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Topics - TinMan

Pages: [1] 2
Other Stuff / Build 20 lulz
« on: October 21, 2007, 05:44:01 PM »
I go away for however long, come back, and still no b20? What's going on? :P

Paintball 2 Discussion / Parallels Desktop 3
« on: June 16, 2007, 01:33:01 AM »
Dpball works fine from within Parallels, I got it up an running on my MacBook tonight, a bit after Spook left our RTS mini-LAN.   :P

I stripped down cure's demoplay for paintball2.

Q: What is it?
A: It's some scripting that will let you right click a demo file anywhere on your computer and run the demo by clicking "Play Demo" on your right-click shell menu.

Q: My dpball isn't installed to C:\Games\Paintball2\, will it still work?
A: You'll need to modify the files, but they're pretty noob friendly so it shouldn't be too hard for you to get it to work.

Q: How does it run the demo from ANYWHERE?
A: It copies the demo to pball/demos/tempdemo.dm2 and runs that.

Q: How do I uninstall?
A: Run the "uninstall.reg" file and then delete the dp2demo directory.

Q: Will this work on Vista?
A: Maybe, I only tested it on XP and Win2K.

Q: Who has mad hops?
A: Spook does, and you can open his jump demos easily using this.

Instructions on dp2demo:
1. Download the attached file
2. Extract so that the dp2demo directory is C:\Games\Paintball2\dp2demo\
3. Double-click "install.reg" to add the registry key (for shell extension)
4. Right click a .dm2 file (from any directory) and click the "Play Demo" option on your shell extension
5. Enjoy!

Mapping / Some pretty cool textures
« on: April 04, 2007, 02:17:23 PM »

The content provided is copyright 2001-2005, by Sjoerd "Hourences" De Jong

You are authorized to use the content in any work of art (renders, models, etc.), any MOD for any game, any level for any game and any freeware game provided you give me credits for the textures in the readme, credits or any other such places.

You are allowed to make changes to the textures as long as I will be mentioned in the readme and/or creditscreen, etc.

You are allowed to extract textures out of the UTX's/VTF's and/or to duplicate them in to a levels Mylevel provided I receive credits for it in the readme or any such places.

In case the textures are offered independent (not in combination with a model, game, level or whatsoever) You MAY distribute these textures through any electronic media (internet (web/ftp), FIDO, local BBS, Magazine coverdisk etc.), provided you include this readmefile.

In case the content is used by a map, MOD, or any such art work you MAY distribute the UTX/VTF without this readme file provided you DO credit me in your readme, manual, credits screen or any such places.

You MAY NOT use parts of this texture pack to form a new texture pack without my written permission ! Only exception is a maps Mylevel or when used in self made freeware/garage games

You are NOT allowed to modify the original UTX/VTF. I and I alone will be the only person who makes changes and updates to the UTX version.

You MAY NOT charge any money for this content.
This content is for non commercial artwork only. If you do want to use this on commercial base please contact me trough email.

If you have any questions about tis complicated legal part, feel free to email me.
I basically only ask to credit me when you use any of the textures.
I am also very interested in seeing what kind of things are being made with my textures so feel free to email me when you made something cool with them :)

If you haven't seen these before, they'd look good in some dpball maps.  =]

Other Stuff / Voxx
« on: September 17, 2006, 06:31:56 PM »
Voxx just joined up.
What up home dawg?

Other Stuff / Tremulous
« on: September 12, 2006, 04:22:56 PM »
For those of you who somehow still don't know what the game is, here it is: RTS + FPS = TREM!!!111
It will remind you of Natural Selection, except that it uses Icculus's version of the Quake 3 it looks better...and plays better...etc.

Aight, so me and Smokey were playing so I decided to cam it for all of you. DL trem, put the demo file in /tremulous/base/demos/, then run it with "/demo killaz" from console.

You might not want to watch the beginning part, where I'm might want to have the window minimized for that (alt+enter, then ~ to pull down console to get cursor to minimize)
I tend to make people sick with demo's of my spectator movement...

Other Stuff / Eiii for moderator
« on: September 07, 2006, 09:13:53 PM »
With a lot of newer players joining the community, a new moderator for the forums was mentioned as being a good way to "improve the community".

I vote "Eiii" since he's a very active member of the forums and community, has a good general knowledge on all topics, and doesn't give in to flame wars.

I'd like to request that the ingame serverlist have the option to sort servers by players, ping, mapname, etc...
I'd also like for the serverlist to display a lock image or something like that if the server has a password on it.
It would be nice to be able to filter out full and empty servers too.

K? Thanx.

Other Stuff / FoRuMs PwNt JiTz
« on: August 16, 2006, 04:27:15 PM »
t3h ICQ ik0nz ez br0k3d.

Other Stuff / Dead Rising
« on: August 16, 2006, 02:57:50 PM »
Actual Gameplay/Missions: 6/10
Goofing off with weapons: 10/10

I still don't know the whole story, because the ingame font is really small and when you talk to people outside of cutscenes, they don't actually talk, dialog boxes just come up. The missions can be hard when it takes 20 headshots to kill a human gunner, and you only have 10 bullets and have to resort to shotting hockey pucks at him with your hockey stick. The weapons in the game are awesome, my favorites are: the lawnmower, chaingun, knife, hockey stick, and propane tank. Supprisingly, for a zombie game, the chainsaw has to be one of the worst weapons in the game, you do better with a baseball bat.

