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Topics - idias

Pages: [1]
Posting on his behalf.

A few days ago I got a forum ban for 'being a jerk to people' - yet Clipz didn't. Funny enough, I talked to Clipz saying it's ridiculous that I got one and he didn't, since we do the same stuff - in fact he does it more because he's an excretory opening to most mappers to. He agreed that if I deserved a ban so did he - however he thought neither of us deserved one. (Isn't that funny how someone thinks they deserve a ban too, yet somehow never gets banned?). I only do stuff to Baseballdude cause I don't like him, and to competitive players to create competition which is mostly trolling and joking. But whatever, I mean I did deserve a forum ban (IM NOT ARGUING MY BAN, IM ARGUING HIM NOT BEING BANNED).

But anyways, I got Idias' friend to make some trolly posts to check something out, and funny enough he got banned within 1 day due to "trolling". Somehow, being a troll (which there are lots on the forums) warrants more than being demeaning to people. I pm'd Jitspoe (with no answer ofc) to just find out why the intercourse Clipz gets such special treatment? Go read his posts, 90% of them are putting people down. Especially new mappers. Lazers wrote that he would just "leave the game" and open war said he'd quit mapping, due to Clipz... but that's fine. The difference between myself and him, is he's a committee member.

I feel like if you want to pretend this game isn't dead, then a status of committee member should be held to higher standards than a regular community member. Yet, Jitspoe hasn't even warned Clipz. I like Clipz, great guy, but when I troll forums it's ALWAYS with him on TS3 doing it together, and this special treatment BS is ridiculous. He knows he's untouchable cause he's "friends with Jitspoe" , but come on dude. I remember Blaa getting forum banned before for much less than Clipz does daily. Playing off and on for like 15 years doesn't warrant celebrity status. Being an excretory opening is still being an excretory opening, no matter what label you have. And no, I'm not the only one who thinks the special treatment is dumb. ~ #Steven_2014

PS: Clipz asked Jitspoe about my ban, and he said "This difference is that Myers made suicide references" --- So, when I come back can I be an excretory opening to everyone as long as I don't bring up death? That logic is retarded. Clipz fckin followed openwar to OTB forum to harass him even more cause he stopped posting on this one.  

TL;DR, nothing against Clipz, he knows I msg'd jitspoe about this, but it's retarded that he is allowed to go around being an ass to everyone without any punishment.

M y e r s:

Cheater Reports and Bans / Cheat Detected: Idias_
« on: July 28, 2011, 11:38:48 PM »
Names used:

IP: =

If I wish to get my own ban time halved, I should PM jitspoe and give him my info.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Multiple Accounts: Wolfing and Mamanelas
« on: September 13, 2010, 11:25:55 AM »
He admited in a pub he was a multi accounts, asked him to 1v1 me so I could track down his IP and take better screenshots of him admitting his and his brothers multis.

Wolfings Multis:


Mamanelas Multis:


IP's: [^PaC^]sTyLFoX -
       [^PaC^]xXDoNXx -
Didn't get Wolfings while he was logged in with that account.

1st - At the top I ask DoN are you Wolfing and he answers yes.
2nd - He shows me he's wolfing/xXDoNXx by saying "pronto contente" which translates into "there... happy"
3rd - At the top of the screen I ask him if mamanelas and montanelas are his brothers multis and he answers - Yes (sim) And you can see him using StyLFoX at that time.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Carpathian Spawn - bug?
« on: April 07, 2010, 11:58:54 AM »
Hi there, I was playing a match when in middle of a round I spawned outside of the map. Happenned to both me and MyeRs in the same match, maybe it's a server issue (ic3y's server) or not...
Take a look

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / QeHs 3v3 Cup #4 - Official Maplist
« on: October 28, 2009, 11:04:57 AM »
Hello, here is the final maplist. Since blaa is so dumb, he doesn't know how the poll settings work, and keeps getting himself banned.

Maplist(nr of votes): castle1(16), pbcup_renoir(12), crimethink(13), hellsurvivors(10), pbcup_pforest(10)

Teams: [q], vF, sNz, Dark, lawl, kuc, oxz, czt

Wish all the teams best of luck =)
[q] specially ofc.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / QeHs 3v3 Cup #4 - Maplist
« on: October 24, 2009, 10:06:55 AM »
QeHs 3v3 Cup #4 Presents to you: The Maplist

Please choose the maps you think that has a nice flow and gameplay, all about the teamplay and it wouldn't hurt if it looks nice   ;)
And because jehar from tastycast can stream this tournament (with live commentary) we need nice maps.
You may vote up to 5 maps, and please choose wisely.

