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Messages - oymbmp

Pages: [1]
Resolved Help & Support / Re: paintball 2 not opening..
« on: July 20, 2012, 07:58:58 PM »
Same problem, except I have done everything(uninstalled, restarted comp, ended task and restart 1000000x) and it still is like that. PLEASE HELP D:

Help and Support / Not showing up
« on: July 20, 2012, 03:13:09 PM »
Same as the guy who posted the screeny below. Restarted comp, didn't work. Ended process, re-installed, everything. Still will only come up with the icon on the taskbar.

Any ideas? :/

EDIT: If it means anything, when I try to open it, I hear the sounds of it opening, and my mouse goes to the top left corner of my screen, which can't be moved unless I click. Hell, I can even cycle through options normally with arrow keys and enter, just can't see a darn thing.

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