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Topics - pheeks

Pages: [1]
I recently (this morning) made a clan name X-Factor and was forced to make the tag .xFr- . This tag is hideous. I tried to make it [xF] but there was a clan named xtreme finesse or something like that with a single person in it. I believe this person is inactive at this time. If you can, jitspoe or anyone else, can you please check to see his last login, and if it is dated back enough to give you reason, kick him from the clan, terminate the clan and change my clans tag to .xF- ? Thanks.

General Development / Hr4 Packs
« on: October 03, 2009, 07:58:51 PM »
Yeah. This is basically just a thread where people submit their hr4 packs. Please no websites used to download the files. Use the "Additional Options..." button and post. Thanks :)

Help and Support / Is there a way this can be fixed!!!?
« on: October 03, 2009, 03:12:25 PM »

I was switching out my hr4 packs when this happened. It doesn't show when you kill someone, or when you pick something up (ex. grenade, smoke grenade, a gun). It just randomly happened.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Sensitivity
« on: August 28, 2009, 06:54:48 PM »
I'm trying to find out what sensitivity I should use in-game but I'm not sure. This is just a thread to post what your favorite sensitivity level is.

Other Stuff / The Best Clan Name
« on: August 24, 2009, 01:48:32 PM »
Charg3d made a thread about the best Dp2 name, so I decided to make the best clan name. Just post your favorite clan name. Mine is "20 Inch Dongs -> [20ID]"

Help and Support / Missing HR4 Texture
« on: August 14, 2009, 01:19:04 PM »
Does anyone happen to know of an hr4 version of this texture? I believe its name is wood1_5.

Mapping / Leak?
« on: August 10, 2009, 12:40:37 PM »

This is a leak right?

Help and Support / Login Problems
« on: July 30, 2009, 02:07:13 PM »
Yesterday, I reinstalled dp because some things weren't working right, such as bsp and my hr4s and my screenshots, (they all work now) but there was one problem when I reinstalled dp. My login keeps failing. I entered the same information as I did before and instantaneously it says "Login failed. Please try again." or something like that (I've just skipped through that and have been using the name pheks). Is there any way this could be helped?

Mapping / Entity Guides
« on: July 24, 2009, 10:56:54 AM »
Can someone give me the link for a guide for ALL ENTITIES? I tried jitspoe's link in his BSP Tutorial and it doesnt have all of the entities.

Help and Support / Making Acebots
« on: July 16, 2009, 09:01:15 AM »
I know there is a way to make acebots in a server, but I don't know the command. Could someone tell me the command?

Mapping / How do you make ice on maps?
« on: July 02, 2009, 11:30:05 AM »
How do you make ice on maps? I'm thinking of making an icy map and I don't know how to make ice. If you know how to, just post back.  :D

Other Stuff / Jump Servers and Getting Stuck
« on: June 21, 2009, 09:18:36 AM »
Sometimes on jump servers, when two or more people teleport to another leavel at the same time, they get stuck making one or more of these people go to the observer team after getting really far in a jump map. Is there any way this can be fixed? Also, sometimes there are absolute idiots who, for fun, stand on top of the teleporter and don't go to the observer team. If there is a way either of these can be solved, post back.

Help and Support / mouse sensitivity
« on: June 18, 2009, 04:26:42 PM »
how come whenever I set my sensitivity to 5 (which is what I want it at) and my fov to 120 (also what I want it at) it always goes back to the defaults (sensitivity 10 and fov 90). I made this my setting in the configs and it still goes back to the defaults.

Recently I created a server for me to practice on. I made my starting map DopJump. I dowloaded the better constructed map file, and put those maps in my maps folder. Whenever I try to switch the map from dopjump to another jump map (that is in my maps folder) it always goes back to dopjump. I looked in the map info folder and some maps had a minimum of 4 players, and I think the maps I dowloaded have a minimum of 4 players but I can't get their info files. How can I do this? ???

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