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Topics - Reed

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OLE! and OLE! Paintball are registered trademarks of [-DarkP-] ltd. We don't mind players using this in bind form, but clan tags are prohibited by our T&Cs.

The clan now has 1 member, it matched 3 times in March so i request for its deletion and a permanent ban for all clans wishing to use OLE! or any such forms (0l3! etc).

This is now the second time a clan OLE has formed, please, for the good of the game, let it never happen again.

Dr 'OLE!' Reed.

Official Feature Votes / func_ reset
« on: January 03, 2008, 06:37:50 PM »
Something I meant to ask a long time ago, is there a command to reset funcs at the beginning of each round?

If there isn't i propose putting it the next build, and I promise you I shall make the greatest map in DP history, no jokes.

When you 'update' it lists the server with the lowest ping at the top. However this is never an accurate ping, only when you refresh do you get an accurate ping.

This is important for two reasons, from a self-interest position i want people to play on my server, but if newbie European players are seeing it halfway down the list, or people are seeing it with a 200 ping when it should be 40, then its unlikely to be played on.

The second is for new players who, i presume, would pick the fullest servers near the top. Imagine someone from the US going on an OTB server with a 200 ping, more than enough to put them off the game.

Official Feature Votes / Maplist Overflowing
« on: December 21, 2007, 11:46:27 AM »
Meant to post this a while ago.

Our server (DarkP PGP Only) has a maplist of about 110 maps and when you type maplist into the console you overflow.

Perhaps you could lengthen the list, or only show 10 at a time?

Plus, is there any way we can get some sort of randomise feature, so that the server chooses a map from the maplist at random?

An overhaul of the voting system would be nice too, perhaps listing only the maps on the maplist/server (not just fading the ones we dont have), or, preferably, choosing three random maps from the list and asking people to vote for one of them.

Server Discussion / Expert mode
« on: September 11, 2007, 10:19:35 PM »
How would I go about setting a server to ALWAYS run in expert mode?

set expert # in the config didnt seem to work =/

Server Discussion / Win32 Server Help - Solved
« on: August 30, 2007, 11:48:46 AM »

"C:\Program Files\Paintball2\paintball2.exe" +set dedicated 1 +set public 1 +exec server.cfg +map grave

Opened port 27910 (also tried a different port :3784) on UDP and TCP - can confirm that these ports are open as i have been able to connect to vent over them (Obviously we didnt try to run both on the same port)

IP appears here

Also getting a heartbeat from dplogin

BUT, cannot connect to server and it does not appear on the in-game server list.

Any ideas?

PBCup / The pbcup Cup?
« on: June 01, 2006, 05:03:37 PM »
Just had an idea about kind of a side tournament for pbcup, just to add to the experience of the whole thing.

How about the Pbcup Cup, lol.

Basically most sports have a regular league, and a cup which is open to all teams (rather than the playoffs).

I thought maybe we could use maps such as mirage, KAOS, and psychotic. We could also encourage the development of some new maps of this sort as the community is definitely lacking.

Depending on how many teams enter pbcup the winner of the 4 on 4 goes straight to the final, and the second place advances to the next round (if there are enough teams).

Its just an idea, it gives teams something different to aim for and each round could probably be played and completed in 25 minutes. To combat the ping differences we could have two cups per season? One on a Euro server, and one on an American server. We could even use it as a pre-season warm up cup.

The beauty of the thing is that any team can win it, even the most inexperienced sides can capitalise on the fact that there are 4 teams.

If you think this idea has any potential I would be happy to help organise and referee it, let me know.

PBCup / Deciding the tie maps for playoff games...
« on: May 11, 2006, 06:39:13 PM »
I don’t know how the other playoff clans feel about this, but I know from our experience that it’s a pain in the ass.

For those unfamiliar with the tie map rules each team has to pick 3 maps, if any of the maps match then that map is played. If none of the maps match then the teams pick another 3 maps, and so on until a map finally matches.

