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Messages - capo

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Mapping / Re: Need some help <--- First time Mapping Newbeh.
« on: March 07, 2012, 05:49:56 AM »
I fixed it. I guess the Entity "worldspawn" wasn't set, and I accidentally deleted it or something. :\

Mapping / Re: Need some help <--- First time Mapping Newbeh.
« on: March 06, 2012, 04:57:05 PM »
Already did that. I might just reinstall it or something.

Also, why is it possible that the "" file works, but mine doesn't? Does it have to deal with ent files? or what?

Mapping / Need some help <--- First time Mapping Newbeh.
« on: March 06, 2012, 04:21:34 PM »
I can't Test my map. I need help.

Resolved Help & Support / HUDZzZzZz.
« on: March 04, 2012, 01:14:21 AM »
Does anyone have sunmans HUDPACK? Like, the complete RAR file or whatever? Every Link is dead. And my DP looks boring. If so, than can someone link me to a working link or upload the zip/rar file here? Please, and thank you.

General Development / Re: Crosshair
« on: February 14, 2012, 06:11:29 PM »
leg i can do it for you, i've done it a million times.

In that case, can I have some bright pink and green crosshairs? =D Preferably like the crosshair 6. Just a Dot.

My priorities have changed quite a bit.

The game needs proper newbie servers and a more optimised speedcap for tripping could do the trick. Another thing I want to see is spawn protection against grenades in order to make base fights a little more fair.

A separate graphical settings configurator would be nice too, mainly to let people switch the game resolution if they messed it up.

Spawn protection would be good, but have it set for like, 3-5 seconds after respawn if no movement occurs, but prevent the person, or player that spawned to not be able to shoot, or throw nades? Just have it to where when they do move, it "deactivates" the "SpawnGuard".

Also, A separate graphical configurator? Not sure about this, since most people play Fullscreen. Maybe have it incorporated in the Game settings or something.

I think something that should be done that was already mentioned is a in-game tutorial like they have on Quakelive. Basically what superman stated.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Looking for some members
« on: February 10, 2012, 07:27:44 AM »
ok, you were sued for bias against Brazilians, good luck Hacker


Need some moar memberz. #zodiac #zodiac #zodiac

Anyways, When I officially start playing again, Myers and I, Plan to host a Tournament.
Cash Prizes: 1st place - 5 dollars
                 2nd place - 3 dollars
                 3rd place - 1.50

Prizes will be sent via paypal.

Other Stuff / Re: Flash Drive Question.
« on: May 14, 2011, 11:23:53 PM »
Well, this computer didn't have a burner in it, at all. SO I put my Burner from my other computer in this one, but than realized it only burns cd's and READS dvd's... but it doesn't burn DVD's, which kind of upset me, since I don't have nothing but blank dvd's... lol.

I have another cd/dvd burner from my other computer, That MIGHT work. I actually think it will. But yeah, on another note.

I already found a link to the UnetBootin thing, but since Xp doesn't support Making a USB bootable, I'm kind of screwed doing that. I've managed to get it all set-up, but can not do the disk list, because it does not show my USB being active.

I have a Genuine version of windows... I guess? But for some reason it didn't come with a cd key, and it's not for my computer. It's for a Medion.

It's a really old version of Xp, I think sp1? But since I don't have a serial, I can't Register it, which means I can't Get any window's updates.

And for some reason, This is the crappiest version of Xp I've used. Sometimes, the explorer.exe will stop responding, So i'll go to ---> EndNow, But than it will disappear and than reappear... Over and over again. Which Causes me to restart, but than when I do that... My computer gets to the loading screen, and than keeps rebooting, so I have to keep Repairing. It's a Pain in the arse =[.

So what I'm trying to do is, get an Iso of windows, which I've already done, but need to get it burned. Or atleast find a decent Product key for the version I got now so I can Register and do a window's update or something, lol.

