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Messages - Ghadente

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: 3 shoots life
« on: February 14, 2012, 01:00:31 AM »
"3 shoots life" i'm assuming means it takes 3 shots to kill someone, there's many problems to that idea...

first and most importantly the game is paintball, and paintball is typically 1 shot one eliminated. To change this would change the game to something else, it wouldn't be paintball anymore, imo.
Implementing a feature like this just for new players (if possible) wouldn't really help them improve in the long run. They would just be getting used to playing with a feature that is not part of the normal game. Best way for a player to get better is to just practice playing the game the way it is, not by making things easier for them. Something i learned from playing ping-pong is you get better faster with constant practice against/with more experienced players, i think this applies to just about any type of game.
Another issue with your idea is fire-rate of the guns. 3 hits wouldn't even be that much of a help unless your opponent is using pgp.

Hate to shoot your idea down but I would suggest getting used to 1 hit eliminated,, no health-bar, no lives, you get hit you're out, that's just how pball is played

Map Graveyard / Re: New Map: Notus Deathmatch
« on: January 28, 2012, 01:48:03 AM »
woo DM!

Other Stuff / Re: "Good mood songs"
« on: January 19, 2012, 12:21:29 PM »

Other Stuff / I used to... then i took a... in the knee
« on: January 19, 2012, 12:17:49 PM »
I used to be a paintballer like you, then i took a paintball in the knee.


Cheater Reports and Bans / speedhack: INVOLENCE
« on: January 09, 2012, 12:44:50 PM »

player: Involence (185282)

server: Supermans Speed

Time: 1:35 pm EST

Other Stuff / Re: Elder Scroll V, Skyrim
« on: December 31, 2011, 11:39:38 AM »
I just began my 7th character, i plan to have 1 of each race.

Main/1st one is lvl 37 Brenton, and the rest are at least lvl 15+ or 20+

i'm happy there's no more backwards flying dragons, while funny... it was a bummer of a glitch

Other Stuff / Re: Elder Scroll V, Skyrim
« on: December 23, 2011, 11:27:51 PM »
Got it, Have it, Play it... Awesomeness*

*even in spite of the numerous bugs

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Not enough DP players.
« on: December 21, 2011, 08:03:01 PM »
Another option on this poll should have been:

Fix players attitudes

If players would quit being such negative roosterheads all the time, the game would become more welcoming to new players. Im not just referring to all the spammers and trolls out there, but also those veteran players that think they are invincible for some reason. You know the type, kill them a few times and they start spouting feces like its their day job: "luck" "lag" "fluke" "kid thinks he's good" "bs" "newb, nub, noob, etc, etc". or they just ragequit.
Don't bother replying to these types, their ego is way to big for them to listen, and even if they did they'll try and turn it around on you somehow. Its this kind of bad attitude the drives away new players from sticking around. (of course letting them know the ignore command exists would help a bit)

I realize that players' bad attitudes is a tough thing to fix but if some players just start being more positive, instead of always trying to start excrement, then maybe more people will stick around.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: list of ideas for weapons
« on: October 19, 2011, 12:52:36 AM »
No turrets or tanks mentioned...amazing!

Paint BFG FTW!!!

haha... only if its Bright Green paint

paint turrets lol that would be rediculousness

oooh how about a paint sword/knife while we are at it

Server Discussion / Re: UnRateDs Pub
« on: October 19, 2011, 12:49:17 AM »
why is airtime2 so neglected??

dm1dp2 ... or is it dp2dm1



any ksplat... not sure why thats not a popular one (maybe a little linear but i always enjoyed it)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: More admin abuse
« on: October 19, 2011, 12:44:41 AM »
there's probably more to it than just "chatting"

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: New game mode
« on: October 19, 2011, 12:36:42 AM »
Or how about that gun game in reverse... all start out with autoroosters and you downgrade the better you do, so then new players would have a better chance and  experienced players would be pgping after so many kills. I mean that's what a lot of players do anyhow once they start getting better, is drop their guns, so this mode would just force that playstyle somewhat.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: #team_wank
« on: October 17, 2011, 09:23:08 PM »
I prefer to wank independently

Other Stuff / Re: Nothing Random - my first book...
« on: October 17, 2011, 08:35:13 PM »
your synopsis reminds me of trailers that give away all the good parts of a movie

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / Re: New game mode
« on: October 17, 2011, 08:32:45 PM »
last man standing... wouldn't that just be siege mode on normal maps with no flags?

paintball is supposed to be 1 hit kills... if it wasn't it would just be like other games, who wants that?!
wouldn't make any sense to have health bar or anything like that, just wouldn't be paintball anymore.

i personally prefer it if dp kept away from any changes that would make it like other fps

What if flags could be moved to a different location by the team, in order to hide/confuse enemy, or just have 1 person be a flag carrier and it drops upon death.

Other Stuff / Take Care of Henry
« on: October 13, 2011, 08:31:19 AM »
If you like music,  ;D
check out this new band from Phily, PA

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: See ya in hell...
« on: October 07, 2011, 12:02:31 AM »
lol overreact much?

:( the gren was a dud.... boo hoo... Rawr! i quit!

stop trying for the easy gren kill and go for the pgp headshot

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: My 2 cents. Cause I know everyone wants it
« on: October 06, 2011, 11:58:51 PM »
I've never had any problems with DPLogin, create an account on site and then auto-login when you open the game... i'm not grasping the problem with this.

Clearing the ban list is idiocy. Might as well make a sign: Hackers Welcomed. If you want to hack, quit this game and go somewhere else to hack all you want.
Don't cheat = don't get banned, Cheat = Ban ...simple.

As for generating a new, more active community... advertising does seem like a good idea. Word of Mouth, tell your friends about it. That's how i got started playing. It is going to be tough to find gamers interested in such an old fps... but there is something so basic, fluid, and a bit addictive about dp that, i think, if new people just give it a try they may enjoy it too. Just have to get the game out there.

Map Graveyard / Re: New Map: There can only be one flag - A 1-flag map
« on: September 26, 2011, 10:37:24 PM »
does look very shock-like, hills surrounded by high walls... i'm guessing players spawn in the colored rooms with two front doors, looks spawntastic

Server Discussion / Re: Easy Jump Maps
« on: September 23, 2011, 10:35:50 AM »
How about indoorjump6, hardjump, funjump?

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