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Topics - [b]east

Pages: [1]
Cheater Reports and Bans / cheated?
« on: October 02, 2006, 02:30:35 PM »
i really don't knew to post this.i thought this is the best area i could chose.
Let's'round 4-5 o'clock German time)me and my clan chronicle matched memi.the first map we played was pbcup_renoir.memi won pretty close,maybe 10 points difference.
so.the match was going and j wanted to play shaz22. after a fast leadin' mz started to talk excrement(both teams agreed before :NO MM1).he said somethin' like "your clan is a joke","meddling finnish"(cj is finnish),"all you do is camp" and so on.well i didn't really care what he said and played my game and we won:P.

the tiemap was going and j got a fast lead of several points.then somthin' strange happens.example:
it was a 2vs1 situation. i spamed my mate cj with recon binds but he didn't responds."wtf i thought","why don't you answer?"so the round ended and i asked j "wtf? do you understand english idiot?"then a few minutes later.again te same situation but this time j was alone.i gave him much recon exp:"hiding himself behind the barrels near bd" and something like that.and again the same happened.he said me"i need recon dude".
my answer was like "you idiot iam giving so much recon...use it".we both called us many bad names cuz. we din#t knew what the meddling was going on :-\.
THEN 5 minutes left in match.i thought about our problem.i got an idea.maybe we couldn't give recon because of the server settings.don't know how but they put mm2 off.

now the reason why i posted this in cheater,hacks. blablabla

is it possible to set mm2 off?and if yes is it cheating if you use it because you wanna get an advantage?
i just have a demo of renoir where we could give recon and i can use it as a proof which shows that we din#t use ts or voice chat :-/

i know that the whole memi clans i going to answer and say "proof that" or "you're just worry because we beat you".think w/e you want.i know a lot of people who think the same.that the setts of the server change if they lose or win. gg.

sorry for the grammer mistakes:-/ and the other mistakes which i couldn't find.


Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / clanlist
« on: September 23, 2006, 01:37:21 PM »
since there aren´t a lot of clans left to match i wanna know how many serious clans excist(not 1 day clans).
Please add your clans`name and the way i can contact you(irc,aim,msn,icq...).


Resolved Help & Support / Need irc script help
« on: September 12, 2006, 09:56:20 AM »
anyone of you can tell me how to create an anti kick,ban or blackliste script for irc.i don´t know how to make one and so i need help.

Other Stuff / haha
« on: September 10, 2006, 06:10:24 AM »

Paintball 2 Discussion / .pcx
« on: September 04, 2006, 01:42:46 PM »
anyone got a .pcx editor?i´ve alternate pic can mod. pcx datasbut it´s pretty hard for me to use it,horrible.
freeware or no,i don´t care

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / clan
« on: August 23, 2006, 07:38:02 AM »
Iam looking for a clan i can join.
Some info. about me:Iam playing pb around a year(started september last year)and I think iam pretty good:
clanhistory: 3-4 months in DoP levo(kicked beacause of a leader who doesnt like me) and [xF].
It doesnt matter if it´s a european  or american clan and
If you wanna do a tryout with me pm or contact me on irc.
(please do not flame or spam on this post).

Other Stuff / noob behaviour
« on: June 27, 2006, 08:35:03 AM »
hey all,
my name is Pi, metalers brother, and there is a problem.
There is a player his name is breaker. Always if we match hes clan he say to my member and me we are hacker, and sch a behaviour sux. he says to all the other persons that we hack,which isnt true. The only reson for such a behaviour us that he is a noob.
My question: Could someone warn him,because it isnt funny anymore
Yours Pi

Paintball 2 Discussion / did i won or no?
« on: February 28, 2006, 09:51:38 AM »
i won the first map on shock 54-43.
then monkey wanted to play castle1.results:7-0 for me(the match didnt end)so i recorded only 3 minuts but there u can see that he changed his map altought it wasnt playing to the end.i asked him y and he said because i my question is:did i won because he canged his map in the middle of it or no?
sry for my english :'(

Paintball 2 Discussion / oscar caught hacking
« on: February 09, 2006, 08:32:05 AM »
i think he hacked.u must copy this link in ur url line oda so

Paintball 2 Discussion / read this statemant its important
« on: January 11, 2006, 09:22:24 AM »
the dops have like you have noticed demo from mine supposed cheaten in the pball  forum here put now I want to give a statemant here1. this toxicity didn’t wear [TU1] clan tag but Ithe real toxicity wore it always.2.this video became I think after 9 p.m done and u can ask my friend they know that Im neva after 9 p.m online only if I have holidays. .3 and in addition to most important sharp:hardly neva have  any1 called me a hacker nobody has never said that only noob and in such a way
4. and the last. I ask to you: I think if u use a hack u want to hide it because u don’t want to be found out .but this toxi don’t wanted to hide his hack yeah he wanted to show it to the other peoples for example u jitspoe .i thunk that’s very strange .or not? if u watch the demo again u see that this demo is like a film

yesterday the clan dop matcht against the clan R&P.DoP:sezz and luxor (luxor is not a dop he is a memi ).R&P:ONE ans TWO. the first map was blitz on the A.K server but the map blitz have excrement settings because 1 cap= 30 points .so sezz capt 2 times and said we won but the match was fair .sez:"i said gg so lets do ur map". the map of r&p was sdcup and dop won this map but in the middle of this one sezz startet to say that r&p is TU1 (because TWO is my brother and we use the same computer sez thinking we r the same person ). after this map sezz said "we write on our homepage that we won against TU1 and not against R&P "and i think thats not fair becasue my clan TU1 never match against dop. can any1 help us :'(

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