?) and those who are enjoying a map and it's changed on them without even being asked by the admin if he can change map.

No it's not viewgibbing or other things that piss players off, but this is something that one might consider common courtesy and should be exersized by all especially the admins.

Uni getting kicked multiple times because 2Fast4U can't swallow his pride as a clan/member should after getting beat in a match. You lost winner does have bragging rights and most the time winner is j/k anyways.

2Fast4U #1:

2Fast4U #2:

2Fast4U #3:

lol hella rude... and they even use the maps he made


Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / wondering wut this is....
« on: July 15, 2005, 06:31:13 PM »
hey dunno wut this means... happens ocassionally and only on select maps. tends to happen the most on indune. that message willl appear, sumtimes once, sumtimes alot and when it happens i laggggg. seems like the more times the message appears the longer the lag lasts. dunno wut it means or if its fixable?

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Clan Dying Breed [dB]
« on: June 28, 2005, 03:04:44 AM »
Hello all this is DAMIEN, some might know me some might not. This is a new clan that I created for the players who find that the quality of clans today seem to be on a downward slope. I feel that this clan will have the necessary attributes to be lasting, we are  developing a loose structure of principles in which the clan is ran. These are derrived from the current members epeiences with previous clans, the good, that which should be incorporated into our new team, and the bad which tends to be the driving force beihnd the downfall of the clans that should  have made it.

For instance, my previous clans:
*please not these are just my observations/experieance in the clan and in no way are meant to insult any clan leaders/members*

        - Had a far to unstructured air to it.
       + The unstructured loose feel allowed for an more enjoyable lite hearted gameplay.
        - Individuals began to make clan decisions without the input of the clan.
        + Each member felt like there was more equality between the "leaders and memebers."

        - Had a feeling of "members" being lesser or unequal to "leaders."
        + Members never entered random matches without a leader/senior member to at least monitor the on-goings of the match.
         - Felt like personal input on decisions made little difference to the final result of tings.
        + Allowed me to realize how vital the opinions of each individual member should be on the clans choices, fore a clan is not a clan without first being a co-operating/rational group of people in the first place.

Basically I am trying to organize people who (1)aren't idots who think their hot sh-- Had a feeling of "members" being lesser to or unequal to leaderst, (2)do not feel that the victory of a match determines the greatness of a clan, rather the level of fun and enjoyment eperienced via playing together, (3)understand that "leaders" arent superiors, rather there to guide along in an orderly fashion, (4)the ideas and opinions of everyone should have some sort of president or at least be negotiated into decisions conserning eachother.

And so on and so forthe, basically i want to be able to have fun again with people who understand the basic courtousies you extend to one another. Of course there is apsolutely no hacking tolerance in this clan, one of the few things that i think shouldnt be left to a group decisions. Simply putcking is weak and sad and pathetic and does not merit a vote but a boot.

I dont feel that much of anything is concrete as of yet we need more people before things are set in stone and even then, subject to change.

Change is good.

"Leaders": DAMIEN, ZeroLegend, Scribe
"Members": WiesCo, Stanislaus, Xile, BigT, CadmanJ, Hero, Murdock, Pone, Merl, Thrasher, Flyby

We are looking to recruit more players, if anyone is interested just reply here and we shall look into it asap.

Oh ya and the whole title Dying Breed is reffering to the people whome i remember playing with who don't tend to play as much or at all anymore because of things that i mentioned. It's not good cause those are the guys that everyone was cool with and everyone liked, they just don't play because of the way ppl act and talk anymore.

Dying... but not dead yet.

Other Stuff / Websense
« on: May 18, 2005, 08:08:40 PM »
I was wondering if any of the computer knowledgable(sp?) around here knew a way to get around websense - the web filter thingy. It sux, i hate it and it makes me not want to use computers at school which would lead to my eventual suicide in protest of censorship.  :P Help plz!

Mapping / BSP Questions
« on: February 23, 2005, 08:10:55 PM »
How do u know when u are making an object that a player will or will not be able to jump on it? Do u need to know the height of the player?

Wish someone would make an ubber guide to BSP!!! Anything and anything anyone might want to know! MUHAHAHA!

Other Stuff / Graphic Design/Programming
« on: February 23, 2005, 08:02:56 PM »
Would u suggest Graphic Design and/or Programming as a career choices Jits(or any1 else who is involved in the process)?

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Multi-Clanning
« on: February 20, 2005, 03:19:22 AM »
Just wanted to know how every1 felt about multi-clanning. Yes? No? Don't care?

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