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Messages - Mustahus

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Map Graveyard / Re: Partial map for anyone that wants it
« on: May 05, 2004, 08:59:16 AM »
Where is the water coming from and going to? How about a rock to replace the crate.
OSHA standards says any deck or structure over 16" needs hand rails :)

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: VERY IMPORTANT READ
« on: February 23, 2004, 09:16:32 AM »
I had name banning on my servers back years ago. q2admin lets you ban a name with a password. The client has to have the password set before he can play with the name.
I still have a list of people that were kicked by trying to use my name. The source is out on q2admin maybe a good read for you jit.

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: A sound taunt config
« on: August 11, 2003, 01:53:39 PM »
Now as you can clearly see the wavetoall alias runs the pwav1 that binds the 0,1,2
numberpad keys then runs the pwav2 that binds the 3,4,5 keys and so on. it also
binds the wavtoall2 key to the kp_enter that then binds the next group of 10 sounds to the numberpad. I think maybe I'll wait for you to email me before I start with the code itself

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: A sound taunt config
« on: August 11, 2003, 01:47:49 PM »
then I made alias to bind the alias to the numberpad keys

//This is step 2 of Alias binds to play sounds on every client
alias pwav1 "bind kp_ins pwav_0;bind kp_end pwav_1;bind kp_downarrow pwav_2;pwav2"
alias pwav2 "bind kp_pgdn pwav_3;bind kp_leftarrow pwav_4;bind kp_5 pwav_5;pwav3"
alias pwav3 "bind kp_rightarrow pwav_6;bind kp_home pwav_7;bind kp_uparrow pwav_8;bind kp_pgup pwav_9"

//This is step 2 of Alias binds to play sounds on every client
alias pwav4 "bind kp_ins pwav_10;bind kp_end pwav_11;bind kp_downarrow pwav_12;pwav5"
alias pwav5 "bind kp_pgdn pwav_13;bind kp_leftarrow pwav_14;bind kp_5 pwav_15;pwav6"
alias pwav6 "bind kp_rightarrow pwav_16;bind kp_home pwav_17;bind kp_uparrow pwav_18;bind kp_pgup pwav_19"

//This is step 2 of Alias binds to play sounds on every client
alias pwav7 "bind kp_ins pwav_20;bind kp_end pwav_21;bind kp_downarrow pwav_22;pwav8"
alias pwav8 "bind kp_pgdn pwav_23;bind kp_leftarrow pwav_24;bind kp_5 pwav_25;pwav9"
alias pwav9 "bind kp_rightarrow pwav_26;bind kp_home pwav_27;bind kp_uparrow pwav_28;bind kp_pgup pwav_29"

//This is step 2 of Alias binds to play sounds on every client
alias pwav10 "bind kp_ins pwav_30;bind kp_end pwav_31;bind kp_downarrow pwav_32;pwav11"
alias pwav11 "bind kp_pgdn pwav_33;bind kp_leftarrow pwav_34;bind kp_5 pwav_35;pwav12"
alias pwav12 "bind kp_rightarrow pwav_36;bind kp_home pwav_37;bind kp_uparrow pwav_38;bind kp_pgup pwav_39"

//This is step 2 of Alias binds to play sounds on every client
alias pwav13 "bind kp_ins pwav_40;bind kp_end pwav_41;bind kp_downarrow pwav_42;pwav14"
alias pwav14 "bind kp_pgdn pwav_43;bind kp_leftarrow pwav_44;bind kp_5 pwav_45;pwav15"
alias pwav15 "bind kp_rightarrow pwav_46;bind kp_home pwav_47;bind kp_uparrow pwav_48;bind kp_pgup pwav_49"
//This is step 2 of Alias binds to play sounds on every client

alias pwav16 "bind kp_ins pwav_50;bind kp_end pwav_51;bind kp_downarrow pwav_52;pwav17"
alias pwav17 "bind kp_pgdn pwav_53;bind kp_leftarrow pwav_54;bind kp_5 pwav_55;pwav18"
alias pwav18 "bind kp_rightarrow pwav_56;bind kp_home pwav_57;bind kp_uparrow pwav_58;bind kp_pgup pwav_59"

