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Messages - Bono

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Other Stuff / Re: Favourite Songs!!!????
« on: June 19, 2013, 04:11:39 PM »

Back on topic, I really dig the sound of a talkbox, like in these songs:
Bon Jovi - It's My Life
Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer

Oh, great songs! I like Bon Jovi music, but sometimes it is too heavy for me(?) IDK.

Hm, Do you know this?:
maybe you'll like it ;)

U2 have quiet and heavy songs. I love them all, it's U2! Their music has a great message.

Oh my God. Today I tried to install PCDPmod v1.1 (and non-public version of 2.0beta) on DP2 build38 ... It works, but looks terrible after many changes in latest DP2 builds, since I stopped develop PCDP (build32?)

Maybe the upcoming holidays (01.07-31.08) is a good moment to go back to the development of the project?
Really I want to go back to development PCDPmod, but I don't know when I have time for this. Maybe this holidays.. Maybe!

PCDPmod v2.0 is completly re-writed and re-designed, but not finnished. Now I need to finish it and make it full compatible with latest builds DP2, also I have next, great ideas to implement it.

Znajdzie się jeszcze na moim komputerze, będę miał czas to podeślę. A czy gram w dp2? Czasami, rzadko, bo rzadko, ale bywam ;)

PCDPmod jest w całości mój. ;) Serwerem "Podkarpacie" było mi dane "adminiować" dłuższą chwilę, lecz nie był to mój serwer lecz m4rc05a.

A co się ze mną dzieje? Ogólnie to praca, szkoła, życie no i zdecydowanie większe projekty ( projekt ;) ) związany z informatyką jako praca własna.. Jeżeli wszystko pójdzie po myśli to za parę lat spotkamy się w empiku ;) No, ale to odległe czasy, jeżeli w ogóle. :)

Co do samego PCDPmod'a, kurcze korci mnie cały czas popracować i wydać następcę kiedyś, ale ile razy się do tego zabieram, tyle razy brakuje mi czasu na posiedzenie przy tym. Do tego dawno nie patrzyłem pod maskę dzisiejszych buildów gry, więc ciężko było by wystartować "od ręki" bez dostosowywania aktualnego kodu. Szkoda też, że sama gra naprawdę się "kończy". Serwery puste, aktualizacje zbyt rzadkie.. A szkoda, gra wciągała niesamowicie. Gdyby nie siedziała w OpenGL'u to pomógł bym z wielką chęcią. Pozdrawiam!

...fixed host server menu bug...

What bug? o.o

Hm, I am back. I am thinking about remake this project.

btw the version 1.1 was missing features so i slightly tweaked the menus to add those features.

What features?

I'll remake the models first. No point in putting high res textures on the old low-poly models.


Help and Support / Re: my problem
« on: April 06, 2011, 01:09:15 PM »
why any other peoples don't have problems like you with my mod? ...

Help and Support / Re: my problem
« on: March 20, 2011, 04:09:58 AM »
PCDPmod have SIMPLE unistaller if anyone want to unistall it.

Help and Support / Re: my problem
« on: March 19, 2011, 03:06:23 PM »
OMG. My mod isn't crap! :/ I really hardworking for make PCDPmod, and a lot of peoples loves that.

PCDPmod is not the cause of your problems - this message yes - its warning about modifed content. You can not change into other sounds, as always it will be modifying the game files.
Why commitee Member lets(tell?) you delete something that does not cause any problems, when people use it because they like it?

OMG. :( I love when peoples likes piss on my hardwork.... +milion :/
Sorry for my English.

Help and Support / Re: Bono's Mod: Autohandswitch
« on: March 17, 2011, 12:50:05 AM »
Sporti - try write in console "exec ini.cfg" and go to controls menu and bind Autohand to F1. My autohand script have 4 or 5 modes. Just you need to click F1 button in game and autohand modes will changes.

PCDP v1.2 Coming Soon

2011-03-15 - new screens (at the moment in Polish)

Help and Support / Re: Bono's Mod: Autohandswitch
« on: March 15, 2011, 12:00:25 PM »
Sporti - after installation of mod YOU NEED start the game from PCDPmod Game Starter. ;)

(I am still working on new version of my PCDPmod. 8) )

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: PCDPmod v1.1 - DP2 menus & tweaks - DOWNLOAD
« on: January 26, 2011, 03:44:41 PM »

Help and Support / Re: Acebot help?
« on: January 24, 2011, 01:39:09 PM »
You can use PCDPmod from THIS THEARD. There is all bot options in menuses ingame (and a lot of other improvements) Look on trailer, gallery and if you like it just download and try.

or console functions:
"better" acebot - skill 2
bots in one team - botcmd all join RED/BLUE/YELLOW/PURPLE
bots changing names - botcmd ACEbot_1 name XXX

Server Discussion / Re: can u change acebots skill?
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:56:21 AM »
You can use PCDPmod from THIS THEARD. There is all bot options in menuses ingame (and a lot of other improvements) ;)

Help and Support / Re: How to make a demo?
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:54:17 AM »
write in console "record XXX" (where is XXX you must write name of this demo), when you want stop recording type "stop" in console.

In my opinion, an easier way is use PCDPmod from THIS THEARD

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: PCDPmod v1.1 - DP2 menus & tweaks - DOWNLOAD
« on: January 22, 2011, 04:27:12 AM »
I am trying to make first beta version of PCDPmod v1.2 on February ends. ;) But I still don't have too much time to work on it, because I have some things to do in real life ;)
Don't worry about release date. PCDPmod v1.2 is really big improvement compared with the current stable release ;]. I think on the version numbering change, because it's really a revolutionary version.. Maybe new version will be v1.5.

Greetings from Poland, and Polish Center of Digital Paint

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