To me this has a basic flaw in it, if neither teams maps match after the first suggestions then that eliminates 6 maps, even if one of the teams might be happy to play one of the other teams maps.

For example, team X picks maps 1.bsp 2.bsp and 3.bsp. Team Y picks maps 4.bsp 5.bsp and 6.bsp. Team Y’s next choice might have been map 1.bsp, but because of the flaw in the rules they is NO chance that they can play this map.
Both teams end up playing a map neither of them wants to play, when in actual fact they could’ve been playing a map they both would’ve been happy with.

The teams can only be happy if one of their first 3 maps matches, and I know from our past experience that this is rarely the case.

Fear not, I’m not just here to criticise, I’ve come up with a simple solution to solve this problem.

I suggest using an average points system. Each team rates the maps; 1 point for their least preferred map, 2 points for their second least preferred map, and so on. The scores for each map are tallied up and divided by two, which ever map has the highest average points total is the winner.

If there are more than 2 maps with the same average points total then you simply re-rate those maps until you get down to just 1.

If there are only 2 maps with the same total then the top 3 maps should be used (I’ll let you work out why).


Team X ratings

1 – A      
2 – B
3 – C
4 – F
5 – D
6 – E
7 – G
8 – H
9 – I

Team Y ratings

1 – I
2 – H
3 – G
4 – D
5 – C
6 – F
7 – E
8 – B
9 – A

Final Ratings

A – 5
B – 5
C – 4
D – 4.5
E – 6.5
F – 5
G – 5
H – 5
I - 5

In this case the final choice would be E. If the teams had proposed these under the current system they would’ve ended up playing D or C which are the two lowest rated maps. I hope this demonstrates my point.

Sorry about the incredibly long post, but I thought I should demonstrate what I meant. I certainly think this method should be implemented ASAP in order to speed up the whole process and leave both teams happy to concentrate on practicing rather than tie map selection.


(Jits - if youre going to edit my post for no good reason at least leave some feeback about my idea)

PBCup / DoP Removed?
« on: March 01, 2006, 09:50:49 AM »
In light of recent news concerning DoPs disbanding, are you going to remove them from the league. We have a match scheduled with them this week, we also have a match with >u. Id rather not have to mess about scheduling times with DoP if theyre just going to be removed. Can you let us know ASAP?

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Dop Dead?
« on: February 26, 2006, 05:52:25 PM »
I heard it through the grapevine that no longer would you be mine, oh, and that DoP is no more.
I heard theyve quit pbcup as well, is this true?

Oh, and another thing, on your website it says under matches that you beat [-DarkP-], unfortunately this NEVER happened, and conveniently youve 'lost' the screenshots, so please would you take that down.

Is there anyway to get build 14 to appear like the older builds. Im used to playing on build 10 but i think the pbcup requires build 14.

The only problem is i hate it when a message pops up in the middle of the screen when youve killed someone, i always think its the end of the round.

I know you can turn elim display off, but i dont want it off, i just want it to appear in the top left hand corner.

PBCup / Proposing times
« on: February 11, 2006, 09:51:49 AM »
For some reason the hour drop down box is always faded out even when i check suggest new time.

Also, are these in GMT?

I dont wanna arrange a match for 11pm and it turns out to be 5am GMT.

PBCup / Error
« on: February 10, 2006, 04:18:38 PM »
When trying to revise the schedule for our teams match with qehs i recieve this message and error: Warning: mysql_result(): Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 21 in /var/www/html/modules/clan.php on line 719
Sorry you do not have sufficient access within your clan.

Even though im leader.

PBCup / Team Registration
« on: February 07, 2006, 07:05:09 PM »

We registered for pbcup with 6 clan members, now it says we only have one, and it isnt displaying any names.

Non of the clan members can re-join as it says they already belong to the clan.

Just wanted to make sure that were included in the clan count.

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