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Topics - smokeman

Pages: [1]
the title

Hey. I am smokeman(if you cant see:D) and ineed a clan/teacher that can teach how to play good(not on speeds)

Mapping / how to make a pong/soccer map???
« on: April 17, 2010, 06:02:51 AM »
i want to know how to make a pong/soccer map in bsp map editor??

Help and Support / paintball2 takes all CPU? What Should i do
« on: April 07, 2010, 11:54:40 PM »
i have problem. i have windows 7 and 2gb ram. intel celeron 2.40GhZ cpu. when i launch paintball2, it takes all cpu . and its very laggy.please help

Hey! Im A Win7 User and iwhen i pla sometime paintball2, it stop working.please help? my friend has got same problem with her vista. i was using ubuntu if somwone says about my other topic. Thank You!!!

i have problem with paintball 2 on ubuntu with kde. first when i doubleclick on paintball 2x2cutable, nothing happens. ive waiteeeeed for 20mins and nothing happens.earlier when i double clicked it it started but it works only for 1min.  :( so please help me! I like paintball2 very much.

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