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Messages - eateR

Pages: [1]
Server Discussion / GT Pub - Admin Abuse
« on: September 14, 2006, 11:43:01 AM »
What is with the ops on the GT server lately? 

I see people saying "shut up or ill kick you", and other stupid crap.  Who the hell are these new ops?  If they're not new, what is suddenly lodged in their ass and why are they using anonymous nicknames?

I connected this morning, first thing I see is an op demanding someone switch teams, "OR BE KICKED". 

KNOWING he's obviously a very pushy and abusive op, and after seeing him sit there and line repeatedly Shaz33, I tossed out a "keep lining" comment.  Short, sweet, I knew it would be like a T-Bone in front of a lion.  He said "I will, if it fits my mood".  I said "you must be in a puzzy mood".  Sure, probably marginally out of line, but its the truth.

I must be related to Miss Cleo because she couldn't of predicted the future any better.  I knew immediately his first come back would be "shut up or get kicked" (not in those exact words, I believe his exact words were "if you like it here you wont say another peep". 

At that point, I'd been there for maybe 5 minutes, and frankly quite ticked off that an admin suddenly cannot take the general verbal jousting that is always involved in this game.  I was pissed.  Who do you think you are?  The internet n.a.z.i.?  I got pretty ticked off at this point, how are you going to sit there and tell me not to say a peep?  Again, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?

I said something along the lines of "I will say another peep, and I'm betting you'll ban me over it as it must make you feel all gooey inside".

Sure enough, banned.  Sure I stroked the fire, and I completely accept responsibility for that.  But, the only reason I stroked it, was because it should not have been an issue to begin with, and frankly I'm tired of seeing admins act like they're gods and think they can control how people talk and act in the game.

Even worse, Sharon is in the game, I know she must see whats going on, and doesn't even remove my ban.  Thinking she'd understand this was going too far I promptly changed to my normal nickname before I was banned, asking her, are you going to allow this?  Yet I'm still banned.. and I thought we were pals?  So much for that thought.

I'm 25 years old, and play DP in my spare-time, and if talking smack in an innocent manner is suddenly against the rules of DP, its time to remove this game from my computer.

People play to come and have fun, maybe act a little immature, maybe argue with people at times--it happens--ITS A GAME.

I would just like to say publicly, that THEWiLD, whoever you are, you're pretty pathetic.  And frankly, you need to grow the fu ck up and come to grips with your INSANNNNEEEE powers.

Seriously, you're a joke.

Bugs, Feature Requests, and Feedback / "Remote" Map Change Capability
« on: September 01, 2006, 08:22:45 AM »
I seem to keep running into this stupid issue where the servers map is different from my own, even though I know the map hasn't changed in eons.  Not sure why, but it happens quite frequently.  You're either forced to download (from GT) or simply are refused connection (from ch1ll). 

What about some sort of "remote" command, like connect;login blah;newmap blah.bsp

Except that it recognizes the newmap and instead of proceeding to verifying the current map, it simply switches to the map designated.

Just a thought.

Clans, Matches, and Tournaments / Re: Yet Another Clan Searching Thread.
« on: August 29, 2006, 04:43:28 PM »
tR isn't dead by any means.  Just because tom's gone means absolutely squat.  We do much better without him.

Love how he's running around running his mouth when our clan has barely changed since he's left.

I guess when you got too much time on your hands, and no clan to be in, you have little else to do besides mulling around IRC spreading lies.  Pretty sad, really.  Must be pretty hard to accept that his last friends are no longer friends at all.

Tough luck.

Server Discussion / Re: GT Match Server Configuration
« on: August 28, 2006, 11:41:57 PM »
Big fat thanks to both Loial and Sharron!!

Server Discussion / Re: GT Match Server Configuration
« on: August 28, 2006, 10:21:54 PM »
Jitspoe, can you please move all of these bullish posts to their own thread?  Unbelievable how a valid topic morphs into something so pointless.

On another note, all GT Match servers do not require spec invites either.

Again, I absolutely love GT servers because I'm in cali and compared to ch1ll servers my ping is phoenominally better to them.  I cannot say I can continue to use them if these settings are not fixed, and hopefully quickly.  And as far as I know, we're pretty much the only clan who chooses to use them as their main match servers.

Loial, please do what you can bro, and with godspeed!

Thanks in advance.

Server Discussion / Re: GT Match Server Configuration
« on: August 26, 2006, 11:54:14 PM »
How did you know? Open your mouth.

Server Discussion / Re: GT Match Server Configuration
« on: August 26, 2006, 11:32:19 PM »
Good fkn god, never seen so many worthless posts in all my life.  Some of you seriously have WAY too much time on your hands (Eiii).  For future reference if you don't have any valid information to add to my post, just refrain from posting at all.  Seriously, just wow.

Loial, thanks a lot.  I'll try and talk to her if I ever see her... don't hardly ever see her around anymore.

Server Discussion / GT Match Server Configuration
« on: August 26, 2006, 04:17:02 PM »
I absolutely love the GT Match (and pub) servers, however there are 2 major configuration problems that need to be addressed ASAP, which heavily effect match play.  Both are similar, if not the same thing: 

#1.  Temp Ban for flooding - Almost every match at least one person from our team is banned for mm2 "flooding" of recon.  I can understand having mm1 flood protection, but mm2 is just ridiculous.  This should be removed entirely.

#2.  Temp Ignore for flooding - Almost the same exact thing, except you're not kicked and temp banned, but rather put on "silence mode" for 10 seconds.  Often we play 3v3 and first one down is frequently muted due to "flooding".  This again should be removed entirely for mm1.

If either of these "features" cannot be disabled strictly for mm2, I think you should remove it entirely.  Ch1ll servers don't have any problems wtih flooding and frankly I think it's quite uneccessary.

PLEEEASE GT fix this ASAP!!!!!!  We love your servers but will be forced to stop using them if these errors in configuration are not corrected soon. :(

Thanks in advance!!

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