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Messages - loppy96

Pages: [1]
Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Speedhacker: Black Ops
« on: January 23, 2011, 03:22:16 AM »
Didn't check back here (didn't think there'd be anything new) but I guess it's good that he was detected ^^ thanks jp

Help and Support / Re: Problems/Oddities/Questions Build 31
« on: January 07, 2011, 09:36:16 AM »
Hmm.. they just look really.. odd imo. I think the barrels and middle thing suit it ok, since they'd work quite well if you're looking for a sort of outdoor theme.. but the cubey (adjective of cube?) looking thing to the left and the red/blue banners look a bit off. I suppose I can replace any of the new textures with the old ones if I really get fed up with them. I might even look into making my own some day :)

Thanks for all the help.

Help and Support / Re: Problems/Oddities/Questions Build 31
« on: January 07, 2011, 08:59:39 AM »
I'm happy enough with the new light texture.. I think I'll find that it's a change for the better :)

But in the first screenshot in the second post.. is it seriously supposed to look like.. that?

Help and Support / Re: Computer crashes
« on: January 07, 2011, 08:05:14 AM »
Some specs of your computer might help out :)
Things like processor, ram, graphics card (if applicable) operating system etc

Help and Support / Re: Problems/Oddities/Questions Build 31
« on: January 07, 2011, 07:50:01 AM »
Thanks for the help so far, appreciate it.

In regards to the high texture settings, yes I tried enabling it but the screenshot in the first post is with the setting enabled.. but I'll double check just in case. Ed: yes that was with hi res.

I downloaded the zip you linked and I believe I followed the correct install instructions (could be wrong I guess) and I ended up with the screenshot below. I have this feeling that it's not supposed to look like that. Also, some textures have changed completely. The lights are different from any version of PB that I have installed  ??? It's almost as if I had a hybrid of the new texture pack and the stock texture pack..

Help and Support / Problems/Oddities/Questions Build 31
« on: January 06, 2011, 09:58:56 PM »
Ok.. bit of background information on my version of paintball etc:

-I started off with a standard build 23 install that a friend gave me
-I then patched to 26
-I then modified sound files, installed one of the then working and legit community mods (sniper mod - zooms in on target for slightly better 1 shot range shooting, but useless for normal combat) and read up on graphics and texture changes, but I can't remember if I changed anything :(
-I then patched to build 29
-I then made an account on dplogin
-I then patched to build 30
-I then made an account here
-I then encountered problems which people had resolved by reinstalling so I installed a fresh build 31

-First thing that happened was that wall textures looked really weird.. maybe I had changed my textures earlier, but I really can't remember
-I found that there were numerous textures that weren't in the fresh so I tried replacing things (after making a backup)
-I then found out that even though these were directly out of my old folder, I got a modded files warning, so I quit and came here :(

-I tried setting every single video option identical but that didn't really help

The screenshots show my build 30 vs build 31.

If anybody could help me figure out how to get my old looking stuff back (I think these ones look really really odd) that'd be much appreciated.

(Yes, I am quite bad at all this stuff..)

Ed: The sniper mod and crosshair I really don't care about because they're cool but useless. Adding a question: how much modding am I allowed to do? (i.e. it was completely happy with me before)

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Speedhacker: Black Ops
« on: December 16, 2010, 08:19:38 AM »
Thanks for the tip with the binding, should come in handy.

This guy was running really fast, more than double speed, so unless that could happen due to low fps, then I'd say it's hacks.

One interesting thing to note tho, is that I remember playing him a few day before this incident on the same server and everything seems normal... I guess I'll have to wait until I see him in game again.

Cheater Reports and Bans / Re: Speedhacker: Black Ops
« on: December 14, 2010, 07:53:24 PM »
At least other might be able to look out for him tho.

And not to sound nooby :P but how do I bind that?

Cheater Reports and Bans / Speedhacker: Black Ops
« on: December 14, 2010, 07:04:49 AM »
Sorry I don't have a demo :(

This was a few days ago now, his name was "Black Ops" but in black letters. He speedhacked (rather badly tho imo)

I tried to find him again to demo but no luck. It was on the 24/7 airtime server and there were other registered users on.

(sorry again about no demo)

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