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Messages - tartjagger

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
AS a server owner/oiperator, it is HIS responsibility to make sure things are taken care of, especially when it comes to configs and commands.
The problem was fixed within half an hour of me being notified.

So you're saying it's acceptable for anyone to go out and deliberately look for ways to spoil the game for other people? Well not on my server it isn't, he's banned.

Server Discussion / Re: Monthly bandwidth
« on: September 29, 2009, 02:08:36 AM »
To continue answering my own question for the benefit of anyone thinking of getting a VPS, Heres the usage for the last month:

vnstat -d

 venet0  /  daily

    day         rx      |     tx      |  total
   31.08.    772.69 MiB |  539.44 MiB |    1.28 GiB  %%%%%%%:::::
   01.09.    256.43 MiB |  163.91 MiB |  420.34 MiB  %%::
   02.09.    727.61 MiB |  508.04 MiB |    1.21 GiB  %%%%%%:::::
   03.09.    301.64 MiB |  135.98 MiB |  437.62 MiB  %%%:
   04.09.    607.35 MiB |  399.67 MiB |    0.98 GiB  %%%%%::::
   05.09.    457.78 MiB |  287.83 MiB |  745.60 MiB  %%%%:::
   06.09.      1.02 GiB |  723.53 MiB |    1.73 GiB  %%%%%%%%%%:::::::
   07.09.    436.80 MiB |  323.30 MiB |  760.10 MiB  %%%%:::
   08.09.    766.76 MiB |  517.19 MiB |    1.25 GiB  %%%%%%%:::::
   09.09.    691.70 MiB |  443.32 MiB |    1.11 GiB  %%%%%%::::
   10.09.    303.82 MiB |  205.26 MiB |  509.08 MiB  %%::
   11.09.      0.99 GiB |  698.70 MiB |    1.67 GiB  %%%%%%%%%:::::::
   12.09.    714.60 MiB |  513.46 MiB |    1.20 GiB  %%%%%%:::::
   13.09.    804.41 MiB |  547.52 MiB |    1.32 GiB  %%%%%%%%:::::
   14.09.    887.43 MiB |  599.25 MiB |    1.45 GiB  %%%%%%%%::::::
   15.09.    584.14 MiB |  381.16 MiB |  965.30 MiB  %%%%%::::
   16.09.    402.73 MiB |  270.99 MiB |  673.73 MiB  %%%%::
   17.09.    544.73 MiB |  355.40 MiB |  900.13 MiB  %%%%%:::
   18.09.    601.62 MiB |  399.33 MiB |    0.98 GiB  %%%%%::::
   19.09.      1.11 GiB |  819.80 MiB |    1.91 GiB  %%%%%%%%%%::::::::
   20.09.      1.48 GiB |    1.04 GiB |    2.52 GiB  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%::::::::::
   21.09.    431.37 MiB |  348.63 MiB |  780.01 MiB  %%%%:::
   22.09.    671.90 MiB |  537.41 MiB |    1.18 GiB  %%%%%%:::::
   23.09.    469.54 MiB |  311.52 MiB |  781.06 MiB  %%%%:::
   24.09.    544.34 MiB |  392.34 MiB |  936.68 MiB  %%%%%::::
   25.09.    561.66 MiB |  425.59 MiB |  987.25 MiB  %%%%%::::
   26.09.    901.14 MiB |  659.21 MiB |    1.52 GiB  %%%%%%%%%::::::
   27.09.    480.40 MiB |  362.42 MiB |  842.82 MiB  %%%%%:::
   28.09.    521.00 MiB |  422.07 MiB |  943.08 MiB  %%%%%::::
   29.09.    239.96 MiB |  213.71 MiB |  453.68 MiB  %%::
 estimated      651 MiB |     580 MiB |    1.20 GiB

I reckon 3Gb a day = 90gb a month should be plenty for a busy public server. Mine's about 36Gb a month and rising.

Server Discussion / Re: Supermans New Server Naming CONTEST!@!@!
« on: September 29, 2009, 01:47:07 AM »
Go upmarket? Superman's wine bar and bistro.