Goofing off is awesome, it'll remind you of GTA's, except the weapon selection is far better. Some weapons are hard to find, but when you find them, my oh my are they fun. They don't last long though, just like in Oblivion, your weapon gets worn out from hitting things, which is why its good to increase your "stock", which will allow you to carry more items.

DIE ZOMBIE SCUM!!!1111one1!1!/11uno

Other Stuff / Binary Fun
« on: August 08, 2006, 08:30:59 PM »
Here's a little more complicated one that that can ALL be solved using

Code is in attached file below.

Other Stuff / Re: /bin/root/
« on: July 26, 2006, 03:40:59 PM »
Annoying Canadians, they just don't give up, do they?

Other Stuff / Novell XGL/Compiz
« on: July 05, 2006, 10:35:40 AM »
My Compiz screenshot

The original release videos:

Don't you wanna?

<--edit--> more screenies

and I found out that if I hold down Ctrl+Alt and then tap the arrow keys like crazy then the cube will spin supperfast and it makes me sick, lol

I tested out the "in" feature on the cube, its pretty cool, but I like it disabled better, the outside of the cube allows an image on the top and bottom of the cube, with the "in" feature enabled they don't show.

some cool screens of it here too:

5 sides! lol
I tried 20, but it wouldn't be visible unless for if I had video of it, screenshots just made it look like a bunch of screens attached side by side

You can set screensavers/video as your wallpaper, its pretty sweet:
you can't see it in the screenshot...but those toasters are flying and moving.

just set up transparency

« on: June 29, 2006, 07:04:44 PM »

"Popular parody of "THE SCENE" has just released the first DVD in a set of 3. The DVD includes high quality encodes of all episodes, director commentary, and many other goodies!"

I know most of these people, XPC, they do some funny stuff. If you haven't seen TEH SCENE then get to downloading the episodes and this DVD, you'll laugh till you bleed.

Other Stuff / World Jump Day
« on: June 28, 2006, 09:25:23 PM »
July 20th 2006
11.39.13 GMT

Pack it up, pack it in, let me begin
I came to win, battle me that's a sin
I won't ever slack up, punk you better back up
Try and play the role and yo the whole crew'll act up
Get up, stand up (c'mon!) c'mon throw your hands up
If you've got the feeling, jump across the ceiling
Muggs lifts a funk flow, someone's talking junk
Yo I bust him in the eye, and then I'll take the punk's hoe
Feelin, funkin, amps in the trunk and I got more rhymes
than there's cops at a Dunkin' Donuts shop
Sho' nuff, I got props
From the kids on the Hill plus my mom and my pops
I came to get down, I came to get down
So get out your seat and jump around!

Jump around!
Jump around!
Jump around!
Jump up, jump up and get down!

I'll serve your @$s like John McEnroe
If your girl steps up, I'm smacking the hoe
Word to your moms, I came to drop bombs
I got more rhymes than the Bible's got Psalms
And just like the Prodigal Son I've returned
Anyone stepping to me you'll get burned
Cause I got lyrics, but you ain't got none
If you come to battle bring a shotgun!
But if you do you're a fool, cause I duel, to the death
Trying to step to me, you'll take your last breath
I got the skills, come get your fill
Cause when I shoot the gift, I shoot to Kill
I came to get down, I came to get down
So get out your seat and jump around!

Jump around!
Jump around!
Jump around!
Jump up, jump up and get down!

I'm the cream of the crop, I rise to the top
I never eat a pig, cause a pig is a cop
Or better yet a Terminator, like Arnold Schwarzanegger
Try to play me out like, as if my name was Sega
But I ain't going out like no punk b1t(h
Get used to one style and yo and I might switch
it up up and around, then buck buck you down
Put out your head and then you wake up in the Dawn of the Dead
I'm coming to get ya, I'm coming to get ya
Spitting out lyrics, homie I'll wet ya
I came to get down, I came to get down
So get out your seat and jump around!

Jump around!
Jump around!
Jump around!
Jump up, jump up and get down!

Yo, this is dedicated.. to Joe.. DeBerg.. Dakota!
Grab your bozack, punk!

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Build 16 field of view glitch
« on: June 25, 2006, 09:32:26 PM »
Alright, so I'd never played in an fov higher than 150, and have fov's bound all over to the buttons on my mouse. I decided to try some jumps with the fov of 9999, which actually is way higher than the max, but I don't know what the max fov is. I like this max fov a lot, I played, and I did awesome with it on maps I knew well.
Then on midnight at the end of the tunnel to the mid, I heard steps, so I stopped in my tunnel and moved up against the wall so when the enemy entered they would be right infront of me to shoot, well this fov has a glitch, when you are up against a wall, you can see through it, so of course I saw the person, set my fov to 90 on my mouse, and then turned the corner and naded them.
So for the next build I request that this built in bug/glitch/wallhack be fixed.

Other Stuff / Elephants Dream - Made using Blender
« on: May 28, 2006, 12:31:37 AM »
Has anyone made a dpball map using Blender? It'd rock to have a flash tutorial on that. I know that a lot of well designed Q3 maps were made using Blender, and this video blows my mind.

This isn't a dpball problem, so its not in bugs, its in Help and Support.

When I start dpball my cursor sticks to the top of the screen, I can pull down console and load a map, but then once the map loads the mouse problem makes me look up quickly and be looking up, unable to look down.

Is there a patch or something for this? DPball and the original Quake2 are the only games that show me this problem.

Nevermind, I made a demo's folder, loaded up some demos and added a couple maps, rebooted, and now it seems to work for some reason.

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