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Messages - Fitz

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That's why for newbie's to become decent, they'd have to be shown and taught enjoyable maps for matching, unlike Airtime1, and how to play proper in a match, not just disconnect or go obs when convenient for them. And for those who will complain about me saying A1 is a bad map, get over it. There is no full spectrum of play on that map, all players have to do is get lucky spraying over mid, no jumping, speed, or scenarios are learned on that map. (even though bad players are still going to come on here and try to defend Air1, why do I bother)

So, it's because of the 'cheap' players that make up the clan scene today who are causing the downfall of it. All they appeal to newbies is that "cheap tactics to win" is what the clan scene is about, and not "fully enjoyable matches on fun maps," so they don't even bother getting involved in clans.
Not to necessarily defend a1 as a good match map (I personally hate playing it), it is a decent map to start out on for a new clan. It was one of the few maps uR started on due to its simplicity. It also taught us how to set up on people and provided good opportunities for us to practice our teamwork (3v1s, when to advance, when to camp, etc).  Jumping was nonexistant, but eh, that's what jump maps are for I guess. The way it's played now is extremely boring, though, with the whole spray and pray mentality (guilty as charged).

I only say this because community deemed "good" maps are often overwhelming for new players. I remember playing pforest for the first time and I didn't know where to look first. DT's maps are truly amazing, but they're simply too fast paced for those who are starting out.


Don't really understand what pulling demos would accomplish so I don't quite understand your pleas. I have many demo's of wins as well as losses while playing uR. The difference between our clans is that somehow you are unable to accept this and it angers you that we can and have beat you. Our clan has never dc'd to prevent a cap or rage quit a match. Your training clan has and your clan has often refused to even play our maps.

As far as us winning matches and your inability to accept it, look at my response to Atmays. Yes, I have members that talk trash, you have the ability to control this by typing ignore all. As far as you laughing at us being an ideal (or even with a stretch idyllic) clan to try to imitate, you are the only one who said that genius. It's also too bad spellcheck can't help your vocabulary.

BTW our clan is idealistic. We believe that this game is more than the same 10 maps over and over again, we have members mapping, we are setting up servers, we spend time improving our gaming experience.

I simply stated the facts and I will reiterate that having mouthy clanmembers is not the same as disconnecting and rage quitting. One is avoidable by ignoring players, the other is a blatant disrespect for the clan, the game, and the match.

Nice 180 Atmays. Almost as good as this one by Fitz.

From the Zpar11 thread in Mapping

Guy goes from bagging on my team to bagging on his own team in two consecutive posts. Too bad Fitz's loyalty to his clan doesn't match the fervor of Atmay's. As I said in the zpar thread I'd rather not burden the community with our differences, so please stop attacking my clan and I in the forums and I won't have to continue making you look foolish.

I apologize for the length of my post, but I am not as concise as my good friend Nub who would have simply replied;
Dear, dear Henry... Where should I start?

If s2k is an "ideal" clan (which is your perspective clearly), so be it. I simply stated that s2k is not "ideal" from our perspective due to the actions that you do. The reason why I seem to despise your clan is derived from the few times that I did match you. Do you remember those times?

Rick certainly does in his little skewed mindset here:
I remember playing Fitz and you and we went to tie (I KNOW, THAT MUST'VE BEEN THE FIRST HUH MAYS?) Fitz said straight up that you and him would not choose any of our tie suggestions and that we had to choose one of yours.
We did not say we were not going to choose any of your maps, we specified that we would not choose any of the maps that you suggested, which as I recall were something like soccer1, routez, and other maps that I'm sure the community would regard as terrible. Regardless, this was at 3:30am for some individuals (myself included) and we wanted to get it over with. We suggested something like 20 playable maps as I recall, and your clanmates just sat there for half an hour insisting we play a map that we supposedly "picked". We insisted you suggest more, but as I recall, the spam just continued.

Now WHO in their right mind wants to waste over an hour trying to pick a tie map at 3:30am? Furthermore, who wants to read in between hundreds of lines of text in a server to try to figure out a tie? How can I "ignore all" if you and your clanmates need to suggest more maps? Perhaps now you can see where our frustration stems from?

As for "bagging" my own clan, we belittle eachother constantly, whether it be on vent or on the forums. That's the relationship we have, and I'm dreadfully sorry if you didn't catch that.

If you have a problem with underrated, then let it be known. Such actions that uR.b did are not tolerated in our "main" clan, nor I do expect them to be tolerated in other clans. Actions that your clan does would also not be tolerated in our clan.