 Sigh... But I am getting a new computer/parts in like a week or two. But am giving this to my sibling, so They can have something to do.

Other Stuff / Re: Flash Drive Question.
« on: May 13, 2011, 05:28:21 PM »
Payl... lol. I've looked over numerous pages, and can't seem to find the right answer to my question.

And what You've posted didn't help either. I need to know if I can take MY usb, stick it in the computer, and than somehow get this ISO of windows xp onto my usb. Restart my computer, with it plugged in... and Reformat with the usb, instead of burning a DVD, since this computer doesn't have a BURNER on it.

Other Stuff / Flash Drive Question.
« on: May 13, 2011, 04:46:06 PM »
I have a flash drive/Usb stick... whatever you want to call it.

Can I put Windows Xp on it, and than plug it in, and than Format my computer? If so, How?

Only ever did something like this, Once. And it was me burning an Iso to a dvd, and re-formatting, but since than.. I have forgotten how to even do that, lol.

Other Stuff / Re: Microsoft help.
« on: May 11, 2011, 06:31:58 PM »
Spybot is a has-been. It's not nearly as effective as it used to be. MalwareBytes' is good -- for the things that it's able to detect. If it doesn't find anything, try running a deep scan with Emsisoft Anti-Malware [download]. (Warning: the definition updates for it are quite large.)

Emsisoft, It found like, 200 HIGH-RISK things. But I glanced over the HIGH-RISK things, and some were like, WORDPAD.EXE, etc.

Why is that? lol. Some of the things it scanned looked to be just things like, downloaders, I've downloaded, and just things like that.

Other Stuff / Re: Microsoft help.
« on: May 11, 2011, 05:11:13 PM »
Webhead, what programs do you advise I use?
I have MalwareBytes And have done numerous Full/quick scans. Found nothing. Just downloaded Spybot though, and seeing if there's anything it can find.

Also downloaded Hijack this, but Don't really understand that application, lol.

Other Stuff / Microsoft help.
« on: May 11, 2011, 04:09:19 PM »
For some reason, I can browse numerous webpages. But I can't Go to any microsoft websites. I'm trying to get onto to check my email for college related things, such as grants and when they will come in.

I've tried googling the answer to my problem, but none of which seem to be what I'm looking for, or help. I've turned off firewalls, and even added exceptions, and it just keeps saying, SERVER NOT FOUND.

Help, please?

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: DP Memories
« on: May 10, 2011, 04:42:33 PM »
Best days I had were when I first started, playing with some clan tag me and my friend made, which was [FAM] lol.

And than the times I had with uR for the last 4+ years.

Other Stuff / Re: Dubstep
« on: May 04, 2011, 09:50:26 PM »
One of my favorite's...

Some other ones that I like are from Flux Pavilion to start with... also.

Other Stuff / Re: Your favorite video/computer game
« on: May 03, 2011, 12:05:12 PM »
Love the Quake series. Doom was good. Liked 007 goldeneye or was it golden gun? Anyways, loved that for the N64, starfox was fun.

And mario for the nes.

Other Stuff / Osama Bin Laden
« on: May 01, 2011, 09:33:27 PM »
He's dead.

Other Stuff / Re: Wish list.
« on: April 29, 2011, 09:29:35 PM »
haha. So, all the parts came together? Thanks for your help.

Other Stuff / Re: Wish list.
« on: April 29, 2011, 04:33:09 PM »
Hm, Didn't know the DDR3 Models were slower? lol. I thought, since it was supported for DDR3, It would respond alot faster.

But I'll check that link. Thanks =D

Edit: Checked the link out. I like the XFX card, But it runs on DDR5. Was wondering, Ram on a video card is different from Computer ram, right? So to say, If i were to buy DDR3 Ram for my Computer, This ddr5 xfx card would still run properly? Also, I'm wondering, If I post links to what I'm getting, Can you verify that It will work with everything? First computer I'm actually going to build, or... put together.

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