Also the aim is not to reach the popularity of warsow or similar games, the aim is to maximise our own potential. The fact is that being on a small network like GGC does little to help us move towards achieving our aim. A larger network, like i have proven on a smaller scale with #qehs on Quakenet, will help us move towatds our goal.
Going to cut to the chase here with: "The fact is that being on a small network like GGC does little to help us move towards achieving our aim."
To be honest, we have been planning a Digital Paint Tourney on GGC and going to advertise it on many various Quake related websites/fansites in the coming weeks + prizes. It takes time to grow, you can never reach a goal in one week or even in a months time.
While i cannot say that you should stay on our IRC network... we do support much more than what QuakeNet or GameSurge even has to offer service wise. QuakeNet may have a much larger user base and such, but their channel services (L/Q) are bare bone. Their just about the same as EnterTheGame's ChanServ to just put into perspective. GameSurge is a decent network, however doesn't have any scrim commands via ChanServ, all manually typed into a large spam channel. Most channels over there of what i idle are just users amsg'ing for a war or scrim.
However, it is your guys choice on where the community goes.