« on: June 20, 2006, 11:53:32 AM »
Stop the spawn killing! Or, at least reduce it!
There are two ways that come to mind to stop this:
(a) Create a state of transperency that lasts 4 or so seconds during which you are unkillable right after you spawn. (you cannot fire eaither, but you can get to safety)
(b) Create a 7 or so second state which happens after you spawn during which you are worth no kill points, aka an "Honorless Targer" state. The exception to the seven seconds is when the target exits the base, say he spawns, gets gear, and exits base, then he becomes a true enemy, and is thus worth points.
Why? Because purpousfull spawn killing detracs from the game and makes it less fun and less playable. Spawn killing is not a strategy, but a way to get a cheap kill once in a while, and is not deservent of any honor 95% of the time.
When is it acceptable? The only time when spawn killing is acceptable as a strategy is when you have the flag, and you are running away from base to cap it, and some1 spawns behind you, thus you need to kill them. Thus, if he had a chance to hide from you and wait out his time untill you disappear, but he chose to us the 4 seconds he had to run after you, it was his choice, and is not cheap spawnkilling.
So, there, those are my suggestions to make the game more fun!