//This is the binds for the Main toggle Keypad Enter
alias stuffkick "stuff1;bind kp_enter stuffmute;echo Stuff Kick in Key Pad"
alias stuffmute "stuff6;bind kp_enter stuffblue;echo Stuff Mute in Key Pad"
alias stuffblue "stuff2;bind kp_enter stuffred;echo Stuff Join Blue in Key Pad"
alias stuffred "stuff3;bind kp_enter  stuffobv;echo Stuff Join Red in Key Pad "
alias stuffobv "stuff4;bind kp_enter  stuffskin;echo Stuff Join Observer in Key Pad"
alias stuffskin "stuff5;bind kp_enter madmin1;echo Stuff Change Skin in Key Pad"
alias madmin1 "stuffadmin;bind kp_enter stuffkick;echo Admin Menu;echo 0 = IP Ban Off . 1 = IP Ban On;madmin2"
alias madmin2 "echo 3 = Chat Ban Off . 4 = Chat Ban On"

alias wavtoall "pwav1;bind kp_enter wavtoall2;echo Play Sounds 0-9                 ;wavmor1"
alias wavmor1  "echo 0 = Blocked ... 1 = Close1 .... 2 = Close2 .. 3 = Whohoa      ;wavmor1a"
alias wavmor1a "echo 4 = Rock You .. 5 = Dead Meat . 6 = Laugh ... 7 = Kill Me Now ;wavmor1b"
alias wavmor1b "echo 8 = Bye........ 9 = Yo"

alias wavtoall2 "pwav4;bind kp_enter wavtoall3;echo Play Sounds 10-19                        ;wavmor2"
alias wavmor2  "echo 10 = No ........ 11 = Yes ......... 12 = Attack1 ...... 13 = Attacking1   ;wavmor2a"
alias wavmor2a "echo 14 = Defending . 15 = Needammo .... 16 = Need DeFence . 17 = Needes1      ;wavmor2b"
alias wavmor2b "echo 18 = Need Help . 19 = Need Offense"

alias wavtoall3 "pwav7;bind kp_enter wavtoall4;echo Play Sounds 20-29            ;wavmor3"
alias wavmor3  "echo 20 = inbound1 . 21 = Overrun .... 22 = Flip .. 23 = Point   ;wavmor3a"
alias wavmor3a "echo 24 = Salute ... 25 = Taunt ...... 26 = Wave .. 27 = Play1   ;wavmor3b"
alias wavmor3b "echo 28 = Play3 .... 29 = Play4"

alias wavtoall4 "pwav10;bind kp_enter wavtoall5;echo Play Sounds 30-39;wavmor4"
alias wavmor4  "echo 30 = Moves ..... 31 = Minime ....... 32 = Best ..... 33 = Sitonmy  ;wavmor4a"
alias wavmor4a "echo 34 = Trust ..... 35 = Stop Meeting . 36 = Usercnt1 . 37 = Usercnt2 ;wavmor4b"
alias wavmor4b "echo 38 = ComeAgain . 39 = Welcome"

alias wavtoall5 "pwav13;bind kp_enter wavtoall6;echo Play Sounds 40-49            ;wavmor5"
alias wavmor5  "echo 40 = Breeze ... 41 = Farts .... 42 = Beans . 43 = Voice      ;wavmor5a"
alias wavmor5a "echo 44 = 10six9er . 45 = Backmeup . 46 = Dress . 47 = Peekaboo   ;wavmor5b"
alias wavmor5b "echo 48 = intercourseface . 49 = intercourseface2"

alias wavtoall6 "pwav16;bind kp_enter wavtoall;echo Play Sounds 50-59                  ;wavmor6"
alias wavmor6  "echo 50 = intercourseyou ... 51 = Geteverytime . 52 = Hamster . 53 = Hulasong ;wavmor6a"
alias wavmor6a "echo 54 = Looksblue . 55 = n/a .......... 56 = n/a ..... 57 = n/a      ;wavmor6b"
alias wavmor6b "echo 57 = n/a ....... 58 = n/a .......... 59 = n/a"
bind kp_enter "wavtoall"

alias addminmenu "stuffkick;bind kp_del sndmenu;echo Admin Menu System"
alias sndmenu "wavtoall;bind kp_del addminmenu;echo Sound Menu System"
bind kp_del "addminmenu"

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: A sound taunt config
« on: August 11, 2003, 01:46:24 PM »
darn the post is to long so I split it up.