I agree that a software fix would seem to be the ultimate solution, but I'm sure it's nowhere near the top of the things to do list, so let this be a reminder to anyone configuring a server that you need to be careful setting up the commands.txt file.

More importantly I think we should show the antisocial idiots that exploit mistakes like this that it is not clever or funny to go spoiling the game for other people?

for DANtypeR or for tartjagger? :)
I like your style, fancy being an Admin?  LOL

A number of my regulars got pretty pissed off last night when a player called DANtypeR started exploiting an error in my server config that left some admin commands including tban open for all players to use.

Now I know there is an argument that it shouldn't have been possible to use this command, but equally just because it was available does not mean that he was justified in spoiling the game for a number of other people. I do not want him back on my server, I have banned his IP, is it possible to ban him by MAC address? It has been suggested I ban him by subnet, but that may affect other people.

What do other people think, is this acceptable behaviour?

Here's the edited log from last night:
[22:49:55] DANtypeR connected []

[22:50:01] Rcon from
rcon ********* say Visit our website on
[22:50:01] DANtypeR entered the game (build 27) []
[22:50:01] cmd: DANtypeR getscores 0
[22:50:01] cmd: DANtypeR getscores 8
[22:50:01] cmd: DANtypeR global_login ec3e6269e60001a7fb8568dc1e447987
[22:50:04] 7:00 left in match.
[22:50:04] *johngamer (Carbine) eliminated *MOBIUS1 (Carbine).
[22:50:05] *Mart[1001] (Carbine) eliminated *{dUk}penguin1234 (Carbine).
[22:50:06] *Mart[1001] (Carbine) eliminated *killerkingkong (Carbine).
[22:50:10] cmd: killerkingkong say "lol"
[22:50:10] [ELIM] killerkingkong: lol

[22:51:13] cmd: DANtypeR tban 6 60[22:51:13] killerkingkong was kicked
[22:51:13] killerkingkong disconnected.
[22:51:13] Round started...

[22:51:28] cmd: DANtypeR tban 5 60

[22:51:28] [tDTA]ROSES was kicked
[22:51:28] [tDTA]ROSES disconnected.
[22:51:28] Client 6 is not active

[22:51:54] cmd: killerkingkong say "why was i kicked"
[22:51:54] killerkingkong: why was i kicked
[22:51:54] cmd: DANtypeR tban 7 60
[22:51:54] johngamer was kicked
[22:51:54] johngamer disconnected.
[22:51:56] Round started...
[22:52:18] cmd: killerkingkong say "i just got kicked"
[22:52:18] [ELIM] killerkingkong: i just got kicked
[22:52:28] cmd: DANtypeR say "wot is happening??"
[22:52:28] [OBS] DANtypeR: wot is happening??
[22:52:30] {dUk}penguin1234 connected [********************]
[22:52:31] 5:00 left in match.
[22:52:34] cmd: killerkingkong say "?"
[22:52:34] [ELIM] killerkingkong: ?

[22:52:51] cmd: DANtypeR kck 6
[22:52:52] cmd: {dUk}penguin1234 getpings 0
[22:52:53] cmd: DANtypeR kck 6
[22:52:54] cmd: DANtypeR kck 6
[22:52:54] cmd: DANtypeR kck 6
[22:52:54] cmd: {dUk}penguin1234 getpings 0
[22:52:55] cmd: DANtypeR tban 6 60
[22:52:55] killerkingkong was kicked
[22:52:55] killerkingkong disconnected.

[22:53:04] cmd: DANtypeR tban 2 60
[22:53:04] Mart[1001] was kicked
[22:53:04] Mart[1001] disconnected.
[22:53:04] Client 6 is not active
[22:53:04] Client 7 is not active
[22:53:05] killerkingkong connected [*****************]
[22:53:06] cmd: DANtypeR getpings 0
[22:53:07] Round started...
[22:53:08] newbie(1) connected [*******************]
[22:53:09] cmd: DANtypeR getpings 0
[22:53:10] cmd: DANtypeR tban 5 60
[22:53:10] {dUk}penguin1234 was kicked
[22:53:10] {dUk}penguin1234 disconnected.
[22:53:10] Client 7 is not active
[22:53:10] killerkingkong entered the game (build 23) [*****************]
[22:53:10] cmd: killerkingkong getscores 0
[22:53:10] cmd: newbie tossgren
[22:53:13] cmd: killerkingkong say "wtf"
[22:53:13] [ELIM] killerkingkong: wtf