Thus, we have our differences. I'm sorry if your leadership abilities and clan policies are not to my liking. Actions that you deem acceptable are not considered aceptable by us, and that's what I've been trying to state. Obviously our opinion is of no concern to you, however. How you run your clan and the actions of your clan is not of my business, however, and I will not say anything of the matter from now on. I wish you luck with your clan Henrod, and I look forward to matching you in the near future.

As for uR.b, it is dead anyways. This thread should be dead. The members in uR.b have left to other clans and their actions are of no concern to us anymore.

Is uR an ideal clan? Seeing as nearly half of their former members have been banned for hacking or Multiple accounts, I don't think it is.
Did I say we strive to be an "ideal clan"? No. Do I care what you or any of the community thinks of my clan? I used to care, but seeing as there are few clans that show the same level of respect that we show them, why should we care? I was merely calling Henrod out; he should not criticize other clans before taking into account the actions of his own clan.

And the irony of your entire post, Rick, is just purely comical. He who is banned for 3 years calls my clan out for former hackers and multi-accounts? Oh please, your judgement is OH so valuable here. Perhaps you'd be better off looking here Rick :
Counting those days until you're allowed to come play this game again. You're oh so missed by the way.

FYI uR.b is basically the same clan as Milli was and continues with their douchebaggery. DC to prevent cap and such. We still win of course, but I don't think they should be matched if there is an alternative.
s2k wins matches? Since when? Oh, and I suppose s2k is the ideal clan too there Henrod... you with your inability to control your own clanmates and the sheer immaturity displayed by half of your members.

Really an idealistic clan which one should strive to imitate. Laugh.

Mapping / Re: ub_rooftop glitch
« on: April 18, 2009, 11:50:54 PM »
i don't get it what is it...?
I was about to say the same thing...

Bix, weren't you the one who tried so hard to get Navyseal banned? As I recall, it was you who brought the majority of the evidence to the committee and it seemed like you downright hated the guy.

Now you're clanmates? Aw, that's cute.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Clean slate
« on: April 07, 2009, 09:22:11 AM »
Atmays, seriously, what do you know about anything? You are a newbie and you start making lists of people saying "Don't know who yall are".

The game is not dying, not even near. Even if it was that would be more due to newbie clans picking airtime for 5v5s (read uR) than because of people getting banned.

This proves how little you match.
A. Atmays is no longer a newbie
B. He is one of the most active American players that is currently playing. Look online during peak hours... proves my point.
C. uR does not play airtime as our match map that often. If anything, other clans pick it for us (which is laughable).

I suppose this is where you flame me, "Who are YOU Fitz? You newbie! You know nothing about the clan scene!"
While it may be true that I know nothing of the previous clan scene, I know much about the current clan scene seeing as I am in one of the most active American clans that is currently running. Flaming me or anybody from my clan for their newbiness is outdated; there are few NA clans that put up a good fight against us as of right now. You forum trolls need to actually lay off the posting and go match for once.

In regards to Homing's approach, it is not a bad idea in itself so as to promote activity. The Clan Scene is dying, as Spook said, not necessairly DP itself. I'm speaking from an American perspective; we match the same clans every night and have been for the past year or so... not much has improved, and many more have gone inactive.

Giving everybody a clean slate would create some new activity but the ban times would have to be stiffened afterwards or there is no reason to do it. Ie. Remove all the bans, then make hacking a permanent ban. And clearly define the ban times and rules and whatnot... the members of the dp community shouldn't have to shuffle through pages and pages of forum posts to determine what the rules are/aren't only to find inconsistent ban rulings and times.

That is pathetic.
The fact that you continue to play this game after 9(?) years, [some may argue] is pathetic. Yet here you are...

I wouldn't claim that when you and most of your clan members have been around for maybe a year or 2
And what solid clans have existed this whole period? Besides a select few, there aren't that many solid clans that have existed for the entire time we've been around. Many have come and many more have gone.

It's funny how bad some (especially Fitz) got after the modded content bans came out and it was obvious Jitpsoe could detect them now.
Because I've clearly gotten worse... Funny guy. Oh and I suppose I have detection hacks for those anti-cheat detection programs that Jitspoe has as well because I knew exactly when to stop hacking. Came in a 4 way package with the wallhacks, speedies, and ratbots. Discounted price.

well i dont hax
That's.. uh... great?

Boolut was a cool guy, it's a shame he had to end playing dp permanently, would have been nice to just match with him occasionally. Oh well.

No, that's what he said to Atmays on vent. After his original ban, he was clean and continued to play legitly. It was taking up too much time, however, and he kept coming back. Needed an escape, and this is the result.

He did it purposely. Wanted to get banned permanently so he could quit the game and not be tempted to come back.

