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Topics - ph3n1x

Pages: [1]
Other Stuff / Big Ph3n1x is back!
« on: September 30, 2009, 02:28:37 AM »
hello guys,
me is proud to have new computer and i thinksed why not install paintball?
i come and installed successfully paintball2 (build 28) on my computer.
it is new lenovo!!
i must say you have made good work jitspoe, build 28 running very good on new computer. ok i have bought new graphiccard 256mb but very good job!
maybe some clan wanna have me?

-Me has good aim
-Me is very friendly
-Me is french
-Me has teamspeak and ventril and skype and msn and icq and irc
-Me is just good teamplayer (former clan: team_wait, paradise, kuc, b52)

if you have one question more you can post here or you can write me message private.
peace out romu.

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