[22:53:17] Mart[1001] connected [******************]
[22:53:20] Mart[1001] entered the game (build 27) [******************]
[22:53:20] cmd: Mart[1001] getscores 0
[22:53:21] cmd: Mart[1001] global_login ##############################
[22:53:22] cmd: Mart[1001] getpings 0
[22:53:22] cmd: killerkingkong say "i got kicked again"
[22:53:22] [ELIM] killerkingkong: i got kicked again
[22:53:26] cmd: Mart[1001] say "me too"
[22:53:26] [ELIM] Mart[1001]: me too

[22:53:41] cmd: Mart[1001] say "seems like someone got admin commands and thinks it's funny"
[22:53:41] [ELIM] Mart[1001]: seems like someone got admin commands and thinks it's funny

[22:53:42] cmd: DANtypeR say "how do i join"
[22:53:42] [OBS] DANtypeR: how do i join

[22:54:11] cmd: DANtypeR getpings 0
[22:54:13] cmd: DANtypeR tban 6 60
[22:54:13] killerkingkong was kicked
[22:54:13] killerkingkong disconnected.
[22:54:14] cmd: DANtypeR getpings 0
[22:54:15] cmd: Mart[1001] getpings 0
[22:54:16] cmd: DANtypeR tban 5 60
[22:54:16] Mart[1001] was kicked
[22:54:16] Mart[1001] disconnected.
[22:54:16] Client 6 is not active
[22:54:17] cmd: newbie <pr c76e706531f04da6ddddcb4682cab380f74e330d5491398698b3ac2fecaf9de5bf0b

[22:54:44] cmd: killerkingkong say "newbie are you kicking everyone"
[22:54:44] killerkingkong: newbie are you kicking everyone
[22:54:47] Round started...

[22:55:27] Round started...
[22:55:31] cmd: DANtypeR getpings 0
[22:55:31] cmd: newbie getpings 0
[22:55:34] cmd: DANtypeR getpings 0
[22:55:35] cmd: DANtypeR tban 0 60
[22:55:35] newbie was kicked
[22:55:35] newbie disconnected.
[22:55:35] Client 5 is not active
[22:55:35] Client 6 is not active
[22:55:37] cmd: LUIZNSG tossgren
[22:55:39] *killerkingkong got the *Blue flag!
[22:55:45] cmd: DANtypeR getpings 0
[22:55:47] cmd: DANtypeR tban 1 60
[22:55:47] Client 0 is not active
[22:55:47] killerkingkong was kicked
[22:55:47] killerkingkong disconnected.

Yep, that's tomorrow.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: tDD clan is Now recruiting !!!!!!!
« on: September 08, 2009, 11:47:51 AM »
yeah! I'm not really sure I want to be in a clan that promotes endless recruiting :/

Point taken Aaaaaaarrrrrrr. The problem is that we were trying to satisfy the requirements of 2 kinds of people:

1. Quite a lot of people on my server, especially a lot of the newer players want to be in a clan but are not really interested in playing in matches. I've encouraged this I think it's good for the server and good for the game, they feel part of it and some like to take an active part in the general running of the server and the website. The only criterion I have used in selecting members is that they are regular visitors to the server and they show a mature and sensible attitude to the game (that actually rules out some of you 'pros').  I know that some 'serious' clan members are quite critical about this, YOU ARE WRONG if we want this game to grow, it needs to be accessible to players of all levels.

2. We have the players who want to play in matches and are fiercely competitive, to satisfy these players I have set up the clanserver and I'm working with starfox on getting this sorted, we already have offers from some top players to help with the training. I've been hampered by problems with the server firewall but this seems to be sorted now and it hasn't crashed for a number of days.