Server Discussion / Re: The End of an Era (Graffiti Taggez)
« on: March 29, 2009, 12:10:21 AM »
If a GT admin could PM either me or Atmays the server specs or package deal they were purchasing, it would be much appreciated.

Underrated might be able to pick up GT's servers where they left off; just need to figure out what package they had.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Modifying and Distributing Maps: Rick
« on: March 28, 2009, 11:56:04 PM »
We all agree he needs a ban. However, Rick came forward in order to take a ban and play legit. This backfired on Rick as he was not expecting a 1024 day ban. A 256 day ban is the max the committee could expect anyone to actually wait to play. Either they will evade, or leave the game. I am in no way saying this is what Rick plans to do, I am stating  what many would do with a hefty ban.

What I propose is a reduced ban of 128 with a community service. This community service could include making models for jits, finishing abandoned maps, etc, which Rick has the skill to do. Like a real crime and punishment scenario, there are ways to cut down prison time for cooperation. Use that model for his ban and I think this may be a reasonable compromise. The community is obviously on both sides of the ban. There are some who agree with the ban time and some voicing support for a lowered ban time. This is apparent in the 4 page thread in 2-3 days.

That is actually quite a good idea for the individuals who are able to do so; it kind of follows the "turning in your hacks" reward I guess. The only drawback is that many individuals (including myself) do not know how to use BSP or anything that could seriously contribute to the DP community. There would have to be some sort of comprehensive contract that individuals could look at to see how to reduce their ban time. Something for the mappers and something for the normal individuals.

I find the proposed suggestion of reduced time for community service very reasonable. Four months is a long time to wait and a lot of free time to contribute to the game in a positive way. I don't see how anyone can claim they want the game to thrive and still want a capable and willing member to leave the game forever, instead of taking a substantial punishment and making a substantial contribution to the game.
In regards to this, I suppose it's based on the individual at hand. There are certainly some individuals that the community does not need; whereas there are some individuals that the community benefits from.

However, a community of "hackers" may not necessarily be desired by some...

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Modifying and Distributing Maps: Rick
« on: March 28, 2009, 10:07:26 PM »
Not only is that off topic, I take that as a personal flame. A 2 day ban is warranted I believe in regards to consistency.

Fitz if this were the case, half your clan would be permabanned. Don't remember this input when your clanmates were being banned.
Half of my clan? The only former hacker in our clan that is currently in the clan is Homing, and he hardly plays. He was banned whilst he was IN the clan. As for the rest, I believe pro messed around with some as did Nahlij.  That is far from half of our clan.

They would not have hacked, however, if the ban penalty was permanent and I'm sure Rick wouldn't have either.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Modifying and Distributing Maps: Rick
« on: March 28, 2009, 08:26:35 PM »
Goodbye and good riddance.

As for consistency, why not be like punkbuster and ban them permanently? Would make the whole issue of voting on time irrelevant and actually create a fear for hackers.

Rick is only upset because his ban is as near permanent as it gets. Probably thought he would get some petty penalty like the others.

Now look who's laughing.

Help and Support / Re: SS in PM
« on: March 28, 2009, 04:27:16 PM »
If you click insert picture in a PM it will give you something like
Code: [Select]
[img width=640 height=480][/img]You need to upload your picture on an external site and then insert the direct link to the photo in between the 480] and [img

I prefer as it's usually the fastest. Go to (or imageshack, photobucket, etc.), browse for the pic you want uploaded, hit upload, then copy and paste the 2nd link given into your PM.

You don't need to click "insert picture", just copy and paste the code tinypic gives you and you should be good to go.  It should look like something like this:
Code: [Select]

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Not another DP MOVIE?!
« on: March 23, 2009, 10:53:59 PM »
OUCH, nice one. Ive been trying to do the dj to 2nd fg from bd many times, but I couldnt find a way how :). Nice job
Yeah, it took me quite some time to figure out how to do it... Didn't think it was possible at first.

Other Stuff / Re: Fav. Fast Food
« on: March 22, 2009, 09:29:30 PM »

Anything from there, although most of it is not fast food. But still.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: Not another DP MOVIE?!
« on: March 22, 2009, 07:37:23 PM »
You didn't find those, but you can take credit if you want.
I didn't say I was the first to do them. I found them by myself, I didn't watch anybody do them.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Not another DP MOVIE?!
« on: March 22, 2009, 07:26:19 PM »
Team Underrated presents a sequel to Beamspin:

(Watch it in HQ for the best viewing experience.)

In case you missed Beamspin, you can find it here:

I found those jumps myself; most of them are too ridiculous to do in matches but fun to do nonetheless.

More to come soon?  :o ;D

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