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Messages - Dukky

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Other Stuff / Re: Random Funny Stuff
« on: September 06, 2008, 07:57:25 AM »
Oh right, I can only see the 2 quotes

Other Stuff / Re: Random Funny Stuff
« on: September 06, 2008, 07:11:02 AM »
What? I can see the image. Its an arch of computer monitors...
Or am I talking about something completely different?

Other Stuff / Re: Photography...
« on: September 03, 2008, 11:39:11 AM »
Here are some pictures I took with my camera. They aren't great, since I'm quite new to photography, but positive and constructive feedback is welcome.

These are all unedited, and I used a Panasonic DMC Fz5

Thanks for any feedback I get!

I suppose being able to force tens of thousands of people to perform may help that, lol.

Watch London fail. Hopefully it'll be better than our logo

Saw it on BBC, live. It was amazing

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Clan Anthrax
« on: August 03, 2008, 10:11:55 AM »
It's dying because you're trying to get decent players in. You need to get some noobs and train them up, then they'll stay. You recruit some of the 'decent' players who hop around and they'll just leave, hopping to another clan

Other Stuff / Re: Age of Empires 2
« on: July 22, 2008, 12:04:41 AM »
Same here. 've only ever played with my brother (and fullmetal once), and we have three computers. Only one can host, the other two don't work, despite the fact they are all on the same wireless network

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: .Pi3^ the clan
« on: July 21, 2008, 12:04:32 AM »
Name copying ban coming up?

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Cheat Detected: dot
« on: July 17, 2008, 12:14:21 AM »
Lol, I don't know what you do, I'm just guessing that's what you would do, since you would be modifying your files. :D

If I do more than you about hacking, put me on the commitee, I obviously know more than you guys :P

On a serious note, I've never hacked and that was an educated guess on what you do with a hack, which we still don't know is true, since obviously none of you know anything about hacking ^^

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Cheat Detected: dot
« on: July 16, 2008, 10:39:29 AM »
What's the point of that? You obviously decided to download the hack, fully aware that you could get banned, you googled it, downloaded it, put it in the paintball folder, and then played. It is not the use of it; it is simply the fact you were aware of breaking the rules, then broke them. Just accept you're trying to defend yourself from a ban, as well as stating the facts. Yes you used it for 5 minutes, but that doesn't mean you deserve less of a ban or no ban at all

Help and Support / Re: Double Jump script help
« on: July 14, 2008, 09:50:48 AM »
I use a double jump script, I double jump a lot better than I did when I learnt how and could - I get it every time and can double jump off literally everything double-jumpable. I find that, for me, being able to double jump with a press of the button is better than having to smash your space bar key to try. Its not like it makes you less skilled - sure you can't double jump, but you can use the script and double jump better and more often.

It's done miracles for my jumping and playing in general, I can now double jump hard jumps backwards, sideways - any direction really. It allows you to focus on other stuff, like when people are on the map, without also having to worry about the double jump

I guess it's just personal preference, but if you want a way to double jump successfully more often, I would use it

Other Stuff / Re: Random Funny Stuff
« on: July 11, 2008, 09:47:31 AM »
I don't think this was even intended to be like this... they just didn't think it through properly

Other Stuff / Re: Who are YOU?!! (With pictures!)
« on: July 11, 2008, 12:15:11 AM »
wait I am? HOLY excrement!

wafflez is a doughnut / donut

When I played Chevy when he was in Toreadors, we played our map and won it comfortably. It was pretty much the same, with shouts of sure, wtf and hacks.

You've got to accept that you aren't the best in the game, and there are people who you may not think are better than you but are. In this case, two czechs who blank you.

Nope, which is why cases are decided over demos, with occasional mass scans for hackers, I believe

Server Discussion / Re: permanent Game mode?
« on: July 09, 2008, 12:02:04 PM »
That would be dm

Other Stuff / Re: Random Funny Stuff
« on: July 09, 2008, 11:59:42 AM »

I lol'd

Other Stuff / Re: Age of Empires 2
« on: June 29, 2008, 03:34:08 AM »
Learn to play it with your eyes closed then :D

Cheater Reports and Bans / Speedhacker: Suicide Monkey
« on: June 26, 2008, 01:06:25 PM »
Watch how I skillfully get him to turn on his speedhacks :D

OTB Pub 1, around 8.00pm GMT

Other Stuff / Re: Age of Empires 2
« on: June 26, 2008, 11:51:16 AM »
In AOE2 without expansion:


With expansion, these are added


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