Starfox and I have come to the conclusion that we cannot satisfy the requirements of both sets of people with just one clan and we are planning to launch a second clan for the more serious players. Both clans will be encouraged to take part in training and there will be some overlap.  Anyone interested in helping or joining, please visit our website

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: tDD clan is Now recruiting !!!!!!!
« on: September 08, 2009, 11:22:22 AM »
Aaaaaaarrrrr, we're all pirates in tDD and we're dead 'aaaaaard and we've got tattoos and everythin. We'll come over slit your gizzard if you pick on Starfox again  >:(

And there's no spelling test to join our clan  :P

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Any old school Quake2 players out there?
« on: September 01, 2009, 09:31:15 PM »
Hehe they're slowly crawling out of the woodwork, well if anyone fancies a game sometime I'm still running a server. It's pretty quiet these days so I've got some gladiator bots that will keep you company until some real players turn up.

There is even a link to download q2 if you lost your CD! Someone should do a DM1 paintball map  :D

Server Discussion / Re: Monthly bandwidth
« on: August 26, 2009, 03:07:38 AM »
Ok, it's still early days but yesterday I did just over 1Gb that's with maxplayers set to 16 and elim 60 but the server was by no means full. Comparing my server stats with others on  Gametracker I reckon that it could go up to about 3 times that if it got really popular, so very roughly  I'd say 90GB a month should be enough for even a popular public server. It's looking like I could downgrade to the entry level server with a 150 GB limit.

Incidentally, I haven't seen CPU or memory usage go over 3% that's with 512Mb available (swap space has never been touched) so again, my cheapvps 384Mb Linux server with free memory upgrade seems to be well over spec. NB I suspect that rescource requirements for a windows server will be a lot higher.

I'll wait until I have a full months data before making any changes.

Server Discussion / Re: Monthly bandwidth
« on: August 25, 2009, 07:31:54 AM »
Thanks Jits, I've got the server now and monthly network usage doesn't look like it's going to be a problem. I've installed VNSTAT to monitor it and once I have sufficient data I'll post it for anyone else who's thinking of renting a VPS. I nearly err'd on the safe side and went for unlimited bandwidth; it looks like this would have been an unnecessary expense.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Any old school Quake2 players out there?
« on: August 10, 2009, 04:49:14 PM »
Just wondering? Am I the only one? Does anyone still play?

Server Discussion / Re: Tart's DD Pubnoob now "allows strafejumping"
« on: August 10, 2009, 04:42:43 PM »
Or maybe I could set up a Cron Job to allow it on Thursdays?

Server Discussion / Re: Tart's DD Pubnoob now "allows strafejumping"
« on: August 10, 2009, 04:41:11 PM »
I never complained, I was in favour of sv_airaccelerate 0 - when you said you were thinking of changing it back, I asked you to leave it as it was :(
That's why I talked to you on IRC and went spinjumping in the server :(

Sorry Vic I misunderstood. Maybe I could put up another server but the trouble is sv_airacceterate is pretty unpopular. Maybe if we were to sell it a little?

Server Discussion / Re: Tart's DD Pubnoob now "allows strafejumping"
« on: August 10, 2009, 10:01:48 AM »
Goodbye online spinjumping :(
LOL Viciouz I seem to remember you were one of the first to complain.

Server Discussion / Tart's DD Pubnoob now "allows strafejumping"
« on: August 10, 2009, 09:00:39 AM »
Ok, I've given iin. Tart's Double D now has sv_airaccelerate 0 so you can strafejump.

Public server based in the UK,

Server Discussion / Re: Tart's Dirty Den PubNoob gets hosted on a VPS
« on: August 02, 2009, 08:25:14 AM »
my ping will be an outstanding 22 then :o

Blimey  :o

Server Discussion / Tart's Dirty Den PubNoob gets hosted on a VPS
« on: August 02, 2009, 06:14:32 AM »
Due to increasing popularity I've relocated the server onto a VPS. Not many players on there yet but the pings look excellent (the lowest so far is 29). Come and give it a try, especially if you're in UK/europe.

Server Discussion / Re: Would this be a good server ?
« on: August 02, 2009, 05:58:07 AM »
i get a deal. 384MBx2 = 784MB
so shht.
Come and have a look at my new server its a VPS from the lowest ping I've seen is 29. Memory and CPU resource are virtually irrelevant for a dedicated Linux server. My first Quake2 server was a Pentium 166 with 128k and it did the job with plenty to spare at an 8 player LAN party.

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