You will be able to see the votes after the poll limit is over, soo you have to think on your own.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / QeHs 3v3 Cup #4
« on: October 21, 2009, 10:01:02 AM »
#4 q 3v3 cup!

Date: 01.11.2009
Time: 17CET (germany time, czech time) (11am Eastern time)
Format: Double elimination, best of one (including the final)
Maplist: To be decided (what i am looking for: good looking maps with enough pace. NO *mad* SPEEDJUMPS!)
Settings: Common match settings.
Servers: Hopefully OTB and Kyuuchi are willing to help once again :) (that is euro servers)
Signups: maximum 8 teams. Please post here or PM somebody from q in irc.

Please, please. If you do not know what double elimination or best of 1 means, ask BEFORE the tournament...

I am hoping that jehar from tastycast can stream this tournament (with live commentary) so please suggest some good looking maps with good teamplay :).

What I was thinking: shazam22, propiant1/propaint2, pbcup_2fort5, etc. Please do not suggest maps what I love to call "maps built with too many brushes". Good example of such map is tatras. Jopezz shoudlve just added the ice way. 10% of the map is useful, 90% useless. This is not welcomed :))).
New maps also welcomed (no beta maps tho). If suggesting a map, please try to find some reasons why this map should be played (why it is fun to play, why it is fun to watch other people playing that map).
Four our previous 3 tournys, we tried to use all new maplist for every tournament, this time it is not important.

Approximate time schedule:
16:00 - start joining #team_qehs , team captain will be invited to private admin/captain channel. Information (servers) will be given in that channel.
16:45 - If you haven't confirmed your participation by now, we try to find a replacement team. Confirm your participation by joining #team_qehs and say that you are here to shoot other people with paint.
17:00 – First 4 matches – Round 1!
17:40 - Winner bracket round 2, loser bracket round 1.
18:15 - Loser bracket round 2
18:50 - Winner bracket round 3 (final game in WB), loser bracket round 3
19:20 - Loser bracket round 4 (final game in LB)
19:50 - Grand final.

Note that there has been a slight change in time schedule. WB final is now played 1 match later than it used to be. This is because it is easier to admin less matches at the same time and also now the WB winner does not have to wait ~1 hour in a row until they can play grand final. They wait ~30min, play, wait ~30min. I think this is better.
You can see example from our last tournament:

I hope sunday fits everybody better and we will have 8 signups without any problems <:-}.

I (blaa) love idias, and hes a far greater thread maker than Magalhaes.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / QeHs 3v3 Cup - Final Details
« on: October 14, 2009, 11:02:18 AM »

Here are final details about the cup!

Date: Still saturday 17.10.
Time: 18GMT (19CET) 19!!! unlike 17 like on first page (typo)
Maps: Mirror2, Hellsurvivors, pbcup_sassault, crimethink, darkages
Format: Double elimination
Servers: 2 UK servers (Kyuuchi's), 2 German servers (OTB). On which server you will play is decided by random!
Server settings: What OTB uses today! With guntemp. Team captains will get a login to change the map.
Teams: Currently we have 7 teams signed up. Room for 1 more!

[q] - of course
vF - them americans come to europe :o
veeb - cheers for the servers kyuuchi and idias!
eX - :)
[kuc] - ????
then one fun clan formed mostly by former iSi members lead by Scars
lawl - best german clan in this tournament for sure! let's see how far that takes them
[OVP] - let's just hope they will learn some english in the mean while.

Sign up, sign up!! I was hoping for a cup with dark, oxz, kuc, q but Darkness already said that they can not play... Maybe at least oXz will join!

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / QeHs 3v3 Cup
« on: October 08, 2009, 10:15:52 AM »
*Posting this in blaa's name.

