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Messages - Edgecrusher

Pages: 1 ... 52 53 [54] 55 56 57
Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clã Brasileiro
« on: May 28, 2007, 08:08:41 AM »
Darn Lekky, now you have to translate your guide. Go international!

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: rP hax again
« on: May 28, 2007, 06:16:33 AM »
Edge....Someone also did it in Propaint1...While you and I were playing ...same server..I got there right at the end of the game just long enough to see the person speed hack...Then it ended.

Yeah, I remember, but haven´t saw who. The main question still stays - does community wants this kind of reporting or not?

Resolved Help & Support / Re: Every FPS command possible.
« on: May 28, 2007, 06:14:01 AM »
gl_gimmemorefps 1

Heh that reminded me of a time I typed in chat:  gl_spikedModels 1..  caused a stir in pub for several rounds :P

LMAO, good to know...


Resolved Help & Support / Re: Global bans on modded clients?
« on: May 28, 2007, 06:05:39 AM »
And double posting.  :P

Mapping / Re: Shazam33 Secret/Glitch
« on: May 28, 2007, 06:02:26 AM »
So here´s a thread for fov: (I know most of you know, so no flaming :))

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: rP hax again
« on: May 28, 2007, 05:54:14 AM »
Shouldnt really make a thread about this unless you have proof.

First, I saw him and I know when someone speedhax, he couldn´t grab and be on the wall that fast (going forward and backward really fast, he couldn´t even jump to cap). I was reconing from the top and saw the whole scharade. He speedhacked. Second, Loial thanks for the back up here, I told that I haven´t demoed him, and that if someone sees him on servers, one should try to record it if things get suspicious again. This is my opinion, if majority of the people don´t think this kind of posts should exist, they can say it here so there´ll be no more.

Mapping / Re: Shazam33 Secret/Glitch
« on: May 27, 2007, 04:59:08 PM »
I especially liked when he circled around the jump point an then WHOA ;)

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: BUSHIDO tryouts
« on: May 27, 2007, 04:50:04 PM »
So is there like a military leadership ladder system?

Cheater Reports and Bans / rP hax again
« on: May 27, 2007, 04:45:30 PM »
Name: rP>CL´Painke

Didn´t get his IP, demo or anything. He was on Grafitti server, on my team playing Siegecastle. I saw him speedhacking for sure, and as I just switched observer to start my demo, someone said speed hax and he immediatly left. If somebody will see him arround, demo him.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: crosshair
« on: May 22, 2007, 04:17:07 AM »
Fov 110

CH 3

Other Stuff / Re: Finally got a darn tattoo
« on: May 21, 2007, 01:40:09 PM »
Mine is bigger :)

Other Stuff / Re: TFC - The Musical
« on: May 18, 2007, 01:00:08 AM »
Hilarious  ;D

Other Stuff / Re: My apology
« on: May 18, 2007, 12:50:53 AM »
Ummmm, I'm here to clarify some facts for ya...  I have nine lives!!  I used up 2 when I died twice on the operating table from the afore mentioned accident and one other time when I foolishly tried to take my own life.

I sympathize with the rest and agree.

The older you get, the faster LIFE seems to pass you by.  It is truly precious and is indeed what you make of it so don't waste it making enemies.  Follow Pierce's example and rise above such wastefulness.

Totally agree with you on this one, would give you + but I still can´t  :-[

Other Stuff / Re: Who are YOU?!! (With pictures!)
« on: May 18, 2007, 12:46:06 AM »
That would be one heck of an expensive beer if I had to fly to Croatia to get it.  I think I'll stay in the good Ole USA and drink my Jim Beam Black.

Whell, I don´t know hom much do you drink, bu in Cro beer is about 1, 1,5 euro. Dont´t know the prices in good old USA, but if you stay in good (too) old Croatia for 2 weeks, economicly you´re on the same level but wasted heavier ;) Still, best beers come from: UK&Ireland, Belgium, Ne(v)therland, Germany, and one Mexico-Corona. Cheers beer lover´s!

That they missed you.

i didn't say i had no way of speaking to my team you retard, and he couldnt enter the game for some reason. AND ..don't talk about my clan not going far look at your clan there a pile of excrement now stay out my face you little /3itch.

Hey dude why don´t you chill out. I saw you play on Speed and so you did saw me, and on that server you had negative k/d ratio. You are flaming arround for no reason to the people that are trying to help you so chill. You´re taking things too personal, wich won´t get you too far if you want to get help from time to time.

Other Stuff / Re: Who are YOU?!! (With pictures!)
« on: May 17, 2007, 04:44:02 AM »
Come to Croatia, where beer´s twice as stronger then in USA or Cananda  :o

I like your website (specially the thing that catches my mouse :)), a bit slow tough due to the black background.

Nice of you that you decided to put on a web who will camp when you play, that way will be alot easier to find em  ;D.

Chimney is the thingy on top of your house where toxic gas get´s out because confroting the gas in nice oxygen filled enviroment could cause some minor problems for humans, like death. Man is short of human, and in this scenario is the guy that cleans thingies on your/our roof.

I told you already, noone is laughing at your clan, just having some fun (btw. OTB speed server probably isn´t the best place to recruit players, but do as you like).

This´ll be bloody match, and I look forward to it ;)

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