I made alias to the sounds like:

alias pwav_0 "say !a mustang/blocked1.wav;echo      0. Blocked"
alias pwav_1 "say !a mustang/close1.wav;echo        1. Close1"
alias pwav_2 "say !a mustang/close2.wav;echo        2. Close2"
alias pwav_3 "say !a vyvyan/whohoa.wav;echo         3. Whohoa"
alias pwav_4 "say !a start/start3.wav;echo          4. Rock You"
alias pwav_5 "say !a ffire/ffire6.wav;echo          5. Dead Meat"
alias pwav_6 "say !a insane/insane5.wav;echo        6. Insane Laugh"
alias pwav_7 "say !a insane/insane6.wav;echo        7. Kill Me Now"
alias pwav_8 "say !a mustang/bye.wav;say bye;echo   8. Bye"
alias pwav_9 "say !a mustang/yo.wav;say Yo;echo     9. Play Yo"
alias pwav_10 "say !a mustang/no1.wav;say No;echo   10. No"
alias pwav_11 "say !a mustang/yes1.wav;say Yes;echo 11. Yes"
alias pwav_12 "say !t mustang/attack1.wav;echo      12. Say Team Attack"
alias pwav_13 "say !t mustang/attacking1.wav;echo   13. Say Team Attacking"
alias pwav_14 "say !t mustang/defending1.wav;echo   14. Say Team Defending"
alias pwav_15 "say !t mustang/needammo1.wav;echo    15. Say Team Needammo"
alias pwav_16 "say !t mustang/needdefense1.wav;echo 16. Say Team Needdefense"
alias pwav_17 "say !t mustang/needesc1.wav;echo     17. Say Team Needesc"
alias pwav_18 "say !t mustang/needhelp1.wav;echo    18. Say Team Needhelp"
alias pwav_19 "say !t mustang/needoffense1.wav;echo 19. Say Team Needoffense"
alias pwav_20 "say !t mustang/inbound1.wav;echo     20. Say Team Inbound"
alias pwav_21 "say !t mustang/overrun1.wav;echo     21. Say Team Overrun"
alias pwav_22 "say !a mustang/flip1.wav;echo        22. Flip"
alias pwav_23 "say !a mustang/point1.wav;echo       23. Point"
alias pwav_24 "say !a mustang/salute1.wav;echo      24. Salute"
alias pwav_25 "say !a mustang/taunt1.wav;echo       25. Taunt"
alias pwav_26 "say !a mustang/wave1.wav;echo        26. Wave"
alias pwav_27 "say !a mustang/play1.wav;echo        27. Play1"
alias pwav_28 "say !a mustang/play3.wav;echo        28. Play3"
alias pwav_29 "say !a mustang/play4.wav;echo        29. Play4"
alias pwav_30 "say !a mustang/jrobertsmove.wav;echo 30. Jrobertsmove"
alias pwav_31 "say !a mustang/minime.wav;echo       31. Minime"
alias pwav_32 "say !a mustang/best.wav;echo         32. Best"
alias pwav_33 "say !a mustang/sitonmy.wav;echo      33. Sitonmy"
alias pwav_34 "say !a mustang/sstone-trust.wav;echo 34. Sstone-trust"
alias pwav_35 "say !a mustang/stopmeet.wav;echo     35. Stopmeet"
alias pwav_36 "say !a mustang/usercnt1.wav;echo     36. Usercnt1"
alias pwav_37 "say !a mustang/usercnt2.wav;echo     37. Usercnt2"
alias pwav_38 "say !a mustang/comeagain.wav;echo    38. Comeagain"
alias pwav_39 "say !a mustang/welcomef.wav;echo     39. Welcomef"
alias pwav_40 "say !a world/breeze.wav;echo         40. Breeze"
alias pwav_41 "say !a world/fire.wav;echo           41. Farts"
alias pwav_42 "say !a world/july.wav;echo           42. Play Beans"
alias pwav_43 "say !a world/voice10.wav;echo        43. Quake2 Voice"
alias pwav_44 "say !a vyvyan/10six9er.wav;echo      44. 10six9er"
alias pwav_45 "say !a vyvyan/backmeup.wav;echo      45. Backmeup"
alias pwav_46 "say !a vyvyan/dress.wav;echo         46. Dress"
alias pwav_47 "say !a vyvyan/peekaboo.wav;echo      47. Peekaboo"
alias pwav_48 "say !a vyvyan/intercourseface.wav;echo      48. intercourseface"
alias pwav_49 "say !a vyvyan/intercourseface2.wav;echo     49. intercourseface2"
alias pwav_50 "say !a vyvyan/intercourseyou.wav;echo       50. intercourseyou"
alias pwav_51 "say !a vyvyan/geteverytime.wav;echo  51. Geteverytime"
alias pwav_52 "say !a vyvyan/hamster.wav;echo       52. Hamster"
alias pwav_53 "say !a vyvyan/hulasong.wav;echo      53. Hulasong"
alias pwav_54 "say !a vyvyan/looksblue.wav;echo     54. Looksblue"
alias pwav_55 "say !a mustang/yo.wav;echo           55. Play Yo"
alias pwav_56 "say !a mustang/yo.wav;echo           56. Play Yo"
alias pwav_57 "say !a mustang/yo.wav;echo           57. Play Yo"
alias pwav_58 "say !a mustang/yo.wav;echo           58. Play Yo"
alias pwav_59 "say !a mustang/yo.wav;echo           59. Play Yo"