QeHs are hosting a 3v3 Tournament!
[q] 3v3 Cup Info:
   -Date 17.10.2009
   -Time 18:00 GMT (17:00 CET). Yes, we are still at summertime...
   -Maps: TBD! (please suggest some maps! Well mapped [good looking], good gameplay [camping isn't the best tactic, speedjumps isnt the ONLY tactic]), don't have to be famous, 5 maps in maplist, some of them can be less known
   -Format: Double elimination (example from our last tournament:
   -Servers: European (details to be decided)
   -Teams: 8 teams please!!

I (blaa) hear so many people whining that dp is dead... Why meddling whine, do something! Play in this tournament! Show that this game is worth our time!
btw, why did I (blaa) get banned for 30 days, while my last ban was 64 days, so I should have gotten 128 days now?????

Issues for Committee Review / Multi?
« on: March 11, 2009, 02:10:22 PM »

Since a while back i've noticed that I can't login in-game and in dplogin.
Everytime I insert my name it says that the name of the account doesn't exist, and if it accepts the account name, it won't accept the password, therefore I am not able to play.

I was thinking about creating a new account since this one doesn't work.

Soo I was wondering if I create one would it be multiaccount?
If it is since I gave you previous notice how long is the ban?

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / [Kuc] + DaRK`
« on: February 24, 2009, 07:18:47 PM »
I am happy to say that after many matches the famous clans Kicking ugly children and Darkness have made a partnership, and now created a clan named Kicking Darkness...

Clan Info:

Name: Kicking Darkness
Tag: [Kuc]DaRK`
Clan ID:

And you say there are people with no imagination...
Hope this partnership will last for long 5 days until the leader gets tired and makes another clan.  [This is a joke...]


Edit: The names the leader uses are:
meinemutter, unseremutter, euremutter, ihremutter, seinemutter, jitspoesmutter, tzesmutter

This is an original guy.

Help and Support / Ping...
« on: February 12, 2009, 12:26:52 PM »

A friend of mine started playing today and is ping is always at least 1251 --> This was his lowest ping   :o

Can you guys tell me how can he get is ping lower...It's probably bad net problem, but he really wants to play...and he cant.

Help and Support / Arctic Servers...
« on: January 27, 2009, 01:51:01 PM »
Hi guys,

For the last 2 days the Arctic Servers have been down. They don't show up on my server list and i've been talking t other guys and say that happenned to them to.

Can anyone tell me why?

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Noob Killers Tryouts...
« on: December 21, 2008, 06:01:51 PM »
In order to make a better selection of who we want in our clan, we are going to make these tryouts.

Date: 23 December
Time: 18:30GMT (13:30 EST - I think soo ::))
Server: PGP Only {-DarkP-}

Date: 23 December
Time: 22:15 GMT  (17:15 EST)
Server: PGP Only {-DarkP-}

The tryouts are going to be at this server because it is a server where I can test your skills with the worst gun, at the worst maps...if u succed...well i guess that means you are a pro...and that you are welcome in our clan.

       Hope to see you there, idias and painted! ;D

Help and Support / Login Problems!
« on: December 20, 2008, 03:03:40 PM »
I can't make the game login...everytime i wirte down my password it says "Wrong password for username"

I dont understand why because:
        -I can login into DP login;
        -I can login into the forum;
        -I know that the password is correct (i have it written in a paper)
        -My name is in colors...but i never got kicked for it...this time i got kicked because my login was incorret!


Help and Support / Clan Tag?
« on: December 19, 2008, 05:55:30 PM »
im in a clan (noob killers) and i have putted the clan tag in my name...but evrytime i try to play...i get kicked and they say...

"noname not authorized to use the clan tag [K1LL3RS]."


Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / New Clan...
« on: December 19, 2008, 05:20:21 PM »
Me and some friends have been playing for a while soo I decided to create a clan...

Here goes some information:

Name: Noob Killers
Tag: [K1LL3RS]

We are recruiting!

Help and Support / Map Downloads?!
« on: December 18, 2008, 03:47:29 PM »
A friend of mine (protomatrix) isn't able to download the maps...

He used to have build 18 and i told him to update to build 23...and now everytime he wanted to play a new wouldn't make the download

Can anyone tell me why?


Paintball 2 Discussion / Worldwide game...
« on: December 13, 2008, 07:47:32 PM »
I made this pool to see how worldwide is this game...

srry...i know there are many missing countrys there...but i saw from were most players are and put those countrys :-\

Plz Vote :P

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