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Messages - SeanRamey

Pages: [1]
He was most likely talking about maps where you have to doublejump to reach the flag.

Probably disable rampjumps, drastically lower the turning rate on ice and make people trip from high falls.
I'm interested in seeing what it would be like to have realistic air friction... Would fit well with those ice maps.
Well... Actually I wadn't talking bout the double jump ones (YOU CAN DOUBLEJUMP?!?!?!) but I see how now, it was just that the other team had our flag.
And I kinda just want it so everybody isn't bunnyhopping and flying all over the place! Slow em down a bit and you now have to think about rushing right through to the enemy base! Makes you create a more organized plan and work with your team (There would be much more use of the TEAM chat)

Actually, the ones that are mods for HL and HL2 are free -- except that the HL/HL2 games themselves do cost.
That's what I'm talkin bout.
Oh, this game can certainly do that. :)
Well, it doesn't get my heart racin' at all... at least not after playing Project Reality. This got very boring to me after about 10min of playing. And it's not like I rage quit either! I actually got quite a few kills and made top on list, but I couldn't figure out how to pickup flag.

I screwed this post up so I am going to double post. srry

well, I was wanting a realistic OPTION for me and my friends that like realistic games that we can play. Also all those games that are realistic paintabll games cost MONEY! this one doesn't and I'm happy with the way it plays and I respect other people's opinions of how they want it but I did say OPTION because that way it allows for more people to like the way it's played. So, it's impossible for this feature to be a negative thing! It can only affect the game positively! So, why not add it?
I think the reason why I (and many other people) like realistic games is because they really can get your heart pumpin'.

Also, how do you know that realistic isn't what more people want? When I play this game, there isn't more than about 20 people on at one time. Now I know that this can be because the game isn't all that well known but still, at least give realism a try. Who knows, maybe some will find that they actually like realism more.

Can you please make an option in the server options for a realistic movement speed and a realistic jump? I believe that the game will be a ton more fun for people like me who like realistic games rather than crazy defy physics, jump 20 ft. in the air type of games. But I did say make it an option so that other people that like it the way it is now can still have fun!
I hope all that made sense.

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