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: A sound taunt config
« on: August 11, 2003, 01:39:33 PM »
Here goes some info:

Quake2 allows you to run your own server code if you put it in a sub dir under quake2 named "release". This also works under the standalone version, jitspoe hasn't removed the code so this still works. I had the source code to q2admin. that adds the commands:

play_all (wavefile)
play_team (wavefile)
play_person [LIKE/RE/CL] (playername) (wavefile)
say_person [LIKE/RE/CL] (playername) (message)
say_group [LIKE/RE/CL] (playername) (message)

it also adds messagemode versions

play_all format: !a wavfile
play_team format: !t wavfile
play_person format: !w [LIKE/RE/CL] name wavfile
say_person format: !p [LIKE/RE/CL] (playername) (message>
say_group format: !g [LIKE/RE/CL] (playername) (message)

[LIKE] The playername must be somewhere in the actual players name.
[RE] Regular Expression match of a players name.
[CL] The (playername) must be a client number. This can only really be used
by admin's that can run the rcon status command to find out the client
number. The CL option is mainly for the !say_ server console commands.
Multiple clients can be selected by using the '+' between the
client numbers. e.g. CL 0+2+14+3
Note there are NO spaces between the numbers and '+'s.

Detailed examples of added commands to binds:

bind o "play_all insane/insane6.wav"
bind o "play_team insane/insane6.wav"
bind o "play_person like Mustahus insane/insane6.wav"
bind o "say !a insane/insane6.wav"
bind o "say !t insane/insane6.wav"
bind o "say_group re "fred\\|john\\|ted" yo yo, what's up guys?"
bind o "say_group cl 0+2+14 yo yo, what's up guys?"

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: A sound taunt config
« on: August 11, 2003, 12:26:34 PM »
I think my 5 year old daughter plays on on one of them, and the other is in the closet, I lost that T1 connection back on August 14 2001, took you 2 years to notice

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: A sound taunt config
« on: August 11, 2003, 09:52:53 AM »
EMAIL me and I can help with the server code

Paintball 2 Discussion / Re: A sound taunt config
« on: July 26, 2003, 08:14:48 PM »
a server command needs to be added to play the sound to all clients. I have this on my work server and all my old servers ran such a command. If you want to run your own server I can show you how to add your own code to a server. Some old info still can be found on my server pages. under Quake2 Servers then Sounds

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